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Everything posted by Evster2012

  1. I've heard bad things about the Power Brake. Blown heads and such. I used a THD Hot Plate with my Plexi without incident though.
  2. I've heard that when they're referring to him in the third person, but I'm not so sure when addressing him directly. I've heard Plant address Bonham as John, and yet refer to him as Bonzo. Though I have heard Plant call him Looney Two Slacks.
  3. I use a Marshall DSL 50-watt head with Celestion Vintage 30s. For Zeppelin my settings are: Classic Gain Channel; Crunch Mode Gain:7 Volume: 4 Presence: 6 Trebel: 9 Middle: 6 Bass: 4 No Mid Cut or Deep switches engaged.
  4. Not quite sure I understand you. The KT88s boosted output from 100 to 200 watts. That would give the amp more headroom and less breakup, thus some mods must have been done to the preamp to give it a bit more hair. Also not sure why you use the term Master Volume. The Super Lead had only six knobs: Presence, Bass, Mids, Treble, and a Loudness for High Treble and Normal input. There was no "Master" volume as there was no "Gain" setting. This amp did not derive its crunch from preamp tube saturation as in a "Master" volume amp. There was no "overdrive". Any crunch was derived from pure outrageous volume settings and genuine power tube breakup, and the fact that he upped it to KT88s would dictate outrageous volume levels. Now that could be offset by running less speakers, but then you'd be blowing them left and right. Now one could surmise that's why he had 4 4x12s on the stage, but he only mic'd the upper right speaker of his stacked cab.
  5. Get real. "Ooooooooh do tell!". Your sarcasm betrays you. Friendly and familiar are two completely different words. Are you really gonna pretend it's shocking that someone on Led Zeppelin's official forum knows someone from Led Zeppelin? You're hysterical! There's dozens.
  6. So familiar for a stranger aren't we "Bertha"? Gimme a break.
  7. Actually "Bertha", in regard to Page and Plant, someone in this very thread does in fact know these people. Nice edit btw. "Oops double post" my behind. Too slow.
  8. He's had my email for years, and I'm not gonna change it just because of him. He can send me all the emails he likes. They just bring his true nature into clearer view with every nasty word he spews. As they say, you can fool some of the people some of the time. But once you show the world your ass, there's no more fooling anyone.
  9. Oh I've got all the emails Kat. ALL of them. YEARS of them. The emails, the PMs, the Messenger exchanges. And that's nothing compared to what Angi's got archived. He'd do well to get on his bike and pedal away than start back up with me. I made peace a year ago, but if he wants trouble I'll hand him his nuts.
  10. ^^ Aqua, GTBT is certainly not where Robert put it all down. In fact it's pretty low on the Zeppelin thrill meter (which is still higher than about anything else, but I digress). I think the bass, drums, guitar solo and the production far outshadowed Robert's vocal performance on the track. It wasn't until Babe I'm Gonna and You Shook Me that we really did a double take on the singer. Dazed cemented it. Agreed? I just love GTBT because it was the "Allo" I got when I opened the Zeppelin door. Might have taken a "bit of conversation" till I invited him to stay, but I'll never forget that first hello. Of course, that is assuming we all got our Zeppelin albums chronologically and listened to them front to back from the very start.
  11. You'll be happy (or not) to know that Joel (yes Joel) sent me an extremely nasty email about my girlfriend the moment I responded to you mentioning her. Happy or unhappy to hear that? Yeah, the sorry shit had to use my personal email because PMing me would reveal the rock he's hiding under on the board. Are you hearing me Joel? I know you are, you lurking piece of dessicated vomit. I closed that door. You wanna open it back up? Seriously? Just walk away. Really. Just walk away. And no, this is not thread hijacking. This is what made me unhappy today. An email from Joel Barron insulting my choice in a girlfriend. I know her 25 year-old tits must disgust you. Can I interest you in something in a training bra you Viagra sucking, need her to steal her daddy's car cause you ain't got one, and have the nerve to nail her (briefly) in the back seat? Guess what oh experienced one: You came, you conquered, they got restraining orders.
