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Everything posted by PlanetPage

  1. This thread is in danger of becoming derailed from it's original purpose but... Aquamarine I agree with you ...he probably is and he should be (life is too short!). In the past, Richard Cole was" there" for Robert Plant in '77 in time of his greatest tragedy, either via his own admission or by obligation...fact is HE was there, as he cared for Robert in '75. Also, I always understood that Page being the CEO of Zep, Peter Grant (RIP) was "more" in line with Page.
  2. I think it is sensationalized, (Richard was probably thinking it is "Rock and Roll", I would not call it a total betrayal, I do realize Richard's position with Led Zeppelin as their closest confidant. ...one thing I really admire about Jimmy Page and Robert Plant is that they value friendships not only among themselves "best under the circumstances", as well as others, like here Richard Cole, even their past liaisons with women both on/off the road...truly, I have never come across anything that is they said in press could be considered earth-shattering... Richard does value Jimmy's respect for women in Stairway to Heaven, (and I do trust Jimmy, he would never mislead anyone)....Richard writes that Jimmy is classy English Rockstar who had nothing but respect for all the women he encountered, that includes women who became friends, motherly, etc... for a day or for a lifetime....
  3. cast of Slumdog Millionaire Fredia Pinto...very charming and intelliegent young actress... Miss World/actress Priyanka Chopra, also very charismatic and intelligent... They have handled their public life/fame with style and grace...
  4. ...I second that...yes...inspiration from Indian musical scales "very generally speaking"....but Not qawali specifically (I have listened to qawalil all of my life...it is not limited to this form of music only...Qawal/singer has to hold the high notes for a very very long long time, constantly...extremely difficult and complex art ) ...this is the best as I can explain it...
  5. on their way....somewhere on Sunstrip Blvd... Robert: Ah....It's gonna be a great !!!...Jimmy is buying today...... Jimmy: if only he knew....I forgot my wallet again.... LOL
  6. ....and the smoke arising from our cigarettes will cause stir at the gates of heaven.......
  7. ...thanks for sharing....He is charming as in "out-of-this-world"......Jimmy can do whatever he wants, but remove that sweat of his face, with a towel, ALL BY HIMSELF?....NO, NO....
  8. ...Divine....that would be Nirvana?...as documented the same in several books in early 70's and 90's........?
  9. Fireopal, Tutorial by Jimmy Page...that would cause earthquake on the book shelves!!!!........... No, the earlier picture(s) are not in India and I don't think it would be expen$ive, more like culture, familiarity...... The Yardbirds are on an Island....I have read Jimmy Page Bio, where Page explains as to "I have heard similar music in Mauritiana or Mauritius... before (while Page was in Brazil - making reference to Brazilian music).... I don't think Zep together ever have visited an Island like this, so I think Page was referring to these photos... The set of pictures ...Ship/family posing are all related and now just one more...... (yes!!! His Hotness is beautiful as always!!!!!!!) I hope they will get ready soon something like this.....
  10. ..............universal indeed....... After all the fame and fortune has been achieved, there is nothing left to accomplish but friendship, the ultimate reward.... I do believe they will put their differences aside (if any) and let their creativity guide them to togetherness.... ...and we can only hope their passion continues in some form of creativity.... and some luck fans will witness this historic event....good luck everybody!!!
  11. ...IluvJimmyPage, thanks for being there "well in advance for the rest of us (ladies)"...a closer look at His Hotness, yes...the "Reel Thing".........
  12. ...Alice75 tks for letting us know this...I thought so too....(I admire her "cavewoman dress") well no matter how busy with the ladies....there are chores to do...(that goes for me too!!!) (I do love the beard personality in him...he looks so divine.....)
  13. Thank You. Enjoyed indeed.... ( I am sure meeting Jimmy Page was a special, unforgettable birthday gift for you!) ....and Many Many more happy birthdays, James Patrick Page!!!.....Your life was written with the same ink that of the nights, moons, and the stars...timeless.........
  14. RiotHouse, thanks for your amazing photos, extremely entertaining..I love this '77 photo, stunning... so many of my memories forever will remain attached to photos of Page '77 era. It was my beginning in so many ways, musically, culturally.......... Page remains as The CEO of 70's music & culture...
  15. Another image captured from video - Zep at Plaza Hotel June'77. He does look beautiful here...and someone sure is lucky. There is another photo of same lady being escorted by Jimmy on this official website... she could be a journalist/assitant....
  16. ...Steve, thanks a lot for another historic fact (I have now further read that Big Jim Sullivan, his fellow session guitarist, would be the one to teach Jimmy how to play sitar along with George Harrison initially. I am sure that you are aware of this following bit, but I do admire Jimmy's wisdom/approach to music.... from interview with Steven Rosen......... When you started playing the double-neck did it require a new approach on your part? JP: Yes. The main thing is, there’s an effect you can get where you leave the 12-string neck open as far as the sound goes and play on the 6-string neck, and you get the 12-strings vibrating in sympathy. It’s like an Indian sitar, and I’ve worked on that a little bit. I use it on “Stairway” like that; not on the album but on the soundtrack and film. It’s surprising, it doesn’t vibrate as heavily as a sitar would, but nonetheless does add to the overall tonal quality.
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