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Everything posted by PlanetPage

  1. ..SAJ..see post #80 Jerry Wexler..New York..the advertisements/articles presented by MikeZep61 (clippings in addition to blochoboy)
  2. ...well, I do not have the Original Yorkie'76 book...facts were presented to me..
  3. ...there is on-going Las Vegas Live Thread, and not to derail this thread....back to topic....
  4. ...in a way this leads to speculation just how accurate R. Yorkie is on the first place...I have been trying to establish the las vegas possible concert date, and Yorkie is suggesting Page existed via Salt Lake City to New York..well, it doesn't make sense..there was no concert date on Aug. 11, 1969 in Salt Lake City...believe me, I have seen and REVIEWED all of the dates, 1969 in detail...I realize R. Yorkie is a close friend of the Band, but I think he is not that accurate either...
  5. ...Glicine Thanks for posting these pictures of the beloved guest...he is extra-extra beautiful here....ah..my heartache..
  6. ...growing up in North India, this was given to the farm workers, (yes, including ours) as kids we always new that "farm workers" had habit of it...witnessed many addictions, for example, a female farm worker sold everything, including the cotton from her pillow to support her habit...
  7. ...a very rare opportunity and so lucky to be right in New York in "those times"...... Pakistani Rock Band Junoon Salman Ahmad was 14 when he attended his first rock concert in 1977. Rock was a little-known phenomenon in Pakistan, where he lived until moving to New York at age 11. Everyone in his family considered it strange. But Ahmad’s friend happened to have an extra ticket to a Led Zeppelin concert and the teenager was determined to go. Nearly 30 years after that show, Ahmad still remembers it vividly: “We enter the venue and through a haze of smoke, I see all those long-haired freaks with flowers in their hair. Then the lights go down and an almighty roar comes out. A guy appears on stage with long hair and a two-headed guitar with dragons painted on his pants, playing “Stairway to Heaven.” I must have been watching this guy, Jimmy Page, the whole night. I knew for sure that I wanted to be like him.” http://www.isufirock.com/news/sept2006_odemag.html
  8. .....double.....heart at same place same station......
  9. ...SAJ, This is my understanding.....Yardbirds With Jimmy Page Tour Dates http://itinerary.led-zeppelin.us/yardbirds/index.html May 25, 1968 - Fillmore West, San Francisco, CA May 31, 1968 - Shrine Auditorium, Los Angeles, CA June 1, 1968 - Shrine Auditorium, Los Angeles, CA June 5, 1968 - Montgomery, Alabama (end of tour) July 7, 1968 - Luton Technical College, Beds. (Final performance by the band. They then split up.) ..Catherine James was with Page from the days of Yardbirds..(confusion arose, probably, as she was with Jimmy in Yardbirds + Zep)
  10. amazing SAJ, tks.....I will post the responses likewise...I have couple other resources that I have written to, there is a chance for historic Ice Palace records.......the information can take a few days to a week as I was told...I will definitely update and post likewise.... ...and also, now I don't see reason for Page to fly on July 31...off day...Led Zep II was not in it's final stages...Aug...date is getting closer...likewise, they are concluding with Kramer... add not sure but perhaps, The "Salt Lake City" connection quite possibly is a reference to Elvis/Vegas travel later that P.M...due to time constraints, it is not know if they/all parties connected right at Airport, or not...
  11. .....there are increasing chances that the date was not Aug. 11, 1969...I will post the chronological dates from Miss P. in line with the official time line dates....later quickly, She was for sure with Jimmy in her apartment on Aug. 11 listening to ZepII...this is why they went to Newyork Aug. 12th A.M....back...for Elvis...then Lubbox... (they had one day off before..she went to Everly brothers w/Jimmy Pickup - Limo) Remember earlier piece of Blocoboy.....Robert phoning the NME...writer Ann Moss...(they know they are going to see elvis on their off days...that would have to be the 12th at night...Elvis had dinner 8:15, and midnight...looks like they probably went to the Midnight, and back on the 13th all of them...for lubbox ....also, Miss P's entry is for July 31, not the 30th...they would have called her this day too after SLC gig (he was off with Catherine James)...this makes me wonder where they were coming from on July 31st...? ...I will post the dates more in sequence...Miss Pamela is correct about her dates... I am typing this rather quickly...but will sequence it later... ...the Library Services will write to me...will post as I get something...