  12. Sorry you forgot our 100s of exchanges. I don't mind. However, when someone is free to share their opinions "whether you like them or not", that leaves open the door for rebuttal. Free goes both ways. Baiscally it goes like this: I found the perfect girl right here on the board. Meanwhile I've watched you spend 3 years standing on the assed-out side of the velvet rope watching Playmates walk by and calling them bitches for not vibing you. I told you years ago (evidently you forgot my advice). If you'd have listened to me 3 years ago, you might be stroking a woman who loves you (and getting stroked back), rather than heating up your mouse talking about the "hottie" that got away. My point is this: You might score your Maxim girl, but once she gets a clue of how you think of women, she's a notch on your bedpost and nothing more. Gone.
  13. Yeah, I think that would be best. Though I did get dragged into your impossible expectations of women on the old board. I listened to you whine for three fucking years. It kinda left a stain, and I don't see any change in your respect (or lack thereof) for women. If there's a reason we haven't had words recently, it's probably because I took a year off from this forum. But "barely two words ever"? Too bad Sam wiped the old board. Or thank God. Personally I think everyone pretty much remembers.
  14. Walked home with your dick in your hand again? You must be a record "holder". Personally I think any woman considering dating you should have to read the old Spats thread and recoil in horror (I mean draw their own conclusions). Here's a goof. What do you have to offer? And why should any woman be expected to fulfill your expectations and not expect you to deliver in kind?
  15. As for explaining touch, it's like how you approach lovemaking. We all have essentially the same equipment, but the woman will tell you it's in the touch. *big sigh* Annnnnyway... Perhaps you should PM one of the mods and request the two threads be merged. It just takes a couple of clicks for them to do that, and it will clean up the thread redundancy. I would also suggest they keep the "Sounding like Zep" thread title so it opens up the topic to all areas of discussion instead of just Jimmy's amps.
  16. Hi Juliet! Yeah, I remember talking with his fiancee (at the time) when I was backstage a few years ago. She and Peter's wife Gigi were actually in charge of putting the costumes in the trap cases. I'll never forget their collective "ugh" when they got a whiff of Gene's boots! Yeah, Paul's girl's a sweetie. Watching her tape his wireless to his back when he was suiting up, you could tell she loves her man.
  17. I just want to say I've gone through this this thread and am pleased to see how many of these saved pics are from scans I posted on Electric Magic over the years. Proud to still be serving Pagettes everywhere! Cheers ladies!
  18. Positively radiant! So happy to hear the weather finally broke! I know you'd had enough of the rain months ago!
  19. Vocals I assume. I posted the line from GTBT because it's the first moment you hear him with Zeppelin. Which is to say it's one of my faves because of the event, not necessarily because I think it's his best performance, hence me not just posting Good Times Bad Times and leaving it at that. If that makes any sense!
  20. Jimmy used a non-master volume Marshall 1959SLP Super Lead head. It was modified by Tony Franks (who also did Hendrix's amps). The KT88 tubes would have given it even more headroom than the EL34s, resluting in an even cleaner sound than stock. Thus it's likely there were also preamp tweaks give it a bit more breakup. He used no distortion or overdrive pedals once he switched to the Marshall. He also possibly used the Maestro Echoplex to modify his tone a bit, in addition to using it for echo. The use of G12H 30 watt Celestions also would likely contribute a little more hair. But mostly, it's Page himself and a cranked Marshall. The biggest obstacle to us mortals getting that sound is the lack of a sports arena to turn it up in.
  21. In the days of my youth I was told what it means to be a man The reason it's so significant to me is that it's the phrase that opened the door for everything that followed. Everything changed at that moment. It was in essence a herald.
  22. Call them talents, or call them horrors Res! But you'll find them on YouTube. Just search Evster2012! Oh, and as for the doubleneck: What an unwieldy, heavy, neck breaking, merciless albatross! I still need chiropractic treatments! Sounded fucking great though!
  23. Hi Gina! Long time! Hope you're doin great sweetie! BTW, is i just m or does anyone ele wanna thro thir fucking wireless keboard ou th ucking indo? I'm so fucking tird of editing back in missing letters. Arrrrggh!!! Yea,it's like that. *punchs eyboard nfrustraton.*
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