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Everything posted by PlanetPage

  1. ...tks for entertaining the ladies Evster2012....I love the Polka Dot Scarf Jimmy, The Dragon Suit...just to name a few...you can continue your scanning as long as like.............
  2. Thank you Sam for the Info... RIP Sutch, beautiful memories... He is at Elvis Press Conference Aug. 1, 1969....First Show...(Zep already left on Opening Night July 31, 1969....this is the next day....... Here is the link to that photo.... http://www.elvis.com.au/presley/interview_...onference.shtml
  3. ....Correction on my Part - Page Refused to Meet Elvis (As Per Pam's diary) on Aug. 12 - Not as as per my error on Jul 31...(no effect on events) although I highly doubt it Page met Elvis either of these nights due to his busy flying schedule.... Opening Night July 31, 1969 10:15 P.M. http://www.elvispresleymusic.com.au/elvis_..._1967_1969.html Bingenheimer, as you know, may or may not have attended Zep Concert...depending on his event/schedule...... Most certainly, Pictures with Elvis would be a treasure... Rodney B. direct quote from scanned article "...and they got to meet Elvis" (Opening Night)
  4. Mikezep61, ...Thanks for posting those amazing discoveries...You are right, as I searched earlier there website, the date is indeed August 2, this confirms further (yes, the article script is for the Elvis Show August 11/12, Robert must have called around this date) ......tks..lot...
  5. Steve A. Jones - IN RESPONSE TO YOUR POST #75 This is definite Confirmation....Beyond reasonable doubt.....Here is the sequence of Events.........the dots are connected... 1969 April 28th - Pam's Journal entry - Page/Pam "Notice" each other... (NO MEETING HERE) Proof - Pam writes on Aug. 1 (their first meeting) - he told her "I got your number last time I was in town - Page/Catherine James split (dated since Yardbirds) July 31st (Thurs.) - The Band MUST perform concert in Vegas/attend Rodney B's arranged Opening Night later - (Page refuses to meet Elvis (time constraint) AND They (RETURNED) are at Thee Experience back that night (see Pam's entry - "Jimmy Page is coming to town today....July 31 entry THE VEGAS CONCERT HAS HAPPENED ON JULY 31, PAM IS NOT AWARE OF IT, SHE HAS NOT CONNECTED WITH PAGE/ZEP IN ANY WAY, but she will when they return same night to Thee Experience ***NOTICE HER AUGUST 1 ENTRY "Jimmy was just here to greet me and asked 92 questions WHY Why I didn't meet him at the Hyatt House LAST NIGHT" The July 31st entry is CORRECT (Band parties at The Ex/Page alone at Hyatt) (JIMMY DID NOT GO TO NEW YORK, AS ABOVE, THEY RETURNED LATE TO THEE EXPERIENCE) August 1 - Earl Warren Show Ground, Santa Barbara - JIMMY AND PAM MEET FOR THE FIRST TIME AS PAM NOW AGREED TO MEET/DATE PAGE....First concert she attends ***SEE Chain's interview conducted"...Were you aware Jimmy going to New York...He says we were too... not attentive (they are road/travelling band) where Page is headed to...but Chain knows he is Going somewhere....*** ***Pam goes to Vegas with Zep August 12, 1969 - Note Pam's entry carefully - August 11/12 She writes "We're off to Vegas now to see Mr. Presely. Mr. Page takes care of me, doesn't he?? I adore him so much.... (they are in a relationship) IN Vegas, Here Page makes the decision to go to Kramer/Grant in New York to finish Led Zep II - Peter receives Page - As per York (The SALT LAKE CITY FLIGHT ORIGINATES THIS DATE, BUT IS IRRELEVANT TO THE LED ZEP PERFORMANCE CONCERT ON JULY 31/Elvis) (PETER IN FACT IS IN NEW YORK) ***If the concert had taken place on August 11....then PAM was with them/sidelined, SHE CLEARLY HAS NO IDEA/PROOF OF THIS CONCERT.......(It never happened this date, she doesn't realize, EVENT HAS ALREADY TAKEN PLACE... There is no need for her to mention it, it is irrelevant to her as she mentions only her Led Zep experiences.... (The rest of the Band/Pam returns to CA, Page - to New York - Return Flight to CA to join BAND) .............. Pam's entry August 14......."Gone"....(Page 159)...My lovely Jimmy. How amazing it all was....... July 31 and August 1 are INTERMITTENT dates - evident by Pam's entry..."why I didn't meet him last night" Summarize - The Vegas Concert Date is July 31, 1969 Led Zep II was mixed in New York via Page/Kramer/Grant in the week of August 11, 1969 - including weekend.... ONLY ONE FLIGHT ORIGINATED VIA SALT LAKE CITY - on August 12, 1969 Zep has seen Elvis twice July 31 - With Rodney Aug. 11 - With Pam...