  12. Some flight Information I received, but I am not sure which Airport they would have arrived at in New York... From: psloan@airtimes.com Hello, Thanks for your message. There were frequent nonstops flights between LAX-JFK and a few LAX-Newark in 1969. Early morning nonstops LAX-JFK would have been offered by American, TWA and United. While you could have traveled from LAX to JFK via SLC, it would have been inconvenient requiring LAX-SLC via Western and SLC-JFK via United. Other than a nonstop, the most likely route from LAX to NYC would have been via Chicago (O’Hare). Hope this helps. Perry
  13. Hello DazedJeffy...tks for the additional info..I have viewed that venue information you provided, and have questioned the possibility of archives in Las Vegas as you state...perhaps there are related options...I will look into it...... Steve A. Jones...tks for update, I will also post should there be any new details.......
  14. ....I am in total agreement with you...all evidence is for sure exhausted..(there is remote chance of one off night I posted earlier).... - I notice that at least one attendee who provided fan review has a contact number... - It is crucial, in my opinion, that Mike Tell Must be asked for further proof/evidence - The Ice Palace is a major venue, it is not accessible without contract, there must be a source archives...as you know major rock concerts have taken place... I will review the attendee comments for any further clues...... If you can provide any further information...that would be appreciated...
  15. ...keeping in mind that Miss P. was in relationship with Page...thee is no mention from her.... (likely, she would have sidelined....as before) I understood that Grant was in New York on July 31 already for sometime...August 1st is the only date I could logically connect, as it does give Page time to return....... Added ...also, if they played Vegas already on Aug. 11...then Miss P could have been called alone to join them...I don't see reason for them to come all back, then go out again to see Elvis... Added: ....It is confirmed on the Royal Orleans.Com Site that dates in City of Vegas, around Aug. 12 were searched, although I don't know what publications, there were no results....unless the Report in not Print... This is all the evidence that I have for now........
  16. ...tks for reply.....I spend some thinking.... July 30th (OFFICIAL LISTED DATE FOR SALT LAKE CITY)...yes, York states "afterward"...but as I figured out earlier...since the Vegas date is not listed....I don't think the writers know about this date...(Salt Lake city is on the Concert MAP July 31st - Zep possibly performs....they all leave to Thee Ex/L.A.----Meets with P. Aug. 1 - Page can only fly from this date from La./back to L.a....Writer York, in my opinion/as I understand his comment, is noting the fact that Page has performed concert...last being Salt Lake City, but York does not know about Vegas...remember it is not listed...I have not taken York's comments word by word, as there is no proof for July 31st... ...and IMO...yes there is a flight on Aug. 12....Remember Grant was in New York for sometime after Page Left on Aug. 1...so unlikely as it may be, it is possible that the flight was confused with Page...Peter Grant was present in L.A. with Everybody to See Elvis.... ...NO BODY WAS IN Vega TO SEE ELVIS ON JULY 31....Rodney is "extending" his comments to a month long engagement of Elvis being opened in month of August in Vegas.... ...I hope it's somewhat clear....
  17. [b]Mystery Solved: Vegas DATE: JULY 31, 1969 Ice Palace (as stated before) Update from Ms. Debarres received: Q. DID PAGE TRAVEL WITH YOU TO VEGAS ON THE AUG. 12....? YES OR NO... Debarres Reply: Yes, I traveled with Page...P. Stephen Davis - Hammer of Gods (duplicated book info from R. York'76) Page#95..... ...Jimmy's schedule got to be insane. For one mixing session in New York, Peter Grant and a journalist drove out to the airport to pick up Jimmy, who was FLYING IN FROM A ZEPPELIN DATE IN SALT LAKE CITY to mix at A&R studio. After the session Jimmy would fly immediately back to L.A. so he could rejoin the tour in Phoenix the day after that. Peter and Jimmy were usually togetheron the road, and Peter was upset when they got to the Airport and found that Jimmy's had come in early and he has already left for the studio As it is proven, Jimmy flew to Vegas with official proof from Miss Pamela via-email on August 12...