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Everything posted by PlanetPage

  1. ...and I am sure it is O.K. with ZFF for disclosing all of this...I am glad there is someone close to him...and hoping he feels real well soon and be back...friendly people are always remembered and missed...it is a FACT... PlanetPage
  2. ...I would say that stats for '77 are pretty heavy...personally, I prefer this.....
  3. Hello, ZFF, your contribution to the Forum is really valued and appreciated...PlanetPage

    ...hope all is well with you...

  4. ...legends... The Biggest Rock Star, in Western World and supported by the Rest of the World is ELVIS PRESLEY, The King...... Michael Jackson is too among the legends, but the No. 1 Spot you have asked,belongs to the KING...
  5. ...thanks for sharing...it's beautiful and Original...I will get somebody to do it for me...I think this will work for me....
  6. ...the date of the article....... Email from Washinton State University - with thanks to Gabriella I did locate the following article from the April 16-22nd issue: (1970) one last piece of info - according to the Underground Press Collection Listings, the Las Vegas Free Press published Vol. 1, No. 1-44 from Jan 1 - Dec 23rd 1970. There is no publication lull indicated by these dates for the year 1970. In 1971 the publication did not publish any January issues, but resumed publication for the following dates/periods in 1971: Feb. 17 March 10 May 12 - June 16 July 14-Sept 29 That's all the info I have on their publication run. The article does mention teens liking Zeppelin....(Mike Tell Formed "Teenage Attractions" earlier in 1966....... ....more later....
  7. Las Vegas Free Press, Underground Newspaper, Published from Jan 1, 1970 - November 24, 1971, Publisher(and concert promoter Jay Tell, one of few in Las Vegas, all competing for the same market, same $$) We were first to expose Las Vegas Sun publisher Hank Greenspun and Howard Hughes' CEO Robert Maheu, who fleeced the billionaire of $20 million cash, which became a major story for many years.The notorious Howard Hughes proxy battle would determine control of an empire. Bobby and I were in court when Federal Judge Roger Foley entered my paper into evidence, saying, from the bench, "The Las Vegas Free Press is the only newspaper in the nation to get the story straight." http://www.allbutforgottenoldies.net/memoirs/bobby-darin/jay-tell-tribute.html ...Many Many thanks to Gabriella at Washington State University for her kindness to provide this rare Underground article painstakingly... .."nearly all teens who complain are quick to admit the "Zeppelin" is a fantastic group" ...I will post as I receive...
  8. ..no need to thank SAJ...for the love of Zep, for all of us, the fans...I am sure it will happen soon... ..as you can probably judge from the school term...the concert probably happened in the "heart of summer" as most fanviews seems to indicate...IMO, also, Mid-Aug. is bit closer to back to school dates (Aug. 26)....just a thought... IMO, also, Zep "probably" tried to see Elvis/July 31...but the likes of Sinatara, etc...2000+ celebrity guest list...no room at the International Hilton...so maybe they had to stay at the Caesar's Palace... Just thoughts...nothing confirmed...
  9. ...this is what I have got so far... Very sincere thanks to Mr. Geroge Thoma Apfel - Las Vegas Radio History... There were a number of memorable concerts at the Ice Palace-- IIRC the Doors, Zeppelin, and the Turtles did shows there. http://classiclasvegas.squarespace.com/classic-las-vegas-blog/2009/9/25/led-zeppelin-did-play-las-vegas-ice-palace-in-1969.html#comments Relevant excerpts from Emails I received From G.T. Apfel... I even remember KENO doing a promotion where they gave away "Steel Wool" blacklight posters. You could get them at The Lollipop Shop in Parkway Plaza at Sahara & Maryland Parkway. “Steel Wool” was a rock group, they may have been local to Las Vegas – I don’t think there is anything online about them. The “Lollipop Shop” was a head shop—they sold incense, music, and a variety of items for those who enjoy smoking weed. **Radio Station Broadcaster/Announcer in '69 was Mr. Jeff Colson -Unfortunately he has passed on, as I found it...it would have been fascinating to speak to him Also, very thankful to Mr. Steve Miller of Original Teen Beat Club of Las Vegas (co-promoter of Grateful Dead/Ice Palace March 29, 1969) His emails... By the summer of 1969, I was no longer in the concert business. I do recall the Led Zeppelin concert taking place, but little about it comes to mind. Ice palace... It was a large room located on the side of a dilapidated shopping center on Sahara Ave. The ice was covered by boards, and there were bleacher type seats against three walls with folding chairs placed on the boarded up ice. A stage was erected at the far end of the room. There was also a restaurant on the second level with large windows so diners could look down on the skaters. I do not know if the restaurant was still open at the time of the rock concerts as I did not attend. I know nothing about tickets, but surmise that anyone who paid cash at the door was welcome. .......... - The Underground Band of Vegas... The Weeds / The Lollipop Shoppe FC: We started in Vegas but in October '66 moved to Portland. Originally we'd planned to migrate to San Fransisco but were broke and things we'd lined up fell through. 