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Everything posted by Melanie_72

  1. Sea of Love-The Honeydrippers
  2. Thanks and I agree the entire interview is very interesting indeed. Since her name came up in the interview, I couldn't help but ask.
  3. There are so many great riffs that Jimmy has done, but I really like The Ocean. During the DVD of TSRTS it was so cool when he would do the riffs and kept pointing back to Bonzo with the drumming, it was just awesome!!
  4. Today on a radio station in my area called 105.3 "The Bear" they played a block of Zep songs, Black Dog, Rock and Roll and Ramble On.
  5. I do remember hearing that he was dating Alannah Myles. I too don't see the relevance to the TSRTS. Is she Jessie's (Plant's 16 year old son) mom or was it just a rumor? I don't mean to get too personal and I know it is really none of my business but I was just wondering. She is a good singer too. Of course I remember her hit song "Black Velvet" that gets played alot, but she had another song out after that called "Song Instead of a Kiss". It is just beautiful. Haven't heard it in years though.
  6. I think I said this in another thread, but I am re-obssessed all over again! I got into them when I was 12 back during Live Aid and then on MTV they used to play TSRTS and Robert Plant's videos and Radioactive by the Firm and it was all very exciting to watch. Throughout the years, I got into lots of other artists and lost touch with Zep, although I always liked them, but there was no messageboards then. Last year on VH1 Classic I saw TSRTS again and all of it came back to me and I found this messageboard and now with all the renewed interested from the O2 concert and Robert touring with Alison Krauss and their great CD, I just can't get enough! It is just so refreshing to share my love for these guys with all my fellow Zeppelin fans!!
  7. Thanks for sharing the link, great pics.
  8. That is cool I am sure they were all very proud of watching their dad doing what he loves the most! About Richard Cole, I did hear the guys were not too pleased about the STH book but I guess he still wanted to see them perform again after all these years.
  9. Sunny, but very, very cold, only about 20 degrees outside, and tonight it will get down to the single digits, now I am ready for summer, haha.
  10. ^^^^ Yeah, that would be cool to see some pics. I heard that Scarlett (Jimmy's eldest daughter) was there as well as the family members you mentioned. I bet it was pretty emotional especially for the Bonham family watching Jason fill his dad's shoes. I wonder if Jimena (Jimmy's current wife) and their kids were there?
  11. I was in the 3rd grade and had no clue who Led Zeppelin were. Just in the years following I would find out about them in the Hit Parader, Creem, and Circus mags.
  12. Christina Aguilera can sing her ass off!! It is too bad that some people still can't stop lumping her with all those girls that just shake their booties and lip synch. Anyways, there is some good music out there, you just have to search a little harder for it. (Sorry to get off topic but I had to get that out!)
  13. Oh yes! I certainly remember seeing that and when I first saw it I was like, "Lenny has John Paul Jones playing bass and this is so awesome!" I agree Jonesy is a phenomenal musician.
  14. Man, that radio station is rocking big time LOL!! Yesterday, I heard What is and What Should Never Be and this morning on VH1 I saw the video Gone, Gone, Gone.
  15. That is pretty expensive for a magazine, but with Zep on it, I think it is worth it.
  16. I agree totally, Aquamarine. Something about the song I can listen to over and over and not get sick of it. It just pulls me in so, I can't describe it.
  17. Thanks for the link! It was ok I guess, nothing to get too excited about. I think a couple of rehearsals would have helped. I love those movements Robert does with his hands!! Wasn't loving that blouse he had on though.
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