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Everything posted by ~tangerine~

  1. First, i agree with Jahfin, i don't follow celebrity news enough to get sick of any one celebrity. But there are a few i can't stand, even if i only come across them occasionally. Next, i do agree with Taylor Swift. I agree she seems like a nice girl, etc... i also agree her singing sucks (not to mention the very simpleton lyrics), and her performances (i saw her on the AMA and Leno) are boring. I can't stand Britney, Jessica (Simpson), or Paris. Three true bimbos in my book.
  2. I would be fairly certain if Jimmy and JPJ get together, it would be to create new musas. I just wanted to add that to the post i invaded . I would not feel they were inappropriate to incorporate a few Zep songs if they felt the desire. Just as long as it was kept very minimal. I agree with you that Led Zeppelin as we know them, ended when we lost John Bonham.
  3. Ain't Got You... Bruce Springsteen
  4. ~tangerine~


    Good luck with the big work event tomorrow, Virginia! Enjoy the dance recital! My mom and I are so excited about tomorrow's dance recital also. Actually so is my daughter. When i told her tonight she gets a flower corsage she was really happy! Plans for Sunday are unconfirmed. Was invited to the zoo with one of my best friends and her two kids so i'm still deciding. Weekends (even four day ones which i'm in the midst of) go by so fast! Everyone have a safe one!
  5. ^ A perfect example of why i answered your thread about how when i grew up i felt it was great, and instead of telling my child as she grows up how much harder i had it, i am always going to be thinking and feeling how much harder she has it. I think the teens of today have a frightening world to deal with on so many levels. It is such a shame that young people are engaging in these types of activities. They are not old enough to cope with the consequences that confront them.
  6. Will you please, a) get a grip and shut your mouth. I am not confused, lol, and i don't need you talking about my business or lack there of any business.... i can speak for myself. btw.... YOU'RE WRONG, not my time of the month! edit: and make sure you're clear, because nobody has ever had to call the authorities on me.... i know it's hard for you to forget about your English girl, but i am not her, lol.
  7. I recall you said he looked like the thugs. I said he (Mary Hartman) thought you said he looked like Pacino.
  8. The Rythym of the Heat... Peter Gabriel
  9. As a ten year old i was watching Clint Spaghetti westerns on tv (no cable back then either) and what a crush i had on him! My dad was a big fan so that made Clint seem even more appealing. Another guy i find sexy with a beard:
  10. Now is it the right time to suggest getting that room? btw... he thought you said he resembled Al Pacino, not the thugs...
  11. My favorite man with a beard (not partial to beards) Clint was hot back in the day/with and without a beard:
  12. I think it was on Bret Micheals "Rock of Love Bus" one of the girls popped her fake boob, lol... had to get it removed ASAP! With the way some men are in the sack, i would think this would occur quite a bit I think you may have helped make my point about "shallowness". The fake boob may not last as long as the gay marriage
  13. Is Miss America a smutty version of Miss U.S.A.? I guess i need to google this to see what i'm misinformed on. I may not have realized there is more than one "Miss" pagent. You get my point of what i am saying i think anyway.
  14. Well my opinion of the entire Miss America institution has just dropped a notch, lol, knowing they paid for the implants. (Okay seriously, my opinion of them wasn't that high to start). I also don't care what other women (unless it's my own daughter) do with their bodies. A good friend of mine had implants placed (this goes back to 1985) and i didn't think much of it. But to me, this type of role model is shallow. Miss America is a role model. I also think that Miss America contestants should be natural. If they are being judged mostly on beauty, why shouldn't they be judged by how they truly look, not how surgery has made them look. I'll allow the make-up because we know without it, most of them wouldn't be show stoppers. We are talking about young women here, not 40 somethings who may need a little cosmetic help (no offense to anyone over 40, me included). I am looking at this more from the stand point of a mom with a beautiful daughter. I do not want her to grow up thinking using your body is the way to achieve things in life. I want her to use her intelligent mind to become someone successful in a meaningful way. Of course, this is all my hope and dream. But i will try my best to nurture her to be someone who has self esteem because of her inner beauty, and not feel she needs to show off her outer beauty in a provocative way. Self esteem is something you should feel from the inside, not from the way you look. I'm not saying people don't feel better about themselves when they look good. I'm saying i don't believe you can achieve good self esteem just by how you look. It's deeper than that. If you don't love yourself then all the cosmetic surgery in the world won't make you. Look at how miserable Marilyn Monroe was on the inside for example. Posing for any kind of pictures is a choice some women make. It's a shallow profession (though most probably enter into it for the money, of course). I don't find they are contributing much to society myself. I would prefer to see more of these women out there trying to make positive change in the world. I think this story is overrated much the way Obama and the bow was.
  15. I believe Spats, but would love to see a picture.
  16. My point was what i thought Spats was saying. Something about her morals. I certainly don't care if she has implants (no idea if that's even true) it's just the superficial nature of it, to me. Any woman who thinks surgically placing foreign objects in her body for the look of it is a good idea, is shallow in my book. I consider her stand on gay marriage just as shallow.
  17. They taste similar to lobster.
  18. The first decision has proven to be right because it has shown to be a closed chapter. The second decision seems to continue to show me evidence that it was also the right move.... and my quote below is proof...
  19. I live in the same neighborhood i grew up in from age five to early 20's... moved away from here, and moved back about six years ago. I live on a cul de sac and i know many of my neighbors. Most are my parents ages, and one who moved last year that i was very friendly with has twin daughters that i went to school with. Two different neighbors have asked me quite a few times to bring in their mail when they went on vacations. One gave me a gift card to Target as a thank you (which i felt was totally unnecessary, but very sweet). She also bought my daughter gifts on special occasions. I have gotten offers from another neighbor with a teenage daughter to babysit my daughter, and even take her to school if i ever need her to. She has looked out for me since i've known her. Another married gentleman in his 70's also adores my child and loves to invite us to spend time in his garden (it's gorgeous and he spends alot of time making it that way). My newest neighbors are younger than me and have a one year old. She is a nurse (like me) and her husband is a police officer. They have already invited my daughter and i to their house when they have had parties. They often have family gatherings. I choose to go to my family/sisters homes for gatherings! I think i'm lucky to live where i do. You can walk around my neighborhood and feel safe. It's relatively quiet. In the nice weather you see people out walking/biking/ and taking their babies for walks in the strollers. People will put signs of their lawn during elections (my one neighbor proudly displayed an Obama/Biden sign)... i have had personal conversations with many of my neighbors (about our jobs/education/families) and i have met the grown children of many of my neighbors when they come to visit their parents. My daughter plays with the one ladies grandson when we are around to catch him visiting. Maybe not your typical "big city" place to live.... but then again, i think where i live has many neighborhoods just like mine.
  20. Knowing i made the right decision... twice.
  21. ~tangerine~


    I was tired when i posted that and i thought pukey seemed odd, but that was the first image i saw and so i used it.... thanks for the laugh, too. I was in tears over it! I remember Eddie Murphy's Gumby skit. I love Eddie from back then. a correction:
  22. ~tangerine~


    I remember having these when i was six maybe? I vaguely remember the show. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gumby
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