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Everything posted by PlanetPage

  1. ...."That night we had front row tables. It was the first time any of us had seen Elvis perform. And we weren't disappointed. "perhaps the only dissatisfied person among us that night was John Paul, but it was good natured-despair. Before entering the showroom to see Elvis, we had spent a few minutes in the International's lounge, watching Ike and Tina Turner perform. ..... "He turned to his wife Mo"........ Richard Cole - STH'92 Page 96 This is night of August 11 (as mentioned by Ms.Pamela in both I'm with the Band and Take another Piece of my Heart, further Richard Cole STH states the same... ..August 12 date is not witnessed by Ms. Pamela...They all left and all came back the next day for sure to LA (as discussed before)... John Paul Jones did witness I&TT but Zep cannot perform concert this date...Highly likely they come in contact with Vegas on July 31... If there was concert this date Aug. 11/12, Richard would have remembered it likewise as they attend Elvis... It is further my opinion after reading Page 95 from STH, "The Zeppelin Wives joined us for a few days during that tour, including some of the shows in Las Vegas and other West Coast cities"that Vegas/West Coast Cities close by remain as a unit...L.A. is not part of this... John Paul Jones recalls staying at the Caesar's Palace as reported by the Official Site previously...
  2. Hi erings...I second this...we hope that Deborah will post her pictures of that timeless era...we know what Zep looked like back then....
  3. ....interesting idea, will support as details unfold...I think ticket prices need to be in the easy affordable category for participation and fun...
  4. Hi Deb and tks for sending Otto the PM....RH is the most difficult subject to talk about, every time, it gets us into trouble, it's not worth it, here is what he has to say about his "website"....(I can't believe it!!!, talented he remains but otherwise ) "You were talking about how your website gets you in trouble... You make a joke, and the problem is, people cut and paste it and take it as literal fact. It goes everywhere, that's the problem with the internet. Your website, specifically your diary, has helped make your name a bit well-known. Was the point of your website to amp your profile? If not, what is your motive behind the diary -- if any? In this day and age, to sell photos. Source/Link http://straycat-blues.blogspot.com/2009/11/electric-eye-chat-with-ross-halfin.html A common misperception of me is... "That I'm miserable and grumpy when actually I'm quite approachable. More people should come up and talk to me." Source/Link: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/profiles/the-5minute-interview-ross-halfin-rock-photographer-439951.html I also recall reading where Ross Halfin states that he offends people even Jimmy has gotten upset with him (I can't find the source)
  5. ..well said, you have your reasons and I respect that....Every Edition is signed by Jimmy, that is indeed priceless....I will never forget my innocent years with struggling young immigrant family in the 70's...Jimmy's image is forever engraved in my heart with those memories...at times it was difficult enough to buy magazines with my mom shopping, but Now I can afford those photos...we have worked very hard to be in this affordable position, these photos are part of our past and reminder for our future generation...priceless...
  6. ..Otto, your knowledge about Led Zeppelin is much acknowledged and I hope that we will all be able to pass through this...this is not appropriate for veterans...we all must be confident and wise enough to solve this issue...
  7. ...I don't think anyone is advising Jimmy, ...most fans do want to see Jimmy move on, professionally speaking...apologies if my post is misunderstood...
  8. ...Hi, I respect your opinion, but nevertheless, Ross remains one of the respected photographers to date...I do wish (for a long time, and I think it's too late) that Page would expand his circle in the entertainment industry in general with many other professionals from actors, to directors and possibly composing songs...I don't know why Page has chosen not to discover another world beyond Ross......
  9. PlanetPage


    ...oh there is no need to thank, just happy to hear from him and that he will be here again (he always was in spirit)... ...tks for update
  10. ...This is a excellent question on behalf of all the fans, tks. Deb ...Contribution to establish accurate Led Zeppelin Timeline is of utmost important, I am sure Richard Cole realizes and values that...
  11. ..CF tks so much for posting these, never see the WLL before...I wonder if they have footage of the Bands arriving, backstage
  12. ...you can always share you songs in the Other Bands with us, we would love to see your completed creativity as much as we enjoy your views here...
  13. PlanetPage


    ...LS, tks for coming by, I know it is difficult for you and your loved ones, we are with you.......
  14. SWallet...got any stories/pictures of JP/Firm ...do share with us... Justwoman, your post is great read, I love the way to describe Jimmy and Robert...their chemistry remain unmatched to date.....
  15. PlanetPage


    ...I hope he continues to feel the love of people around him, that is very important in sickness and health...we are here for him as always...
  16. ..Deborah, loved these 2 videos you just posted, both just so entertaining.... I did see the Yardbirds, and I should post those pictures in the Other Section... I love to hear Neil Christian with Jimmy Page...hopefully it will come around......
  17. ...Hi Justawoman, welcome, Led Zeppelin to me is like a "mischevious" teenager yet Wise and intellectual, timeless youth forever...Robert and Jimmy are passionate about cultures around the world and this is the true essence of their memorable compositions which continue to attract generations again and again, it is their passion for humanity that touches the hearts of people..... ...back then as a teenager it was difficult for me, growing up in two extreme cultures (and I understand how difficult it is for youngsters today too, they have their own challenges, as expressed by Young Proph. here, but in my early twenties, as I began to look back in life, I realized how incredible the era was, most definitely Led Zeppelin were and remain synonyms with the 70's Youth/Culture......
  18. ...This is a excellent thread, a great exchange with the Veterans and The Young....I hope the posters can maintain record breaking understanding... On my part, I give benefit of doubt to The young Ones, for they have not been "There", where we The Veterans once have and we all think differently and come from different experiences of life...
  19. AEN 27, you are very friendly Gen. #2 Pagette, I am happy to share the same passion, to celebrate Page - His timeless beauty...regardless which Generation we belong to which thread what and where...cheers!!!

  20. ...Sailor86, agreed absolutely...I have watched quite few Lip-syncing videos, IN FACT, I will continue in my lifetime ;)
  21. Baby, I'm Gonna Leave You... Beat Club http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=32427206
  22. ...I listened to this just after your post, and was bit reluctant to give my opinion, the very first listen, Robert does indeed sound like "Devil", I do not hear a "G", "T" sound, honestly, it is quite clearly "D".... I have heard this song many many times, but never paid close attention, now first time I did, and it is what the controversy is....
  23. ... It is an addition, and of course, Respect for His Father's Profession. Jason wants to challenge himself and is willing to take the risk (Nothing will happen to Zep of course). I agree with other fans that Jason needs to create his own music, as any artist must and should, to be truly justified as an artist, likewise, I am hoping that from this project Jason can produce unique creativity that will justify his apprenticeship well into the future. I am sure that his Late Father is proud of this venture that His next generation believes in Him...
  24. ...I do recall this quite some time back, but thank you for posting it again. Neil Christian also performed on this show (If only we could see Jimmy with Neil) ...add to clarify.... I didn't see the Video on This Official Site, I do recall strongly a foreign website...
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