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Everything posted by PlanetPage

  1. ..Michael, I couldn't bring up myself to watch you bid farewell....I shall remember you as always, from the beginning, your charming self...........May you Rest In Piece......
  2. Archived (video) interview with Experience Hendrix, Original broadcast date: Feb. 23, 1969 (CBC Canada Rare Interviews) Jimi Henderix - Reference to Cream... http://archives.cbc.ca/great_interviews/15461/
  3. ............ JIMMY ZEP'S CORNER MUSIC SHOP Our customers always leave with a on their faces........guaranteed
  4. .......Many More Pictures Link........ http://www.rexfeatures.com/search/?&kw...;stk=N&od=G
  5. your dedication is much appreciated...love the pic's you post...

  6. tks for the report Chimp...and keep the camera ready, just in case...we much appreciate it...
  7. Addendum: If possible, original creations are priceless..you can search on-line for Butterick, Simplicity 1970's, 60's patterns available for sale...this would be absolute original... http://images.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http...%3D100%26um%3D1 Vintage Clothing Store... http://www.ballyhoovintage.com Original Thread Rock Fashion now and Then http://forums.ledzeppelin.com/index.php?sh...=70%27s+fashion
  8. ....and the magic wand tucked away...........
  9. ..tks glicine...I totally not considered this possibility...Yes, the South East Asia audience are just great in numbers for Michael and Led Zep (There were audience from 50 countries for reunion).... :D
  10. Jabe, that is a interesting question...I wonder about the many dates despite popularity.........
  11. Well, it looks like a wind down from Catherine James to Miss Pamela to Bebe B.. et all......... As a Original Pagette '77 Alumni, here is my duty call... :D From here on he is all yours........ :D
  12. ...it does, any contribution from Led Zeppelin would certainly be a plus for Band's Legacy and certainly strengthens ties with musicians regardless of their differences... I like the idea BuckE...presented, availability of Clapton/Winwod, it would be great for any Led Zep contribution..... :D addendum - There are no "Benefits" here, obviously, there is no harm either...I think given the projects Jimmy chosen to involve himself so far, socially speaking, ...the fans will love to see him in this "Big Project" - Great benefit to Zep Legacy and immense honor for Page
  13. Courtesy Royal Orleans.Com speculating, to be same date...(No Scarf/Page, seated Performance)
  14. ...The idea of compassion/charity work in support of Michael Jackson's memory appeals to me, as it was before, and I would say this is the greatest need now to truly respect Michael in any way anybody can...this is just my initial thought... Opening/Closing - Shows with various musicians gathered together would be great idea...just thinking...
  15. Houses Of The Holy...it is immortal artistic statement...captures the values of generation gone by...innocence, naturalness, beauty, .....Pure,...One of the most memorable covers...
  16. ...agreed,yes, as I understood ... Post #24....
  17. ...don't about answer to your question...but here is what Page said in Guitar World 1986... "I remember that actually; that was a great meeting William Burroughs."
  18. ...and the argument continues...Zep winning........

  19. PlanetPage

    1977 tour

    (backstage Tampa)
  20. PlanetPage

    1977 tour

    tks. to original posters...
  21. ....YO's Place...?...any more details... ? I have searched Getty Images, Picasa, Rexfeatures.....to no avail so far...... ..."Speculating" it is MSG...from my search.......
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