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Everything posted by PlanetPage

  1. ..If I follow a pattern, Page always calls her after the shows, ie. when he went to Texas (He states, I will call you tomorrow, etc. (I will post that entry more consistently)...I do agree with you that it is a available date, but she does state on his day off they listened to the Test Press (this has to be August 11) other date being Palamino Brother Show date with Page...(BTW, I should look into that concert date...) Anyhow, she has accounted for most of her time with Page...and this date does not appear in her view in any way...I am sure the very least she would have received a phone call, although I think, Page would have offered a ticket, as he always does to the ladies... The inaccuracy that I find is she writes next day...the event sometime is of day before...
  2. ..July 31, 1969 was the only date within the time frame when Page was in transitional relationship between Catherine James and P. Debarres...(He left the first, hasn't met the latter). I have written to James as well, and she so far has not confirmed anything (to save her time, I told her to write back ONLY if she knows any thing about Vegas...she was with Page, as you know...) Miss P., well her account is most knowledgeable...(FYI - James/Debarres were both present in the Venue on July 31, 1969 - James being employee at The Ex...) so far, I have not proved as to where the Band is arriving from...IMO they are arriving, P.M., from somewhere... I would think the Police Dept. Archives would be very helpful, in addition to search we already have in progress...
  3. ...yes, likewise, UNLV is very cooperative so far, I will see to it if Las Vegas Court House might have any legally binding contracts available to public of major venues...
  4. Actor Sean Astin, right, is the son of Michael Tell, the editor and publisher of The Las Vegas Israelite. COURTESY PHOTO For local newspaper publisher Michael Tell, this goes beyond any father's wildest fantasy. http://images.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http://www.reviewjournal.com/lvrj_home/2004/Feb-29-Sun-2004/photos/astin.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.reviewjournal.com/lvrj_home/2004/Feb-29-Sun-2004/news/23327549.html&usg=__kW6Ygup1XkJ13uPYdbDn0H6Wq38=&h=400&w=297&sz=26&hl=en&start=1&um=1&tbnid=cayjhhrKAzrK2M:&tbnh=124&tbnw=92&prev=/images%3Fq%3DSean%2BAstin%2BMichael%2BTell%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26channel%3Ds%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1 oh..just a little more... Tucson Daily Citizen Saturday April 4, 1970 reports the following from newspaperarchives.com search.. ...Hotel Thunderbird Led Zeppelin rock group booked for April 19, 1970 concert at con-vention centre..... (I will acquire membership)
  5. ...this was my purpose/alternative to contact UNLV Special Collections/Historic Documents.....If they possibly have any venue records....... ..I have looked into the Doors, they opened Nov. 1, 1969 at Ice Palace... It is mentioned by one of the groups members in the fanviews that "we opened for Alice Cooper" the same night we did for Doors...I looked into this, Alice Cooper does not appear to be in Convention Centre/Vega same night as Doors...(sorry, I don't have the date now)...
  6. ..I am also reviewing some attendees recollections posted herein..will update likewise... For now...I suppose if Iron's concerts can be looked into that would be helpful I suppose...I have sent email so far... I have the Las Vesgas orginal email/contact Staff for reference....
  7. ..I didn't mean to cause any distress, but it is what it is...I have sent e-mail to fan of Iron Butterfly who can be contacted for any concerts questions...perhaps that will bring some news..... Update from Las Vegas Library - Reference Staff, Thank you for writing. I coincidentally asked a friend if he knew anything, and it turns out he was the bass player/vocalist for Wolfticket which opened the show. He thinks the information on the ledzeppelin.com site is accurate. We are only able to check the archives close to the date you provided. Since these are microfilm records and they are not indexed, we do not have the capability to conduct a broader search that might have any mention of the band. You may be able to contact a fan in the area who could come into the library and conduct a more exhaustive search. ..... The UNLV Special Collections Staff is much aware of this possible concert as Las Vegas Weekly Reported had already communicated with them about this concert..to no avail....It may take some time for the staff to confirm, as they have various other local Newspaper publications other than the major publications. The Campus Newletter Rebel Yell published in the 60's/70's to present...but they also informed me that if the concert happened in summer the Press did not publish for summer...anyhow, they are more aware of this now than before... (IMO)..In any case, the concert cannot possibly take place in August..that is proven so far, both by Robert Plant phoning the New Musical Express and Pam Debarres, both in book/email confirmation to me recently...
  8. Two archived newspapers related somewhat significant evidence (same news appears in both newspapers) Pacific Stars and Stripes - June 27, 1970, Tokyo, Japan AND Bridgeport Post, Connecticut, June 28, 1970 ...actress Patty Duke borrowed a wedding ring to marry local concert promoter Michael Tell....This is the first marriage for who has brought top rock groups such as the Iron and Led Zeppelin to concert at The Ice Rink.. http://www.newspaperarchive.com/SearchResultsV3.aspx ..so far...I am looking into this newspaper, along with future responses from the archives at UNLV and Las Vegas Library...
  9. I am in total agreement with you here, I have thought about this...How could it be?...but it is..Double Fantasy that is......
  10. PlanetPage

