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Everything posted by zepscoda

  1. Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb Tonight!
  2. Belated happy birthday to Fay....
  3. Filmmaking is akin to writing on water. Val Lewton
  4. "In a society that tries to standardize thinking, individuality is not highly prized." ~ Alex Grey
  5. I'm looking forward to season 6 too.
  6. Just started watching it this week. Really like it alot...episode 3 was where it starts to get "Fargoish" . I can't wait to watch episode 4 and maybe 5 tonight. I too love the '83/'82 vibe... I was born in '69, I remember the 80's fondly.
  7. Strider....GREAT pics and review of the 50th Celebration show... Thanks !!
  8. In theaters for one day next month....here's the link for times and locations http://www.fathomevents.com/event/stanley-kubricks-dr-strangelove
  9. Last week I binge watched Fargo season 1 . Really loved it...I watched season 2 during its original run last year. If I had to choose which season was better, I'd take season 2. I really dug the split screen usage, and the music placement was incredible.... Although I must say, the use of cross-fading was very "Kubrick like" in season 1...and it's Billy Bob Thornton's greatest performance to date IMHO Maybe I just gravitate towards the 1979 time period more than the 2006 setting of the first season.
  10. Chillin at the pool listening to Loud Hailer... OMG the best and most interesting work Jeff has done in years....amazing!!
  11. Great shots ! Walter , did you take the arial shots of the ballpark from up in the Arch ?
  12. The sunshine underground - Chemical Brothers
  13. I really hope it becomes legal there....there's some magical places in Arizona.... Jerome, Sedona, Grand Canyon National Park, Meteor Crater and the Painted Desert...OMG....being able to stop pick up an 1/8 or a couple of pre rolled joints at any one of thoese sites would be pretty cool !
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