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Everything posted by Virginia

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHxDX5L4Az4&feature=fvwrel
  2. I'm sorry about your cat too. We lost one to diabetes about 9 years ago; it came on very quickly and unfortunately he didn't respond to insulin. It's so difficult to go through the loss of a pet; even when having them put down is the most humane decision it's so hard. And Ledzepfvr, I feel terrible for you for what your poor cat went through. I hope the dogs are found; animals that attack and are a danger should be put down.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHFbhhi_XVc
  4. More funny Cake Wrecks (as always, be sure to read the comments too!)
  5. Just back from my first run in a couple of weeks.
  6. Got my first sunburn of the season yesterday, and arranged to take a day off next Monday. I have no idea how I plan to spend it, other than sleeping as late as possible!!
  7. Just saw this radio interview w/Jim on the Doors' FB page:
  8. Hi! It's great to hear from you :)

  9. Happy Birthday Louh!

  10. As we near the end of a very busy week filled with strep throat, extra trips to the dance studio, games, school play, a field trip and overtime at work, I am ever so thrilled to report that my daughter received her third of 3 college acceptance notices last night!!
  11. Happy Birthday!

  12. I like them a lot. Never had a chance to see them live before, but if they are touring this year I will see if they are coming nearby. (Supertramp is my "nails on a chalkboard" band) Durham, NC is the closest and that's still pretty far.
  13. Although this goes on a tad long, I thought it was hilarious! Now off to visit the "what song is stuck in your head" thread...
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUZ7uEw2XUA&feature=fvst
  15. My son scored a goal in his first high school lacrosse game today
  16. That's great! I had mine checked today too; I kept losing the internet connection. I'm also very happy that it is Friday!
  17. ^^^ That makes me think of a movie I saw back in the 80s called "The Big Blue". It was cinematographically (?) spectacular, but the plot was sort of vague and ridiculous. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0095250/plotsummary I keep seeing trailers on tv for this Red Riding Hood movie; I can't take this seriously. I'd be curious to hear if that's any good!
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cuFoMgP4IPo&feature=fvwrel
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