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New Performance Galleries at the V&A Opening This Month


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The Jimmy suit does look modeled on a sailor suit, what with the cuffs and the flap at the back. I can't believe that if he'd ever actually worn it onstage, NOBODY would have come up with a pic by now. Unless it was just one of a collection of clothes he took on tour with him that never got worn, in which case it's stretching it a bit to say he wore it onstage. I agree that if it was painted not stitched, it would probably have got ruined if he HAD worn it, and the fact that the painting seems so pristine suggests that he didn't.

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could someone that lives near the museum phone the curator and get an explaination ?

perhaps they have just labelled it wrong.

maybe jimmy said they could have one of his suits, but he didn't want to risk lending out the well known ones, and gave them this one that he never wore, and they mistakenly thought he had worn it?

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I hear what you're saying. Maybe somewhere a photo will surface where we'll have some proof. Any explanation ever given as to why Stevie donated that particular dress?

No, the dress was from the long gone Hard Rock Vault in Florida. There was no explanation offered, or example picture. Just a small plaque that said 'Stevie Nicks'. It was a tad bit disappointing, especially since I saw her perform live just short of a year earlier.

I can't imagine it lasting long, especially being soaked in sweat every night, before being (we hope) washed. But I'm no expert, so . . .

Wasn't Jimmy in the habit of not washing his '77 suit? This one would've been ruined very quickly. Filthy creature.

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could someone that lives near the museum phone the curator and get an explaination ?

perhaps they have just labelled it wrong.

maybe jimmy said they could have one of his suits, but he didn't want to risk lending out the well known ones, and gave them this one that he never wore, and they mistakenly thought he had worn it?

...this would be the only logical explanation, they would, I believe, have to get a confirmation from Manager/Jimmy Page to set the Record straight...

Jimmy's increasing interest to visit Egypt in '75 would also be a reason for this piece to be tailored in '75, OR could be '77 but wore it BRIEFLY (without being photographed on stage?), and didn't fit, etc...

(I would also think that ALL of the shows of '75 and '77 have been photographed, hopefully none are missing)

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I am getting the opposite impression from the rest of you.

He gave them that suit on purpose.

agreed.... and the "purpose" should at least support odd photograph or two, or somehow "witnessed" to commemorate his legendary musical legacy so famous for stage costumes.... :D

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expand your thoughts for me please

there is absolutely no photograph (of Jimmy wearing it of course) or details to support it as to where this costume orginated from, ie. any tailoring details....from the point of conception..........

None, that anybody knows...

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Yeah, but probably reflects an even deeper part of him :D

absolutely good point there...physical proximity of the costume, as it relates to "worldly" matters is now the "question of the moment..."....This is the Great Mystery of the White Suit...hope we can solve this one soon.... :D :D :D

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God, there's a detail I wish I'd never learned. :lol:

I read that on another site by a former roadie for the '77 tour. Every night it would be soaked in sweat and then simply hung out to dry. Of course that was until he threw up on it and had to wear the 'other' outfit in Chicago. Apparently, only then was it cleaned. Nice, eh?

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I read that on another site by a former roadie for the '77 tour. Every night it would be soaked in sweat and then simply hung out to dry. Of course that was until he threw up on it and had to wear the 'other' outfit in Chicago. Apparently, only then was it cleaned. Nice, eh?

:o :o :o


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I read that on another site by a former roadie for the '77 tour. Every night it would be soaked in sweat and then simply hung out to dry. Of course that was until he threw up on it and had to wear the 'other' outfit in Chicago. Apparently, only then was it cleaned. Nice, eh?

I've known this for a while, but still I go ewww everytime I see this.

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I read that on another site by a former roadie for the '77 tour. Every night it would be soaked in sweat and then simply hung out to dry. Of course that was until he threw up on it and had to wear the 'other' outfit in Chicago. Apparently, only then was it cleaned. Nice, eh?



