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Everything posted by PlanetPage

  1. ...I follow you, location...NOT seattle, as thought before...I am going to narrow it to MSG foremose and possibly L.A. Forum.. .later........ ..perhaps the named photographer can be matched with other photographs -various sources...
  2. ...that would be fascinating....I also wonder if she ever ran into Miss P and the Boys on Hollywood Blvd...since you were too young........ :D
  3. ...very very interesting Evester......... :D
  4. ...very interesting people here in this thread.... tks.. yes we are all fine now, I was speaking of initial settlement.......... As for my future family they are very well balanced in two cultures, they were quite fascinated by all the Artifacts, Tools of The Trade that are kept in my ancestor home/relatives from the early century...they can't believe that my elders use to make/bake their own bricks among other skills, and actually some of my family/relatives still worship their Tools, as they always have, even here in Canada....
  5. Thanks Moonmaid and Ladies...we could sure look at His Hotness all day...not a problem..... :D
  6. ...Lean Zep, I think you have made the perfect/right decision to finish your education in ONE system/country....I was 13 nor I belonged here nor there...You either begin education as a child/young here...or you finish your education complete College in your country...but NEVER the middle like me...that was a mistake my parents generation made at the time...and remained a difficulty in many levels of my life........
  7. ...Canada is a such a mix of different cultures...I love it here, truly proud to be Canadian foremost...beautiful place to raise children.... (and I have met lots of Serbians too...great people....
  8. My Mothers side - Indian My Father's side - Indian I immigrated to Canada though.....Days of Zep Sept. 9 '74 @ 13 My ancestors in the early 19th century were skilled construction/Wood Workers, My Maternal Grandfather was also a ranking officer during British Rule in India........ The above Apprenticeship has continued to my parents generation - but now practiced as a side qualification by younger generation.......
  9. ...that poem says it all, especially the part, faster and faster ...I'll say it again S-E-X-Y
  10. ....MoonMaid, as you know Jimmy was quite a trendsetter with designer Paul Reeves from his earlier days of Yardbirds...He can easily continue this career....... :D This is one of my favorite jacket/pants....He is ever so gorgeous :D
  11. ...Yes, I wish that gorgeous polka dot scarf was flying a bit...g He is stunning and classy.... :D
  12. ...I shall continue - The Polka Dot Scarf is ..... ;)
  13. ...from the point of view of new generation...I agree with you...
  14. Originally The International Zep meets Elvis x 2 Las Vegas '69
  15. PlanetPage

    A big project?

    ...on the trail of hope, I go......perhaps new experimentation on next "Possible" venture...The Townsend Invitation Cancer Trust...(I'll bet they will make new music or write up drama script together, .......No?). :D
  16. I love Romance...I love scenes from Dr. Zhivago The World of Suzi Wong http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KvUQqk3l0xw...feature=related ...and the Original Slumdog Millionaire Romantic Scene/Film is pictured here... :D Poor Slum boy grows up to be a gangster millionaire...The Scarface of Indian Cinema...Timeless classic scripted fro Slumdog Millionaire...Both beautiful films in their own ways......
  17. ...and I will give you some company....48 coming up...and one thing is certain, the young one's around here truly know the value of Zep...they know what it's all about and NOT about.... :D
  18. ...agreed, The curriculum for young generation in schools need to address this issue...
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