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Everything posted by PlanetPage

  1. ....tks for this piece....History in the making....I hope fans like him have come to terms with themselves....I can't imagine, history in the making, and "I threw a bottle at Robert Plant"..... :D
  2. ....Ninelives, tks. for capturing my feelings in every way in your response...I couldn't have written it better,.... :D I would love to see how they can re-create more Zeppelin music in classical style, perhaps with Orchestra I enjoyed "Tonic"..very classical, reminder of late 60's-70's era, truly original The "remix" Phase in the Indian Film Industry truly remains criticized by the accomplished music directors and the general public has come to terms with it significantly. This is evident by popularity of young musicians Rahat Fateh Ali Khan and Kailash Kher (two well established "Sufi" Singers, in exclusive category by itself). .....and, perhaps this thread belongs in the Other Band.... Just wondering.... :D
  3. ....one expen$ive laundry bill I say....Richard must have shopped for discount prices, considering the "Led Wallet" issue here .... :D (just kidding, Jimmy)... Dry-Cleaning would have maintained the condition of his Dragon Suit....this makes me wonder why it wasn't offered for display.... Just from my knowledge on this Forum, The Black Dragon Suit is at the Hall of Fame....and rest belong to Page.... ...Hmmm....
  4. Same extended to you Medhb....and tks for warming up the screen with the Beautiful smile of Ross's Greatest Subject..... :) (this smile, captured by a Very Young Fan, HeartBreakerGirl, on this Forum....Timeless, Jimmy Page)
  5. ....Your Emotional Spirit is very much connected here.... Jahfin, good to see you on this Forum..... For both of you, I wish much strength to your extended loved ones.........
  6. Aen27, thanks for entertaining us with your amazing collection. Happy birthday, as I am just going through the thread.... Never seen top photo before....He looks like behind "Bars"....I would join him, pleading NOT GUILTY that is... :wub: PS. I too am awaiting ZEP PHOTO Book...will post the details/photos thereafter.... (sorry, the name ecapes me now, as I reviewed quite few...at Chapters)
  7. ....I have to watch the first one...I am not familiar with this...but the story line is appealing....
  8. ...Originally, when I saw this post a while ago, I thought of this hat... ...Miss P. alludes to this hat (I am with the Band). She writes that Jimmy had a hat fitted (with a feather sticking) at Nudie's Taylor, Hollywood, circa '69/70. She also writes their "massive" Peter Grant was also fitted at this shop... (I do wish she would have spilled some details about Jimmy's stage costumes, but another topic...) (This photograph was taken from Bebe Buell's collection in 1974). I decided to post this...as this will add to Jimmy's hat collection....... :)
  9. ....since you are on this forum...we will elevate your status to "In-Cast"........... ...and in time, who knows....you may "ADD" few Zeppelin traits..... :lol:
  10. ....Musically speaking, same as you ( in my adult years)... ....Culturally speaking ....in my teens (70's)... at the height of Zeppelin's popularity mid-seventies, I was exposed to Western culture....it was an awakening for me....desire for self-expression and independence while still maintaining my identity @ home..Jimmy Page's image/photographs, particularly, challenged me to walk two paths originating from West/East culture at the same time... (very complex chapter in my life, I have to admit) P.S. very beautiful Rock Star of his time...his "look" in a class by itself....Perfect for any young girl's bedroom wall :wub:
  11. ...smartness exists in every field... ...but for some reason "smart" is most associated with "technical/logical" ability...in this case, I would say Jimmy Page...going by his handwriting analysis, and "incomparable "skill" in mastery of guitar...but of course, he is an artist of profound depth before all of this.... (they all are very smart musicians, proven in legacy of Led Zeppelin, if it wasn't their "smartness", who would be here?) :D
  12. ....Bebe Buelle in Rebel Heart makes this detail known, as I recall strongly....
  13. absolutely good point there...physical proximity of the costume, as it relates to "worldly" matters is now the "question of the moment..."....This is the Great Mystery of the White Suit...hope we can solve this one soon.... :D
  14. there is absolutely no photograph (of Jimmy wearing it of course) or details to support it as to where this costume orginated from, ie. any tailoring details....from the point of conception.......... None, that anybody knows...
  15. agreed.... and the "purpose" should at least support odd photograph or two, or somehow "witnessed" to commemorate his legendary musical legacy so famous for stage costumes....
  16. ...this would be the only logical explanation, they would, I believe, have to get a confirmation from Manager/Jimmy Page to set the Record straight... Jimmy's increasing interest to visit Egypt in '75 would also be a reason for this piece to be tailored in '75, OR could be '77 but wore it BRIEFLY (without being photographed on stage?), and didn't fit, etc... (I would also think that ALL of the shows of '75 and '77 have been photographed, hopefully none are missing)
  17. Jahfin, so sorry and thanks for sharing your sorrow with us, this is what makes each and every one of us stronger together.....
  18. Here is what color he wore in 1975 (fan's comment confirms his on-stage choice of color BLACK, and I was referring to these comments earlier in my posts... That's from L.A. 6-23-77. A fan named Irene gave it to Jimmy and he wore it for the encores that night. She wrote about it here: http://www.ledzeppelin.com/show/june-23-1977 (Click on the 'comment' by Irene) "I made Jimmy Page a jacket and took it to the Forum and gave it to the General Manager. I made a black jacket because he usually wore black. This year he switched to white. I attached a letter stating that I had tickets for the 6/23 show. The concert was fantastic and I really enjoyed the show. When they came out for the encore Jimmy Page had my black jacket on! He walked all around the stage and turned around to show off the back. I almost fainted and my group of friends went crazy, I was a celebrity in my group of friends. I will never forget that moment as long as I live. Just to think that he would do that was awesome. To this day when I tell people about it they are amazed also." ....Perhaps the Loaned Suit is tailored in '75 and Jimmy experimented with it, and he chose to remain attired in Black....(I have seen all of his photographs, like many fans here, of '77 and '75 era....this suit looks like never left the closet, Worn by Jimmy as in "try-out"... The '77 suit drove me crazy enough :wub: and now this has a story of its own....Oh Jimmy!!!!
  19. HBG, .....Each time I watch this movie, I am reminded of the simpler times, the music, the imagination ....they tried to "visualize" their poetry, depth of their inner creativity... (and of course, I love Jimmy climbing up the Mountain, it will always forever haunt me.... I am glad to see you appreciating this movie, all over again, new generation, new times, ....more the things change, more they stay same, I think this is true... ...on the right track :D
  20. No, you are not the only one, (I too was dazed and confused) ... meaning was configured along the way by....tks to all... :D and I am sure the Young Fan had no intention of this.... :D
  21. ....He simply means that all the "posters" in this thread have derailed the thread from it's original purpose of SRTS topic....so far, Jimmy's diet, veg's, fries, etc., confusion as of now (ADD?), have been covered...? I would think he is stating that the Posters are "inflicted" with Attention Deficit Disorder (as they lack attention....) why we are all ADD means that we all have Attention Deficit Disorder when it comes to derailing the threads, here, and in genreal?......... (I felt compelled to answer this, as I contributed to this thread, but rather late...)
  22. ...yes, The sequel, Song Remains the Same, staring, The Notorious Fries, has definitely ended.... :D ....The thread has been off-topic for sometime - :D "fried", earlier,............
  23. ...NOTHING...All choices are = veg/non-veg.......... :D Mental/Physical Balance has to be maintained.... :D
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