  6. Pamela DeBarres - I'm With The Band Page 152 April 28, 1969 Entry - ........P.S. Big news....Led Zeppelin are arriving tomorrow... The next night my dear Mercy accompanied me to the Whiskey to see Led Zeppelin.................After this thrilling display we made our way to Thee Experience, Jimmy Page sat apart from it all, observing the scne as if he had imagined it; May 8, 1969 - I took my country fiddle and left the sleazy temptations of Hollywood to Led Zeppelin's roadies............ http://new.music.yahoo.com/blogs/ledzeppel...lin-in-america/ "The first time they came to town they hung out at this place called Thee Experience," recounts Pamela DesBarres. "We went there and saw a fantastic guy--Bo Diddley was there--and they were all there, ......."I noticed he was just watching and trying to get me to grin at him and everything, but I was trying to ignore him." Ever the smoothie, Page sent over infamous road manager Richard Cole to do his bidding--handing DesBarres a note revealing the guitarist's room number at the Continental Hyatt House on Sunset Strip. "I guess he thought that I would show up there, which I didn't," says she. "That always made you intriguing to whoever it was." .......
  7. ....NME Express - Reference to Blocoboy's scanned article, NME - weekly publication.... Robert's Article in Index - Aug. 2, 1969 Issue No. 1183 (America Calling) **Blocoboy's scanned article starts with "Robert Plant called this week...." NME July issue ends with July 26, 1969....begins with First Issue with Aug. 2 ... This places July 31/Aug. 1 in first week of publication... There is no Zep reference in Aug. 16,1969 Issue No. 1184... http://www.skidmore.edu/~gthompso/britrock/NME/nme6908.htm The date of Blocoboy's scanned is pertinent to next Issue No. 1184 - August 16 Week Issue... reiterate: NME is published weekly...Robert's article appeared in the FIRST Issue of August, 1969, Publication is dated Aug. 2, 1969.... - There is no other reference to ZEP in Aug./Sept... **Although Pam's recollection is mostly accurate, the dates are conflicting...Peter Grant is notably missing when the Band arrives close to July, 1969 dates @ The Ex...highly likely he is in New York/Kramer...as Grant is to receive Page at Airport/New York.... **The promotional CD's/T-shirts, etc...is also mentioned in Elvis/Vegas Opening Night July 31, 1969 Thurs via his fan club...(proof/stated by Bingenh.) -see his statement in Entourage Thread... (Rodney clearly states the Band received CD special set, which now sells for $500, back in '86 that is) ............... Elvis Set/List Stage Attire - For August 11/12, needs to be established (I have noticed White also on certain dates, but unable to establish for specific dates...As you know Pam describes Elvis's Black Suit and his songs in her journal entry....this could be helpful....granted, setlist/attire could be duplicated, but confirmation is helpful) ***BUT as I estbalished earlier, her description does matches the opening night in every way.... (Peter Grant's whereabouts/info. for Aug. 11/12 would helpful, clearly if he is not in New York, then Page wouldn't have travelled this date, as Grant would have received him.... **If possible, ever gracious Chain could be verified for any references to Elvis that night***
  8. (confusing) .....Her Elvis description is remarkably accurate for the Opening Night (The Black Suit)...The set list too is accurate in sequence in according to her diary... "he tore through Love me Tender," "Don't be Cruel," and Jailhouse Rock." http://www.elvisnews.com/encyclopedia.aspx...-night-1969/261 ....Rodney B. places the Band in Vegas July 31, 1969...Robert Plant also calls the NME Musical "Going to See Elvis"....Rodney B. is at the Press Conference/Elvis Aug. 1 (see picture)... The entire Band had to be in Vegas on July 31 (Thurs.)...She could not have witnessed them entering at Thee Ex. on July 31... **One thing I noted on Pam's July 31, 1969 Journal Entry anyhow, she fails to witness Peter Grant entering...the whole Band and Richard Cole, (except for Page **understood)... **she must have witnessed the Band as above, but closer to July 31, 1969.... Was Peter in New York with Kramer (***Kramer is hired by Weiss and I like to think they are pressed for time/release- Page's delivery of Led Zep II is crucial at this point in time) ......... As discussed earlier in this thread, Her August 12, 1969 Entry is inaccurate...Zep was in Ananheim on Aug. 9, 1969 As for Vegas Entry on August 12....she states "We are off to Vegas..." she appears to put herself in the same place/timeframe with Zep....then there is no evidence of Possible Ice Palace date... ...later.. As for Kramer, the other link I posted, Eddie K. alludes to Page and I put together on one weekend.... ...later...
