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Everything posted by ~tangerine~

  1. Joe and John share a long time friendship. Saying he likes John more than Obama is irrelevant. http://www.swamppolitics.com/news/politics...n_good_sel.html John McCain: Joe Biden 'good selection' Posted August 23, 2008 8:00 PM by Mark Silva DENVER -- Sen. John McCain of Arizona, the Republican candidate for president, had this to say today about Sen. Joe Biden, his longtime Democratic Senate colleague from Delaware and now running mate for Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois: "I think he's a good selection,'' McCain told Katie Couric, of CBS News. "Joe and I have been friends for many, many years, and we know each other very well, and so I think he's made a very wise selection. '' Never mind the TV ads that McCain's campaign already is launching underscoring what Biden has said about his own team-mate's inability to lead -- words from a party primary past. McCain apparently will let his campaign, and perhaps his running mate, take care of Biden. For his part, McCain is playing the good Senate sport here: "I know that Joe will campagn well for Sen. Obama, and so I think he's going to be very formidable,'' McCain added. "Obviously, Joe and I have been on different philosophical sides, but we have been - I consider him a good friend and good man." Will this make it more difficult to criticize Obama, the Democratic Party's candidate for president, McCain was asked: "Do you think it wil be more difficult now, Sen. McCain, to criticize Barack Obama's foreign policy credentials, when someone like Joe Biden is on the ticket, a very experienced and respected voice on Capitol Hill in these matters?" Couric asked. "Well, I've always respected Joe Biden, but I disagreed with him from the time he voted against the first Gulf War to his position where he said you had to break Iraq up into three different countries,'' McCain said. "I never agreed with that. "But I appreciate very much his dedication to trying to solve this genocide that's going on in Darfur and other things that Joe Biden has done,'' McCain added. "But we really have different approaches to many national security issues. I look forward to whoever my running mate will be having a respectful debate with him on that as well."
  2. lol, oh i see what you mean Well that makes more sense then what i was thinking he meant. The whole idea period just gets me laughing. If a married woman wants an abortion, i would wonder what kind of husband she has in the first place.
  3. When men are the ones getting pregnant, i think that is when they should have a say in what happens (to their body). I particularly enjoyed the one where a married woman needs not only her husbands approval, but her father's. lol.
  4. Where the Streets Have No Name...U2
  5. I have hated school... I have never hated boys...
  6. Any Colour You Like...Pink Floyd edit:LZ1969 sorry to ignore your post but it didn't make sense to me.
  7. I agree with everything you have said Medhb, but the point that i didn't mention in my response to Del, i just read from you. Really great point, women going to backstreet clinics or god forbid i remember hearing about "self abortions" when i was a teenager.
  8. I have never been uncomfortable with the abortion issue. I have ALWAYS felt it's my body, and god forbid i get pregnant when i'm not ready, i want to have the option available to me. I'm not saying i would have chosen that option, but it was a comfort to know it was one. I was however, fortunate, very fortunate, that i was educated (more by my best friend than my mom, but mom tried) on "BIRTH CONTROL" and used it wisely. IMO, education to prevent unwanted pregnancies should be at the top of the priority list. If education in schools isn't enough then public service organizations should be getting out into the community. Prevent the event. Best way to go. This may sound harsh but I think it's more humane sometimes to end an unwanted life than to bring one into the world when the mother isn't fit to raise it. If you have ever seen a baby born prematurely and addicted to crack or a similar scenario, you might agree just a little with what i just said. Not to mention all the unwanted children born into a life of abuse.
  9. With all the problems this country is facing, overturning Roe v. Wade should not be on anyone's priority list. As a woman, i of course feel it's my right to decide.
  10. What Does It Take...Jr. Walker and the All Stars
  11. I agree. It's lame. Barack is not in any way responsible for this person.
  12. 19th Nervous Breakdown...Rolling Stones
  13. I'm glad your son is feeling better, Virginia. Alot of respiratory illness going around right now. I can't answer you question about the cleets, sorry, no idea What made me happy today was taking care of three nice patients. My 87 year old man was flirting with me, lol. He told me he loved my hair and made a conversation out of it. I also had a gift of two very cute, soft stuffed animals a patient's wife left for me for my daughter. Really touched me. Great big hugs from my sweetie made me happy tonight. What would have completed this day (yesterday). Smashing my computer to bits and having a good cry. I haven't done either...
  14. McCain might have a chance if he picks Hillary, lol...
  15. This news gives our country hope i didn't think we would see. I am psyched! I can't wait for Election Day!
  16. lol, yeah kind of funny. Well he is shallow as already mentioned.
  17. Well the friend i mentioned falling in love with after a year, that was unfortunate. He was married with a child so i never told him how i felt. I usually know within a month (often less) if i'm falling in love. Sometimes you can't tell the difference between love and lust until you get to know someone. If the feelings evolve then it might be love. It can be both too, imo. How is it wasting time if you are getting to know someone you like? You can't make yourself feel something that isn't there. If a girl isn't interesting to you, don't bother. All i tried to say is if a girl is even somewhat attractive to you, get some courage up and make a move. It is very easy to fall in love. It's harder to fall out of love with someone you love.
  18. When The Whip Comes Down...Rolling Stones
  19. Lol (i saw vomit twice tonight), well November Rain is one of two Guns and Roses songs i love.
  20. All i've seen of tv since i got home from work (just an hour ago) is cartoons. Aren't most 4 year olds still up at this hour? Okay so enough about my parenting skills, AWESOME, HOORAY, I AM SO FRIGGIN HAPPY!!! I hope the country will vote common sense this time around! Oh Joe Biden, finally he gets the respect he deserves! Anyone who knows me, knows how happy this makes me. I mentioned to my best friend tonight about Joe as a possibility and she said she was hoping too. She said because of me, years ago she started to admire him. I didn't even realize this (and we are very close). I sure wish i could call my dad right now to tell him the good news! Oh it's late and i'm tired and rambling...sorry if i gave anyone a headache.
  21. I have been trying so hard not to get my hopes up, because i love Joe Biden and felt he should be the next President. I know as VP Joe will make such a difference in turning this country around. The only politician i truly trust and man i hope i'm not crushed, Joe Biden for Vice President!!! We will know soon now...
  22. I agree with you (quite provacative pictures). Seems to me, that is why the place is so popular. I find the whole thing appalling and pray MySpace and places like it are gone before my child is old enough to find them. I also think of it as a potentially very dangerous place (especially for young women). Sad world we live in today.
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