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Everything posted by Evster2012

  1. Oh stop it! You're beautiful right down to the roots!
  2. Just stumbled across this on a friend's Facebook, never saw it before: The Song Remains The Same! I had a dream
  3. Now go with me on this.. Imagine The Firm doin this:
  4. None right now (thank God) and please don't give me any ideas!!!!
  5. Nice to see you Kat! Missed you! What made me happy today? ROAD TRIP across the Mojave! Nothing big to speak of, but so nice to get out of town (even if it was just to get into town to renew my driver's license)! Saw a badger by the side of the road! In the Mojave! My girlfriend's from Wisconsin (home of the Badgers). Imagine her surprise!
  6. Paul's was my favorite of the solo albums. My fave song was the last one on side one. At the time I was 14, I found it very Zeppelinesque, at least toward the end around 4:15, no doubt due to Carmine Appice's big drums. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlmwrkW-ILo Okay, now not so much!
  7. And a crime. Here's Tommy Thayer's new signature amp head. Note Ace Makeup graphic on the right above the control panel. I mean WTF???
  8. Watching the sunrise after yet another night of insomnia. *sigh*
  9. Forecast calls for mid 70s with thundershowers!
  10. Nice! Here's one of my boss and his then newborn boy in Neidermayer's backyard.
  11. Here's a pretty cool archive of vinyl cover art: http://www.zeppelinart.com/browse.asp?dir=vinyl
  12. It still puzzles me that people would think there'd be mentions of hellhounds in The Ocean! It's totally out of context. The song celebrates the audience Robert's singing to, in the "Houses of the Holy". The concert venues. You'd think the hellhounds would appear in In My Time of Dying or something. Or Nobody's Fault But Mine. But The Ocean??? If hell is actually in there, it means a helluva good damn time!
  13. The crux of it is elementary. Your mail has been accusatory. Mine has been defensive. Plain and simple. You smack me down, hugs and kisses are not to be expected in return. Now we've both been asked by the mods to stop this arguing on the open board. What say you we do so, and stop mucking up Steve's thread?
  14. Oh I know, that's why I said "supposed". I still don't know what it actually is though!
  15. I believe he was referring to the alligator!
  16. It certainly doesn't help that the vocal is double-tracked. Two vocal tacks can bluurrer consonantszes. Hell, if you're a comics fan, the supposed "Satan and man" in HOTH could sound like "Spiderman"!
  17. Obviously not! Any reasonable person would know I was being facetious, and implied no such expectation. Considering the hate mail I've been receiving from you in my inbox for the last few days, perhaps it would be better if we don't quote each others posts until you calm down.
  18. That's why it's fun! When I was your age, "Sqwee" even wasn't a word. But to heck with it! Make me feel young! Amazing artwork from my pal BUK: Feelin it ladies? Some Creem artwork (you just might!) Shit! I dunno where I left off in my Photobucket! I guess we'll pick up here.
  19. I will of course defer to Steve, as the question was directed to him. But expect Jimmy, John Paul and Jason to be hard at work on something new and exciting.
  20. I know! Imagine my surprize when I received it!! Very much appreciated mate! Cheers!
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