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Everything posted by Melanie_72

  1. I saw the Crazy Little Thing called Love video with Robert and thought that was cool, but didn't see Innuendo.
  2. Yes, just go to the website www.rollingstone.com and click on back issues. See if that works.
  3. LOL, you are probably right!!
  4. Midnight Rider-The Allman Brothers
  5. Thanks so much, I was about to Google it!!
  6. Oops my bad. I thought the title of the song was called Time. I just remember it was a black and white video of Michael Stipe and it looked like he was jumping into the the crowd and the song was kinda slow and the video was in slow motion . Also in the lyrics he was singing "tick, tock". It was on their Automatic for the People CD and was played alot on MTV back in 1992. Does this sound familiar?
  7. I think Hot Dog is pretty cool!! I like the country sound to it. Can't really think of any that I don't like right at the moment, but of course as always, there are some I like better than others.
  8. Agreed and that is why I love Jimmy so much is that he does keep his personal life private and I think that is the coolest thing!
  9. WOW!!!!!!! I don't think there has ever been or ever will be a sexier lead singer AND guitar player in the same band, like Page and Plant!! They are the ultimate rock & roll sex gods in my opinion. :wub: :wub:
  10. Cool plane and great pics, thanks for sharing! I would have loved to have been on that plane.
  11. Both Audrey and Maureen are beautiful women. Robert sure had (still has) the way of charming the ladies!!
  12. I miss having VH1 Classic! I don't think Zep are metal either, they are in a class all by themselves!!
  13. This year, I plan to add more of their solo projects to my CD collection. I have Raising Sand, which I really love. Honestly, I have heard more of Robert's solo work than Jimmy or Jonesy's but I plan on checking them all out.
  14. I like Fortune Teller. You know for some reason I thought you were talking about Trampled Rose and got the song names mixed up! Whew, it has been a long week! I think Trampled Rose is kinda strange. I will have to go back and listen to it again. Some songs take a while to grow on me while others I like instantly.
  15. LOL! Yes, I did pretty much list the whole album. Those were the songs I listened to more than once. I will be playing it more this weekend.
  16. I have to admit, I really enjoy this show and like someone said earlier, it does give those a chance who are genuinely talented that may not get discovered otherwise, such as Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood and Chris Daughtry a chance to shine and make it in the industry. It seems like alot of the others who were either previous winners or runners up though, haven't had that much success. Only time will tell to see who will still be around in 20 years. It amazes me though how so many of them in the auditions cannot sing a lick but have convinced themselves they sound wonderful!! I guess they want their chance to say they tried out on national TV.
  17. I have always liked REM but don't have any of their albums. All of the stuff I have heard came off of their videos being played on MTV back in the day. I really enjoyed their Unplugged performance that came out back in 1991. I really like Everybody Hurts, The One I Love, Time, Man on the Moon, Bang and Blame, It's the End of the World as We Know It and course Losing My Religion. I know they had many more songs, but these are the ones I heard the most. Great band overall.
  18. Raising Sand by Robert Plant & Alison Krauss In Through the Out Door by Zeppelin of course (still waiting on this to arrive in the mail)
  19. Being married to him wouldn't creep me out, I meant it would be all of the folks trying to be all up in my business that would creep me out wanting to know all this personal stuff. Ah, the life of being married to a rock legend, LOL!!
  20. I have been snowed in today and couldn't make it into work, and my copy of Raising Sand arrived in the mail last night, so I have listened to it twice already and it is excellent! My fave tunes are Rich Woman, Sister Rosetta Goes Before Us, Polly Come Home, Gone, Gone Gone, Through the Morning Through the Night, Please Read the Letter, Fortune Teller and Let Loss Be Your Lesson. I got the feeling, I will be wearing this CD out, LOL!!
  21. I just ordered it over the weekend and look forward to getting it soon. From the samples I have heard, it seems like you have to be in a certain mood to enjoy it, more like mellowing out as opposed to waking up to it.
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