  9. ...No prob...still got few more I could scan...it's a great magazine, I got to do one from Robert soon........ .."I'm honored that that's the case" - Page, Guitar World 1986 Special Jimmy Page Issue
  10. ....Beautiful Robert Plant is deserving of every happiness and success after what he has gone through so soon in just couple of year time...too much too soon.... Striking for today.... :D ;)
  11. This overcoat sure is an item...I wonder where it is? or jealously, who has it
  12. ...Eddie Kramer/Jimmy Page - Led Zep II mixed on a weekend.... Related Article... "mixed over one weekend by Page and Kramer in New York" http://books.google.ca/books?id=xBk3w1yr2s...lt&resnum=5
  13. ...same, I grew up with their era/music, so they are naturally part of me... ) Together they are brilliant musicians, exceptionally skilled, Freddie of course one of the greatest vocalist who ever lived........I did fall out a bit with queen with respect to Fat Bottom Girls, I am love with my car, another one bite the dust, of course there other classics, masterpieces......... :D I was hoping that RollingStone would dedicate entire cover to Freddie upon his passing, but it was just a head line news....He deserved a Rolling Stone Cover......... other than that, I have some personal doubts with respect to Freddie's true identity and why he felt the need to be somebody he wasn't (Name Change/Hide I.D.)....but I don't count this against his fine musicianship...He remains one of my fav. musicians of all time.... Miss you Freddie...always loved you, no matter what ...truly...
  14. DEB J...I had lot more time for myself as a teen, but now as you know I have to make time for others...yes, whatever is left over, it has to be laid back....not much choice there after the day is done, done....
  15. ....MoonMaid, Or Miss "M" of the Board, well, thank you for the beautiful sighting....I must admit the whole time I was focused on Jimmy....I wasn't concentrating on the other musicians...too hard... :D For Jimmy and Robert are both wise...notice the words..."Community"...."Joined together".... so here we are in this spirit.... Oh, I almost forgot to say....JIMMY IS BEAUTIFUL and just one more thing, sorry, I have to get this off my chest...that RoSS....His name ends in a DOUBLE "SS"..........
  16. SAJ...This is to confirm that Las Vegas Concert Date is July 31, 1969 (NOT AUGUST 11, 1969) I have the dates confirmed with proof from Eddie Kramer direct quote/interview from Guitar world Magazine 1986...(see link in this forum already scanned). It is a widely known fact on the Internet also that Led Zep II was mixed just in two days over a weekend.... DIRECT QUOTE FROM EDDIE KRAMER/EXCERPT: "WE PUT EVERY THING TOGETHER AND I MIXED LED ZEPPELIN II IN ONE "WEEKEND" IN NEW YORK" I WORKED OUT THE WEEKEND AS FOLLOWS: Starting with August 9, 1969 Saturday, August 10, 1969 Sun August 11, 1969 Monday August 12, 1969 Tuesday August 13, 1969 Wedenesday (These dates cannot be it - "weekdays" if Jimmy flew to N.Y. on August 11/12 as suggested with Ritchie York)....clearly this is illogical (Jimmy arriving Tues/Wed.) The REAL DATE: Starting with July 31, 1969 Thursday Vegas/Elvis Opening Night August 1, 1969 Friday Date: Jimmy flew out of Vegas to NEW YORK/Band back to SanDiego AUGUST 2, 1969 SATURDAY** AUGUST 3, 1969 SUNDAY** ** (weekend Eddie Kramer states mixing of Led Zep II) August 4, 1969 MONDAY.. 5th tues. 6th wed. 7th thurs. 8th fri.(see top) On FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1969 upon arrival in New York from VEGAS/Via Salt-Lake City, Jimmy did his part with Kramer, and flew from N.Y. back to Sandiego (SAME DAY) FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1969 to join band that night....and Eddie Kramer clearly mixed LED ZEP II on the WEEKEND.... Band MUST HAVE Performed as they arrived from Salt Lake City into Vegas On Thursday, July 31, 1969 - later same night THEY went to see Elvis with Rodney/Miss P. Joining them LATER - Miss P. does not mention this fact in her Vegas Entry (see her entry previous post) because she was NOT present at this concert, she only joined the