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Everything posted by Melanie_72

  1. Welcome to the board Jeff and nothing is wrong with you. There is no cure for being a Zep head. Just proves the best music will never go away!!!!
  2. You guys are hilarious! Come to think of it, I never realized how sexy the Quaker Oats man really is, haha!!
  3. When is all of this nonsense surrounding her EVER going to end? I mean, I don't know who to blame the most, her for keeping herself out in front of the paparrazzi 24/7 or the media covering her EVERY LITTLE move. It has all gotten completely out of hand! Britney, please get some help and fast!!
  4. The Kinks are so cool! Great songs and I have a little crush on Ray Davies.
  5. Excellent point about unknowns playing the roles. I would also love to see some sort of documentary though, with in depth interviews with all the guys throughout the years they were together, as well as concert footage of course.
  6. "Quaker Oats Guy" LOL!! Seriously though, I think it is going to take some people a while to get used to Jimmy with the silver hair. Personally, I love it!!
  7. Here are a few things about me: I talk to myself(strange I know, but a bad habit, LOL) I love junkfood!!!! I am 35 years old and single with no kids Not at work right now(obviously, LOL) I love Starbucks White Chocolate Caramel Mochas (yummy) Very punctual, don't like to be late at all Somewhat a "neatfreak", I can't stand having things not straightened up and in order I'm a chocaholic big time! Love Soap Operas Also love different types of music: R&B/Soul, Rock, Pop, Jazz, Country, Blues That is all I can think of right now but that is pretty much me in a nutshell!
  8. Melanie_72

    Jimmy's Hair

    Great thread and pics! He's just too adorable for words!!!!!!
  9. Not listening to anything at the moment, but lately I have had "Pink and Black" on the brain. I haven't heard that song in ages!
  10. I liked The Firm. Paul Rogers is one of my favorite singers too.
  11. Exactly. At first I thought it was strange not to have the song HOTH on the album title of the same name, but it is just right for me the way it is.
  12. Doctor My Eyes-Jackson Browne
  13. Melanie is my name and 72 is the year I was born.
  14. OK thanks, looks like they are having a good time, LOL.
  15. ^^LOL! Those pics are interesting and looks like Robert is surely enjoying it! When I was in the Google search looking at the Jimmy pics from Japan, I typed in Robert's name and looks like in one of those pics while he was at the game, he was yelling something to the dancers, wonder what it was? Something funny I am sure. BTW, I didn't care much for his 80's hair. I love the hair on him shoulder length the best, I think it fits him better. It really brings out his sexiness. But he does have a gorgeous smile, regardless.
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