(it would be illogical to have concert in Vegas Aug. 11 and fly back same night to L.A. - Shortage of time beyond reasonable doubt...travel will elapse on to next day) Jimmy flew in from Salt Lake City Concert date which is on July 30, 1969. The Las Vegas concert must be on July 31 (as per previous comments -stand correct). The Las Vegas Concert is IMPROMPTU (The Salt Lake City July 30 is a LISTED DATE/DEFINITIVE) this is why the subsequent writers refer to this date... Writer R. York'76 is correct within means of August because PAGE came to L.A. From Salt Lake City/Vegas on July 31...AND PAGE FLEW TO NEW YORK ON AUGUST 1 From L.A. and back SAME DAY... (York/Davis are "loosely" referring to events, they are just writing for the purposes of publishing/not exact references....August 1st the only date where Page has Opportunity for RETURN flight ...see my previous comments...Page comes back, Show Earl Warrens Ground/Meets Miss P. PhotoProof Bingenheimer/L.L. Sutch attended ONLY THE AUG. 1 Elvis First Concert...SEE Photos attached. Webmaster's earlier comments are CORRECT...THEY DID NOT SEE ZEP GUYS...BECAUSE SUTCH/RODNEY WERE NOT THERE ON JULY 31....They came to Vegas day after - They just wanted to see Elvis perfrom/possible Elvis U.K. contract discussed - IT IS ILLOGICAL TO THINK THEY SAW ELVIS ON BOTH NIGHTS FOR DUPLICATED PERFORMANCES...they came to see Elvis to speak about U.K. concerts at Press Conference /perform once and left sometime after Press Conference...(see additional photo Press Conference) YES - according to Bingenheimer ZEP received 1969 promotional CD - They were given out all August Engagement from July 31, 1969 on...ZEP received Aug. 12 with Miss P. (Miss P. also confirms this date is the first time Zep saw Elvis...JIMMY DID NOT MEET ELVIS) - See Her previous e-mail received ..........(I have read from Book/I do not have front of me now) Mark Chain - Opening Band...He also remains correct within means of Page/Travel...it's close enough for his purposes - Not required to be attentive...they are traveling by Road/Van...Page via Air (withing very close approx. of time)....they had an opportunity to connect at some point in the evening.......... There is no ticket/poster proof from any one of the attendees Las Vegas Date, IMPROMPTU, ..Pay/Attend basis only... ONLY CONFIRMATION FROM ICE PALACE WOULD BE VENUE BOOKING/ASSOCIATES DATES Point of Interest: The Seattle Pop Festival July 27, 1969 takes place with reference to Venue/Ice Rink...The Las Vegas concert is also in middle of Ice Rink/Ice Palace...but none of the Vegas attendees have confused venues/City. The attendees state that concert took place in Summer'69...(see Timeline)....... ***The only other available date for Summer'69 is July 28, 1969 OFF,(27th Previous being Seattle Pop) BUT, notice the travel next day July 29th Edmonton, and then back to Salt Lake City July 30th...(ILLOGICAL TRAVEL Direction) It is important to note Ms. P's July 31 Entry...(see reference previous posts)....As the Band arrives at Thee Ex...(Page alone at Hyatt) The Massive, (regular/Entourage), PETER GRANT is notably MISSING from her visual description...as mentioned, previous, GRANT CAN ONLY BE IN NEW YORK ON JULY 31, As Page will Fly on Aug. 1 and be back same day/Grant Receiving Page...(Page flight early, ample opportunity to fly as day off). Further Ms. P. now confirms Peter went with everybody to Vegas...see her e-mail proof.... IMO there was none ticketing process, ICE PALACE CONTRACT/BOOKING is a definitive proof... (The Great Full Dead, Santana have played there in March 1969).... There may be some reference to local community news...the last resource would be Major Press Coverage Las Vegas Weekly, Sun, etc....For accuracy/safety, Month of July can be checked, including August FOR Ice Palace Booking/contract, Not so much press coverage.... .......finally there are no other concert dates in Summer '69 with the exception of July 28, but too illogical travel plan... .......................... Additional Photos( to previous) - Elvis press Conference Aug. 1 Bingenheimier is at Press Conference Aug. 1 http://www.rhyniechert.com/images/memorabi...sconference.JPG http://www.rhyniechert.com/images/memorabi...sconference.JPG Sutch/Bingenheimer Press Interview Aug. 1 http://www.elvis.com.au/presley/interview_...onference.shtml ............ Finally, I am sincerely indebted to Miss Pamela for her cooperation and prompt replies as she took the time to acknowledge my requests, (Miss Pamela is the KEY EYEWITNESS) to all accounts...It would have been IMPOSSIBLE to solve this without her cooperation...THANK YOU MISS PAMELA... Tks. to the Posters and Steve A. Jones for his assistance under busy circumstances....it was all very interesting.... PlanetPage
  18. Glicine...No promises...I just quoted this from Ross's original comments from his Diary a while ago... My thinking is that Page may possibly have an "opportunity" to at least introduce some music, Instrumental, etc...... You are right, there is definitely a waiting period now...Oh well, I am happy that he is healthy and likewise, small it may be, fans like us remain hopeful...I do believe Page will for sure play at least once, if not more, at certain events...."Big Project" I shall add that to my mystery file (much like the Silverdome footage/Zep live in Las Vegas) actually Original to Steve A. Jones, cc: to myself Cheers to all....
  19. ....high hopes, I guess, but quite possibly, Pete Townsend/Teenage Cancer Trust is March next year ..perhaps work in December, will lead to songs for that event...I don't think he has said no so far........
  20. ...............Witnessed..............
  21. .....there is something very innocent about him...I love his dress sense, the 60's and 70's...men looked beautiful.......
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