    1977 tour

    ..perhaps you are right...the Lighting Rig, so similar in Landover convinced me otherwise, along with couple other pictures in the Zep Photo thread....corrected now, and understood, it's part of all stage concerts...
  11. ....Update as Per Royal Orleans.Com Okay Zep fans - I hope that I can clear up the confusion about the date and location of this picture once and for all. I posted this picture here at RO years ago, and this picture was taken by my sister with me present. I was sixteen and this was my first concert - a birthday present from my sister! This is indeed Madison Square Garden and though I no longer have the ticket stub to prove it, to the best of my memory this is Saturday June 11th 1977. http://www.royal-orleans.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=13691&start=5200
  12. ..it's time to dust my Police Records...don't know where the recorded world tour video Tape is....... The very confident and energetic Stewart Copeland.......
  13. ..most favorite so far..for my purpose of reading..this book really explores/gives details about their visit to Bombay, quite the opposite of other books...I was even surprised with Stairway to Heaven...no details..it's as if the Band suddenly disappeared on the other side of earth and reappeared...well, something must have happened...this visit truly sets the book apart for me from others...I really enjoyed...it all depends what you are looking for..... others, most are mentioned here that I have read...I would recommend Danny Goldberg, their former entourage...I also valued his chapter/memories about Zep...particulary the way he fondly remembers Peter Grant...
  14. ...just finished watching this yesterday, every glimpse of Zep is a treasure...That was the opinion, thinking of that generation, they were in certain "space and time" as were their predecessors.....
  15. ...it's evident, but good that she kept a diary for all the moments...you sure are lucky, wish I was at least half as luck as you are...any way, I am really happy to see the surviving Zep....all of them...they will remain part of my life as they always have..it's not possible to separate them in any way........ ..forgot about snacks.....it was time for new ones...She was with her beau Michael by now......
  16. ...it's all good, not to worry at all.....I have read her books (this one few times). Embellished, yes, but she did keep a diary of just about every account...The purpose of my posting was that you can see Jimmy's escalating health concern from '69 to '77...anyway she has had an incredible opportunity...to complain about Party Snacks in the presence of likes of The Stones, et all... Peace!!
  17. ...I don't take everything seriously to the point (embellishment, as above), but she was there....I wasn't......
  18. ...agreed, this event has been discussed here many times...my intention was his health...
  19. ...in contrast Miss Pamela writes, first meeting him, Aug. 1 - 12 1969, weeks,....... ...."I had taken some very intense mescaline, and Jimmy watched over me, making sure I was having good time. He liked to be in control, and didn't take mnay drugs or drink much alchohol. i think he believed his beauty was too important to tamper with.....Page 159, I'm with The Band... Note also, Richard really believed it was frail Page who had died, when Richard was in Jail receiving Bonzo's news of Passing... (beginning of Stairway to Heaven) ........ As for myself, I collected Page'77 Pictures, about 16 yrs....he was a Rock Star-In-a-Class By-Itself, from another world ....Never did it occur to me that he could actually die from drugs..that's just the way it was...life was lived as it was supposed to be...concept of death, never occurred to me, it was definitely on another planet...... **there were many rock stars of the day in '77 but none could compare with the image of Page, yes, Frampton, et all "pretty boy" rock stars, but none like Page in his dragon suits, frail.....He was "too Cool"...my attraction to him was instant, very inviting, and very natural...
  20. '77 tour ....."Jimmy wore a third Reich costume, made the Heil Htler! gesture, and had to be propped up by two flunkies at all times. I saw him take twenty minutes to crawl across the room to get to a black bag full of pills. He kept toppling over, and everyone else in the room pretended not to notice......." Page 292, I'M with the Band '72 tour ......"I wandered around in a blue fog for the first few days, and luckily Led Zeppelin charged into town.....He was getting real high by then, and I happily joined him in never-never land......." Page 252 I'M with the Band .......I flopped around Jimmy again. The first night was wonderful, even though he had started to imbibe many harmful substances....Page 263I'M with the Band .....Miss Pamela DeBarres ..further, Miss Pamela also writes about the '75 tour in her book Take another Piece of my Heart....After the Nassau Colsum..show she went to party with Zep and other rock stars ie. The Stones, she found out that the party was held at the premises of the "Drug Dealer"..there were no party snacks served she says...
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