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They told you that and they hurt you...


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When I was in high school, I had cystic acne. My face looked terrible all the time. I had large purple welts that were actually boils. I could get into more disgusting detail, but I'll spare everyone.

Well, in biology class my sophomore year, my teacher was handing back the tests he had just graded. He was pissed becuase there was only one A in the entire class and he said that he knew we should have known the material--that more than half of us should have gotten an A.

He was handing back the tests by calling out our name, and one-by-one, waited for us to come up to him to receive the results.

I got an A. Like a 99%. He looked straight at me, and said, "what the matter with you? Do you have the chicken pox or something?"

I was a good kid in school--I never got into any real trouble--I only got called into the office once for skipping school--and that was just a warning.

I looked him in the eye and shouted, "fuck off, asshole," and I sat down.

The entire class was stunned. They just sat there with their mouths open in shock.

Later on that day, every person in the class said that if I was sent to the office for that incident that they would back me up on what he said to me. He never had me sent to the office.


Another great one: I have always been built the way I am: my extra fat settles on my torso. I wasn't fat at all in high school, but i was never comfortable wearing a two piece swimsuit. I've always had a large chest and a not-so flat tummy.

A boyfriend broke up with me, and he was cheating on me with this girl who was built pretty similar to me, except she had a flat stomach. I told him his new girlfriend wasn't a nice girl, and he said, "well, at least she has a flat stomach that's not disgusting."

Yeah. That was a great one. <_<

....and I wish I would have been made fun of for being a skinny teenager. I have NEVER been "skinny." <_<<_<

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If it's too personal, I understand...

What were the comments that hurt you? Was it something about your look, or personality or simply something rude...?

I was about a week ago at my friend's house and she tried to teach me how to play the guitar. I suck at that and I know it. However, her brother came to a doorstep and told me I must not play the guitar ever again because I suck. He told me I will never learn how. He's actually a professional singer and is in choir... But that hurt like hell.

Another rude comment I got was about my dad. My classmate who hates me told me my dad is an alcoholic and he spitted in front of my feet. I was pissed and beat him because that wasn't the first time he said that. I got a detention (why me???) and after being pissed whole day burst into tears. I hate school. Next day was better cause my teacher realized what happened and that idiot got detention instead of me.

You are very young but the sooner you learn to thicken up your skin and let comments like that roll off your back, the better off you will be.

Besides, nobody who doesn't care about you can ever hurt you with a comment--- they just don't matter. It's only when someone who cares about you says something mean that you should allow yourself to be hurt.

You could spend your whole life getting hurt or angry and smacking people in the face. That used to be my first response as well. But then I learned to be more subtle and a lot more sarcastic. I learned to use words to cut deeply at jerks and their commets. I've even made grown men cry with my comments sometimes.... and that is really fun.

Bottom line: Don't get mad, get even.

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I have always been built the way I am: my extra fat settles on my torso. I wasn't fat at all in high school, but i was never comfortable wearing a two piece swimsuit. I've always had a large chest and a not-so flat tummy.

A boyfriend broke up with me, and he was cheating on me with this girl who was built pretty similar to me, except she had a flat stomach. I told him his new girlfriend wasn't a nice girl, and he said, "well, at least she has a flat stomach that's not disgusting."

Yeah. That was a great one. <_<

....and I wish I would have been made fun of for being a skinny teenager. I have NEVER been "skinny." <_<<_<

Is that the part where you get me to say something really complimentary about your huge breasts Manders? :D

Flat stomachs are over rated anyway. My motto is just ad a nipple to it and then everyone is happy.

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I was a skinny teenager and got teased all the time for it. I really tried to gain weight, but I couldn't. I hated being thin.

But now, all those who teased me are fat, and I am not! :lol:

So, the moral of the story: Pay no heed to those snipes from so-called friends in high school. It's all part of growing up. Girls are mean to each other. But what goes around, comes around. Stay true to your principles, don't let others change you. You will triumph in the end. That's why I loved this song: Good Day In Hell

:D I'll try to remember that :D

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I was a skinny teenager and got teased all the time for it. I really tried to gain weight, but I couldn't. I hated being thin.

But now, all those who teased me are fat, and I am not! :lol:

So, the moral of the story: Pay no heed to those snipes from so-called friends in high school. It's all part of growing up. Girls are mean to each other. But what goes around, comes around. Stay true to your principles, don't let others change you. You will triumph in the end. That's why I loved this song: Good Day In Hell

Well said. :yesnod:

Yeah, the girls are those who are mean most of the time. I hated all those 'She said what? And I was like, and she was like... Did you see what she was wearing... Oh.My.God. She is... blah blah blah...'

Get a life.

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Girls are nasty to each other. My best friends are very laid back but when drama starts all hell breaks loose. I try to stay out of it. I hate drama and I hate the way girls treat each other.

If someone has a problem with me then they should bring it to me, and not the rumor mill.

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Lena Zep,

I would really encourage you to try the link below. It's one of the blogs I read every day. It deals with exactly what you are talking about.

And while I know the people here are your cyber friends, you are in a group, you do fit in, you do belong here along with a myriad of personalities.

You're interacting with people all across the globe based on our common interest of LZ, well really, "obsession" more than "interest" but anyway, to me, that's a pretty cool place to be.

I really like what someone said earlier in this thread that the only people that can truly hurt you are the people that care about you. Staying true to who you are and not taking the retalitory road is a great way to be at the end of the day when you lay your head on your pillow.

Keep your chin up for "this too shall pass".



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If it's too personal, I understand...

What were the comments that hurt you? Was it something about your look, or personality or simply something rude...?

I was about a week ago at my friend's house and she tried to teach me how to play the guitar. I suck at that and I know it. However, her brother came to a doorstep and told me I must not play the guitar ever again because I suck. He told me I will never learn how. He's actually a professional singer and is in choir... But that hurt like hell.

Another rude comment I got was about my dad. My classmate who hates me told me my dad is an alcoholic and he spitted in front of my feet. I was pissed and beat him because that wasn't the first time he said that. I got a detention (why me???) and after being pissed whole day burst into tears. I hate school. Next day was better cause my teacher realized what happened and that idiot got detention instead of me.

Oh, to be young again!!! I can tell you from my 46 years on this rock we call "Earth" that there will be far more worse thing's that will happen for you to get to upset about than "Stick's and Stones". I'm sorry that you had to go through and will continue to go through the trial's of being a kid (to me your a kid) and I I'm glad that your teacher see's it as what really happened.

I've been thrown in jail for a couple of Misdemeanor offenses in my younger years and have said and done thing's that I wished I'd never said or done but, that is part of an un-perfect human world and until thing's change I'm again sorry to have to tell you that it will continue.

As far as being a guitar player, even Jimmy Page had to start from nothing! It is true that the people with natural ability (I'm thankful for that) to play or sing or write will pick up on it quickly but, not every one will be a legend. I have been playing and singing (used to do a lot of writing) for more than 25 years and I have worked up a professional level ability but that took a lot of practice and determination, and lot's of the guy's and gal's I jammed with over the years where happy being a "Hobbie Horse" with music.

Cheer up!! :console2:

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