band for Elvis Purpose....from looks of this The Band had performed already. (also this concert is sudden appearance date, irrelevant to Miss P. to mention in entry - BECAUSE - **Clearly Robert Plant has no idea that they will be performing in Vegas on July 31, 1969 when he is calling the NME EXPRESS on or just before July 31, 1969 HE SIMPLY SAYS "ABOUT TO SEE ELVIS" - ) SEE blocoboy's NME scan....ealier post SAJ - Your Conducted Interview Matches the New York Date: Q: After your performance, did you stay to observe Led Zeppelin's set? We're you at all familiar with their debut album? Jimmy Page's reputation as a guitarist? Were you aware he was departing for New York the next day to continue his work on Led Zeppelin II? A: After we got out of our white Brioni suits we snuck back out to watch Zeppelin from the back of the bleachers. We had heard the debut album and were aware of Jimmy's rep as a picker (he lived up to it). Having had James Burton, Jerry Cole, Glen Campbell, Tommy Tedesco, Bobby Cochran, Kent Henry, Jose Feliciano, and Dink Kaplan play with me in the past I was always very conscious of great guitarists. "We too were departing for New York that night, only we were doing it in a Ford Van. " (as the opening band is **driving, leaving that night...) ...so this is the final outcome for the WEEKEND, EDDIE KRAMER IS REFERRING TO.... Here is Eddie Kramer's Interview/Proof: http://forums.ledzeppelin.com/index.php?showtopic=10606 ....From this proof, there is no concert/performance on August 11, 1969 in Las Vegas, Ice Palace
  17. ....Hello Miss "M", I should say...I totally understand, and your journal entry has captured this historic moment perfectly....the beauty, the madness, the whole thing....this moment will be immortalized in time...just like Miss "P"'s :D
  18. ...I make sure that suitcase stays outside....I will enter this "clause"... :D
  19. ...it's Led Zep experience, and you are sharing with Led Zep fans....really, MoonMaid, music brings people closer together, it has no boundaries.... Oh, maybe, I will calm down about Ross H. Now...boy, that sure can get you at a place you don't want to be...I am sure you understand... ;) :D
  20. ...MoonMaid, thank you for your hard work....You have already entertained us so much, and the REEL movie is yet to come..... I am very appreciative of you...it would be difficult to stay dignified in such busy circumstances...I am not very comfortable with this Ross piece here....brave of you that you didn't let this ruin your true moment....(and I will say, I have no desire to meet him whatsoever....but really this is enough of him..(I have stopped reading his diary), Jimmy needs to expand his circle now professionally speaking...I do respect Jimmy's discretion for friendship with Ross as he wishes...but I would like to read something different now.... anyway, looking forward to your very dedicated contribution.......... :D
  21. ....Oh, I did, Yes, the Polka Dot scarf is back....he just looks fantastic....the scarf, uttermost satisfaction....they are made for each other.... :D
  22. ...tks. Moonmaid, I could just feel it, the entire atmosphere must be intoxicating around him...
  23. .....Forever Beautiful, forever young, he himself is a melodious song commenced on instrument of life.....dream of some poet....... Cat, tks. for posting this picture....
  24. very interesting and now this from ZEP PR - Danny Goldberg (Guitarworld 1986) "So I think Jimmy's influence is not only as a guitarist but I always thought his true and greatest genius was as writer and producer. "He stands alone as a conceptualizer of what rock band should sound like. And greatness of Zeppelin comes from him as a writer and a producer..." smile.gif
  25. agreed, as we discussed Jeff Beck before...had he "seeked" actively, he may even have surprised himself....but we will see what happens with the Cancer Trust, should it happen...you never know some extra-ordinary chemistry might develop...Both Pete and Jimmy are very creative (I hope they will put a "musical" together), theater anyone?
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