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David Letterman Makes Sleazy Comments About Sarah Palin's Daughter


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If you're too myopic to get the joke, or worse refuse to see what he's actually criticizing, then take a look in the mirror as to who's skirting the issue.

My line of acceptability is drawn quite clearly with regards to public satire and ridicule directed towards the children of elected officials and David Letterman has crossed it.

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Did you read the article? The other daughter wasn't there to get "knocked up in the 7th inning" only the 14 year old was. The joke makes no sense if about the daughter who wasn't even there.

Stick around and you'll see her eternal light is on but there is no one home.

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Didn't Letterman knock-up his girlfriend? I guess in his estimation that makes her fair games for slut jokes. I'm sure he would find great humor in them :rolleyes:

Actually he makes jokes about her all the time. They just barely got married, and he makes jokes about him "signing his life away."

The slutty joke was about her (Palin) gawd awful make-up wasn't it?

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My line of acceptability is drawn quite clearly with regards to public satire and ridicule directed towards the children of elected officials and David Letterman has crossed it.

And I respect that, but how is this different from what Swift wrote? It can only be offensive if taken literally, and surely Swift was no less grotesque?

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David Letterman made a joke in poor taste. Please try not to descend to his level.

I did not specifically refer to you by name and may have been referring to someone who isn't even here. Does this logic sound familiar? It should, it is yours.


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And I respect that, but how is this different from what Swift wrote? It can only be offensive if taken literally, and surely Swift was no less grotesque?

Frankly, I have no idea what "Swift" wrote and I don't watch television either. I will say this, Letterman spoke inappropriately...taken literally or figuratively, in jest or not.

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All this talk about being too old and someone intimating violence toward Letterman is stupid and pointless.

The "joke" was in very poor taste and ill-conceived at best.

Does it really matter which daughter it was aimed at?

So what if Todd Palin is a native American does that make it any better or worse?

From what I've witnessed over the last couple of years, Sarah Palin is no shrinking violet and doesn't mind a headline.

Too much credit is going to this Roidriguez bloke IMO, the last I heard with all the juice he has taken he'd be lucky to knock up anything or anyone.

Yanks have trouble with irony.

Get over it.

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