60s: What kind of things? FC: A disc jockey in Las Vegas lined us up to play the opener for The Yardbirds first tour at the Filmore. It's the reason why we left Las Vegas. We thought if we went to San Francisco and played with The Yardbirds we could get a deal with someone there and just start happening. When we got to the Filmore they said it was bullshit, we were never on the bill and told us to split. We were so disgusted and dissapppointed we headed for Vancouver but ran out of gas and money in Portland. That's why we ended up there. http://home.unet.nl/kesteloo/lollipop.html ............ Majority of the concert attendees remember Summer'69 - Here is the school term confirmation from Clark County School District... August 25, 1969 - June 8, 1969. .............. ...as I am sure there are other fans searching, this is what I have come up with so far. Highly likely the information will come from "Underground" scene. From my further readings on arrival of Howard Hughes in Vegas in '66, the Rock Concert/Scene was not promoted heavily in Las Vegas. The Culture of the 60's in Vegas is exceptional as compared to other Cities in U.S. at that time. This fact is also explained by Mr. Dick Lepre, (promoter of Grateful Dead) previously in this thread ...Still in contact with UNLV/search, I will obtain any transcript made available to me...I will post soon, it does take time to research...
  10. ...tks for this fact ladies...I didn't know this.......
  11. Hi Aqua...nice to have you here...

  12. ...tks...will look for it at Chapters in Canada most likely.....
  13. .....Bonzo, for all of these years, this time, this day, this image surfaces in front of my eyes at least a thousand times, you know why..... ..and just one more of her......
  14. ...that is a very sweet and sensitive memory, there are so many fans of that generation and new ones who would love to meet him, just once... I too should have revealed condition of my heart ...but when he bid farewell then I remembered In the shade of flowers, we sat and cried lot when we remembered, him..... Bonzo you are wildly beautiful as the Rose of Kashmir itself
  15. ...................... ...ClassicVegas has an update...(I have seen Michael's comment earlier simply stating that Zep played the Ice Palace as oppose to Convention Centre as ClassicVegas reported..but after I posted a comment, he has now responded and gives us the following concert review as he claims to be present at the venue...Michael also claims there was an ticket (possible, a stamp/venue/print I have researched radio station history/and Mikezep61 artilce does also mention KLUC soon after Mr. Lepre's email that Radio spots were purchased via KLUC...it was a day-time radio station...a concert, a event, at an Ice Palace, relatively major venue, MUST BE announced...this itself is a fact...and juding from the fanviews already present in timeline, the community in Las Vegas heard of this event... http://classiclasvegas.squarespace.com/ From Ms. Lynn Zook of Classicvegas..... One of our daily readers contacted me with his remembrance of Led Zeppelin playing Las Vegas, at the Ice Palace, in 1969: In 1969, it was announced on KLUC tthat Led Zeppelin would be playing the Ice Palace. The Ice Palace was not THE major venue in town that would be the Convention Center. I was confused. (this was confusion on Ms. Zook's Part, corrected by Reader Michael, earlier at Classicvegas.squarespace.com Radio station Link: http://images.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http://gapfel.com/radio/1930lvhs.jpg&imgrefurl=http://gapfel.com/vegasradio/&usg=__QVGULjPxEjvMwQkC2U2flcS9OsY=&h=550&w=783&sz=95&hl=en&start=3&um=1&tbnid=A7fPUCwcGjv7wM:&tbnh=100&tbnw=143&prev=/images%3Fq%3DJoe%2BJulian%2BRadio%2BLas%2Bvegas%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26channel%3Ds%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1 Michael's review...... Led who? I went to Wonder World and found Led Zeppelin I. I recognized Jimmy Page from the Yardbirds, but who were Robert Plant, John Bonham and John Paul Jones? What was the big deal? I called the Ice Palace. Maybe there was more to the story. I asked if it was true that Led Zeppelin was going to play the Ice Palace. The guy said "Yeah." I responded, I swear: "Who else is playing with them?" He treated me like the idiot I was and hung up on me. I bought tickets anyway. Jimmy Page was great. There is a joke about rock singers: that they sing as though they are caught in their zipper. It's true. The worst of them is Lou Gramm from Foreigner, but only slightly behind him was Robert Plant of Led Zeppelin. Plant sang as though his hair were on fire. To front Led Zeppelin, however,that style was a necessity. He had to contend not only with Page