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Everything posted by PlanetPage

  1. ...another mystery solved...coming from the expert.... for everything Steve....
  2. ...that sounds too good...Please give us a review also... and BTW, if Stevie Nicks is no a tour break, you are in for the above collaboration w/Page..... :D
  3. ....So observant as always Aqua....
  4. Yes Stevie, Christine...fantastic idea ...The video is just fantastic...so beautiful...How I wish "HE" was there too...
  5. ...Welcome, there is always room for Pagettes. I love the Firm too. I don't mind Paul Rodgers, however, Freddie Mercury remains my fav. I wish for the millionth time that Beloved Mr. Page would collaborate again, how about another idea? with Robert and Carlos Santana and any Female Artist of their choice...
  6. "Well, I have a nickname for him: Cameron Crowbar." who could be...?
  7. ...Steve, I just posted the answer...I hope it was appropriate in terms of rules.... sorry, it is from Danny Goldberg's new book Bumping into Geniuses.. My life in the Rock and Roll Business...
  8. "We're sick and tired of seeing photos in the papers that don't include Bonzo and Jonesy. This is a four-person band and I don't want this happening any-more. It's not on." The Answer: Jimmy Page addressing the very nervous Danny Goldberg, one afternoon, Chicago 1973 Tour - To Danny Goldberg Here is the excerpt: One afternoon in Chicago on the 1973 Zeppelin tour a very stern Peter Grant summoned me to his suite, a fairly unusual and nerve-wracking occurrence. My stomach knotted up when I found all four members of the band seated on the couches in the living room, while the omnipresent Richard Cole stood menacingly. Peter raised his considerable bulk up from his armchair and handed me that day's Chicago Sun-Times with a review and a photo that showed Robert singing, Jimmy playing the guitar standing next to him. "The boys have something they want to talk to you about," he growled." not edited for spelling......
  9. I think this one is fairly simple...Who/Year? "We're sick and tired of seeing photos in the papers that don't include Bonzo and Jonesy. This is a four-person band and I don't want this happening any-more. It's not on."
  10. ....King for me..I use to have crush on him, one of my fav. rock star...Oh I remember every time they played I am in love with my car, in the Caf. Jukebox.... HE is gorgeous...I miss the Rock star of the 70's...the long hair, the attitude... the whole thing........Still got my Live Killers... ...but ofcourse, I voted earlier that I would marry all Four at once and create my very own Zepland.... :D
  11. thank you Moonmaid...He is so very. very beautiful...timeless... :wub:
  12. ...Eternal Light thank you so much for bringing this up...I think so...I agree...I will have to read your post once again...thank lot again...cheers
  13. here are some songs...these are my post-zep '83ish memories...passing of Bonzo and arrival of The Police as I would listen to this very persian/arabic music... Soundtrack of Indian Film Razia Sultan...composer Khayam... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwuzcB-aXTw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOMGia12yYw...feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBsOarocfwU...feature=related You can also search some Afghani artists as well.... :D
  14. Eternal Light, ...I love the Rumi verse that you posted.... and Nine, Glad you enjoyed Nusrat... ....and I am so glad that I am in company of so many poetic fans....As for Abida she gives voice to urdu Ghazals/poetry as well (as you probably know ). Robert Plant once compared Ghazal to the Blues and has said that Ghazal is lot like blues...(It is. and Robert is so right, we/all know that). It's been a while since I read that... As for other Mera Piya Ghar Aya...it is foremost Punjabi ...."My beloved has come home"...It is the most copied line in so many songs...and this line belongs solely to B. Bulle Shah...to make a long story short...in case any one is wondering...it symbolizes the spiritual union of Bulle Shah and his mentor Shah Innayat... ....Sufi's often pretend that God is a woman and they are men...then they worship God as man loves a woman passionately....such is the case of Mera Piya Ghar Aya.... Oh Yes...Madhuri was a faboulous dancer...too bad, she got married and gone... and thanks for posting all the poetry... :D not edited for spelling... (computer is so slow)
  15. Karuna thanks for enlightening us with Rumi...His vast poetry is recited everywhere in so many languages....Here is Late Nusrat Fateh Ali Kahn colored in the colors of Rumi.... Some more Sufi Poetry, (voice of my mother tongue) Here is Abida Parveen singing Sufiana Kalam (Poetry) Baba Buelle Shah.... (Rumi was a mentor of Baba Bulle Shah as well) (Translation by Me...in simple words) (Video is also translated....) Do come to my premises, do come to my premises, beloved day and night,.................. If god can be found being neat and clean, then the fish in the Ocean would have found him... If god can be found faraway in the jungles then the wild would have find him..... . ....Reading thousands of books, but you have never read yourself ....they enter the temples, but they never enter their hearts ....and you fight the others, but you never fight yourself........ Do come to my premises, do come to my premises, beloved day and night,.................. Poetry of Rumi transcends in all official Languages of Indian-Subcontinent........
  16. ....I do remember him as always being interested in politics post-Nirvana. His war-torn cultural roots deeply impacted him that there is more to life than music....I am glad to see him passionate about politics, as he wishes to be...
  17. Stairway to Heaven, ....First Term, High School '76, Most likely Cafeteria Juke Box (or could have been classroom Radio, specifically, Mr. Featherstone's Home Room class) among many others ie. Nazareth, Boston....(Oh, you are reminding me of my mustard/yellow color cotton shirt, something Like Knebworth Jimmy and of course my open long in-my-face dark hair....God, I am going back in time.... ..Impact, It has lead me to join so many other fans here like you........D . Even though I didn't understand the lyrics, the emotional depth in Robert's voice and sensitivity of Page's Guitar convinced me that they are indeed extra ordinary musicians....(simply, I wanted to hear that song again and again from the very first time........) :D
  18. ...Lena Zep, I think both of your poems are very thoughtful and flow beautifully. As for possible title for this one, I do see certain Golden God, so I would name it "Boy I love has golden wavy hair".......
  19. ...PLEASE DISCONTINUE VOTING IN THIS THREAD...SEE ANOTHER THREAD IN PROGRESS... Thank you ever so much....Have fun voting... :D
  20. Poll Only...Thanks everybody...This is just for entertainment, and I hope we will all enjoy it... Discussion is already in progress in Trivia Section
  21. ..... Sorry, I will try to make a poll again... :D
  22. ...No need to be sorry Aqua.... agreed, most definitely, the country is important, and yes, it looks like Evster is all set to go with the LedHeads......
  23. Hang-man, some words of wisdom for you ........ When pain crosses the limits, the pain itself becomes the medicine -Ghalib.. Cheers to you this A.M. :D
  24. http://forums.ledzeppelin.com/index.php?sh...c=23&st=280
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