Btw, regarding the other debate--I don't think it's an issue of "does this suit illustrate Jimmy's deepest metaphysical and mystical beliefs?" so much as, much more simply, "anybody ever seen him wear it onstage?" That's the only mystery here.

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You look at his little angelic face - it's like butter wouldn't melt in his mouth - and then you hear that. Disgusting, isn't it? Honestly, he was a dirty bugger. I hope it's one habit he's outgrown.

Seriously! I've always thought of him as a clean, tidy type, but... :ph34r:

Though I still wonder why he didn't let the hotel service do the washing like Robert did. Diehard led wallet?

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Seriously! I've always thought of him as a clean, tidy type, but... :ph34r:

Though I still wonder why he didn't let the hotel service do the washing like Robert did. Diehard led wallet?

It's weird, as it would seem to contradict the story that he used to have two hotel rooms when touring (latter years, as far as I'm aware) - one room for smoking, the other, so his clothes wouldn't smell. I can't remember where I read that, so I don't know how credible it is.

I think, in all honestly, he's a relatively clean chap. He seemed quite fashion conscious from a very early stage, so I honestly don't believe he was ever dirty out of habit. He's never looked anything but pristine, so I don't believe he slobbed it because it was his nature. I think it was due to that little 'H' word and the fact that he was probably three sheets to the wind. And, of course, I don't think living out of your suitcase ever really helps.

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I think, in all honestly, he's a relatively clean chap. He seemed quite fashion conscious from a very early stage, so I honestly don't believe he was ever dirty out of habit. He's never looked anything but pristine, so I don't believe he slobbed it because it was his nature. I think it was due to that little 'H' word and the fact that he was probably three sheets to the wind. And, of course, I don't think living out of your suitcase ever really helps.

Agreed, I guess he was not totally himself at that time.

But if I remember correctly, the trousers he wore in Oakland were very clean and shiney white.

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Agreed, I guess he was not totally himself at that time.

But if I remember correctly, the trousers he wore in Oakland were very clean and shiney white.

I imagine it was the jacket that usually took the brunt of it. I'm sure I saw at some point during TSRTS that he actually has a tear just under his armpit when he uses the Theremin.

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Here's another mystery, though--how did that suit stay so white? :huh: When I wear white clothes, they're covered in smudges and other assorted dirt in five minutes. :D

Actually most of the 77 gigs were at night, and with all the light effects and other things, btw. the silk suit did glisten a bit, it's a bit hard to tell if the suit really stayed white, and that from a certain distance.

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I said deeper, not deepest. B):D

And the reasoning was to figure out why that particular suit was chosen.

It could have been a non zep related stage. It says worn on stage

It did not specify Zep.

Jimmy never wore that sort of outfit post 1977 that I have ever seen documentation of.

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It's weird, as it would seem to contradict the story that he used to have two hotel rooms when touring (latter years, as far as I'm aware) - one room for smoking, the other, so his clothes wouldn't smell. I can't remember where I read that, so I don't know how credible it is.

....Bebe Buelle in Rebel Heart makes this detail known, as I recall strongly....

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Wasn't Jimmy in the habit of not washing his '77 suit? This one would've been ruined very quickly. Filthy creature.

When I was in high school, my best friend & I were both Zep fanatics, and she had a crush on Robert while I had one on Jimmy. So, sometimes we would "argue" over who was better looking and "poke fun" at the other's choice by finding unflattering pics in books & rock mags. Well one day I went to the library, and they had a book (whose title I have since forgotten) that had articles about rock & roll. There was an article in the book written by Ellen Sander for Life magazine when she accompanied Zep once on tour. And in the article, she wrote something like (don't have the exact quote so I'm paraphrasing) "when Robert awoke, he stunk so badly that he was sent to get shampoo & deodorant". Of course I couldn't wait to show this to my friend- while proudly stating that Jimmy of course, would never, ever, stink.

how little did I know..... :bagoverhead:

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