and Jones but with drummer John "Bonzo" Bonham, who wore a dog collar for a good reason. He was an animal and had a bass drum foot that has never been equalled. Plant sang for his life. A moment happened during that first Led Zeppelin concert which, had I not been there, I would nothave believed. Page was playing, as was his wont, extremely loud. Bonham could play soft, he just never did. The band was playing "Dazed and Confused" which was, at that point, from their one and only album. Plant's microphone failed. Nothing else, just Plant's microphone. Plant did not miss a beat, neither did the mighty Led Zeppelin. Page sang, without the aid of amplification, over the cacophony of his band mates. The Ice Palace was an acoustic nightmare. It was never intended to be used for a concert venue. I worked dozens of shows there as a stage hand and I could not be heard from the stage to the back of the rink, screaming with my hands cupped to my mouth. But on that night in 1969, there was Robert Plant, without a microphone, belting out "Dazed and Confused" over the absolute onslaught of the world's loudest band. I was standing near the back of the rink and I could hear every word, every syllable. In my experience, no human I have seen has ever matched Plant's vocal power. Thanks to Michael for sharing the story with us. Do you have a story? Were you there that night in 1969? Send us an email and tell us your story! If you have pictures, send us an email! Help us help LedZeppelin.com find out more about this legendary concert. Posted on Friday, September 25, 2009 at 12:11AM by Registered CommenterLasVegasLynn | ...trying to contact Michael further...
  16. ...this coolest diner is here.... http://images.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8SM3222_V9s/SOAXmsxDkbI/AAAAAAAABK0/b4ELzVxcEt0/s400/DDD2.jpg&imgrefurl=http://viewlinerltd.blogspot.com/2008/10/diners-drive-ins-dives.html&usg=__aWH5sb0X8qbvsq6byYlLOPgv96A=&h=278&w=400&sz=23&hl=en&start=7&um=1&tbnid=nTJVqWZvivYlAM:&tbnh=86&tbnw=124&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dzep%2Bdiner%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26channel%3Ds%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1 I would love to see the Chain of Diners across America with special Zep book song-by-song, with commentary of the Engineers, a la Eddie Kramer, the venue insiders, the food vendors outside of the venues where the Zep music was performed...that collective community spirit captured in a special DinnerTable Book.. a must for fans..yes, Zep can say word a two...
  17. Hi DJ......I would love to check out this book and so many others..., but I need a perfect place before the "Main Course" arrives...
  18. Received E-Mail from The G. Dead Promoter/Ice Palace March 29, 1969 Mr. Lepre this evening... This was so long ago that I do not recall the names of the radio stations or the DJs. Also, I believe that all of the security was provided by the Ice Palace so I had no dealing with that. Really, this was a time in which very little security was needed so whatever there was it was minimal. Yes they put a plywood prefabricated floor over the ice. Dick Lepre RPM Mortgage, Inc. 580 Pacific Avenue San Francisco, CA 94133
  19. ..Radio Station Spots at Ice palace...KLUC... (The Grateful Dead Promoter relied on Radio rather than Print for March 29, 1969 Ice Palace Concert)...noted before, but actual Radio Station...to be looked into.. ...Everley Brothers managed by B. Eubanks.. (Miss P. claims on Aug. 5/69 Her/Page went to the Palamino Club North Hollywood to see E. Brothers...to be confirmed further..
  20. ..tks for clarification and great info/photos...we will wait to see if there any images at the L.V. Convention Centre...
  21. more Vegas Photos http://www.flickr.com/photos/us_army_rolling_along/3668766921/ Classic Vegas Site: http://classiclasvegas.squarespace.com/
  22. ....ongoing thread otherwise... Re: April 19, 1970 show... I have done research through newspaperarchives.com and the Tucson Daily Citizen April 23, 1970 reports... fans kept from crashing the door to view the Led Zeppelin.....[/i] (2) E-Mails from Las Vegas News Bureau: At this point I have not been able to find any materials in our archives related to Led Zeppelin performing in Las Vegas during the dates you have given me. There is one lead that I will be searching is a rumor that Led Zeppelin was supposed to perform at the Las Vegas Convention Center but the concert was cancelled after the lead singers voice gave out. Apparently there was a near riot that ensued. If this was the case more than likely we will have some images. Again this was a rumor that will have to be confirmed. Warm regards - Brian Paco... I have not begun looking for the images at the Las Vegas Convention Center at this time. I am leaving tomorrow for a conference outside of Las Vegas tomorrow and I will not be able to get to this project until after I return on the 28th. With regards - Brian Paco... ...that's all the related info...that I could provide...
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