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How's it going "Hickory Man?" I hope all is well with you. You do have a point there and I really respect your opinions and views. However, I don't believe that his wife's occupation should cause his employer to terminate him on the grounds of his outside activities and not because of his job performance. Think of this example: If you were married to someone with a bad background but changed and became a decent citizen for many years and your employer found out about it through a background check and terminated you for no reason at all, would that be fair? I know someone that had this happen to them. It wasn't fair one f*c*ing bit! Our own Government is giving employers too much power by taking a lot of our civil rights away by terminating numerous employees for no apparent reason. Where is the job security? No one's job is secure anymore, even mine. My current employer terminated me a couple of years back for no apparent reason whatsoever and basing it on my bad credit history many years ago. My credit has been perfect for many years now and yet, they tried to use it against me as a reason to terminate me. Thanks to the union, I got my job back and that rule was changed within my employer. I fought for my rights as well as everyone elses and I'll be god damned if I'm going to be terminated for no reason at all and by not basing it on my job performance. ROCK ON!

You can try to liken you're own job with that of a man that was being paid $100,000 to manage a city, but I somehow doubt there's a basis for comparison.

My wife is in city government...I know how politics affect her everyday life , though she is not a politician she works among them and is photographed at various city functions with council people, the mayor, and yes, the city manager as part of her job. She is the face of the city at that point, and if I decide during the course of her employment to become a public figure famous for doing something that the US supreme court has had to rule on many times as "not prostitiution technically, but close" , she will not be representing the city any longer. All of these people have aspirations to continue in politics to higher places, and that my friend is a well oiled machine that will eat you up and spit out the remains.

It isn't fair...it's democracy! ;)

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You can try to liken you're own job with that of a man that was being paid $100,000 to manage a city, but I somehow doubt there's a basis for comparison.

My wife is in city government...I know how politics affect her everyday life , though she is not a politician she works among them and is photographed at various city functions with council people, the mayor, and yes, the city manager as part of her job. She is the face of the city at that point, and if I decide during the course of her employment to become a public figure famous for doing something that the US supreme court has had to rule on many times as "not prostitiution technically, but close" , she will not be representing the city any longer. All of these people have aspirations to continue in politics to higher places, and that my friend is a well oiled machine that will eat you up and spit out the remains.

It isn't fair...it's democracy! ;)

How's it going "Hickory Man?" I do respect your views and opinions but you forced me to admit something that I normally don't admit. I, also work for the government! I've worked for the government for over 12 years and I do make close to 100,000.00 a year. I know the BS politics that goes on in government. And with the experience that happened to me, thats why I feel that he was wrongfully terminated. Please don't think that I'm upset with you because I'm not. I'm upset at the situation and fact that a good hard working and well liked government employee would get terminated from his job for no apparent reason at all. His job performance was outstanding and not an issue, and yet, he was judged and terminated because his spouse (That doesn't work for the government) was doing something which is considered legal in some states in this country otherwise she wouldn't be advertising it on the internet as well as on film. In my opinion, the Fort Meyers, Florida government just wanted to flex their muscles and make an example of Janke by putting the fear in government employees as well as letting other government and private industry employees know that anyone can get terminated for no reason at all. If we don't stand up and fight for our rights, employers will think that they can get away with terminating anyone for no reason at all and with no basis whatsoever. And it will get worse if we don't stop it. It may even be you or I that loses our job next. Are we prepared to lose our jobs for no reason at all with no basis and risk losing our home and possessions? I'm not! I'm also not prepared to fill out another job application and explain why I was terminated from my previous employer for no reason at all. Other employers are going to laugh and think that I'm crazy for stating that I got terminated from my previous employer for no reason at all. Believe me, all employers are going to think that you got terminated for a reason and it will possibly prevent you from gaining employment elsewhere. That termination will go on your employment record and it can come back to haunt and hurt you later. Thats a high price to pay for being terminated for no reason at all. Thats why I think that its not fair. Believe it or not, I'm not just speaking on behalf of Janke or myself, I'm speaking for all of us in hopes that something like this doesn't happen to anyone. And the reason doesn't have to be because a spouse was a porn star, it can be because of bad credit, your past history many years ago or for no reason or basis at all. We're giving the employers the power to control and terminate us anytime they wish for no reason at all. I'm not in favor of that at all! Then again, its just my opinion but I speak from experience. ROCK ON!

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Lets look at his job responsibilities.

Under policy direction of the City Council, the City Manager is responsible for implementing City Council policy and for planning, organizing, directing, and controlling the activities and operations of the City including police, fire, finance, planning, building, parks and recreation, public works, redevelopment and housing, airport, economic development, human resources, and administration; develops policy recommendations for City Council action; and provides highly responsible and complex administrative support to the City Council.

Ok, now maybe his job performance was good, but suddenly he became a public relations nightmare, not to mention showing complete lack of judgement. His job perfromance wouldn't matter for a second after this....if the council didn't remove him, the public outcry would have made sure it did happen, and the rest of the local poloticians would have their own judgement questioned.

His responsibilities were too great....the man did not lose his job for no reason.

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Lets look at his job responsibilities.

Under policy direction of the City Council, the City Manager is responsible for implementing City Council policy and for planning, organizing, directing, and controlling the activities and operations of the City including police, fire, finance, planning, building, parks and recreation, public works, redevelopment and housing, airport, economic development, human resources, and administration; develops policy recommendations for City Council action; and provides highly responsible and complex administrative support to the City Council.

Ok, now maybe his job performance was good, but suddenly he became a public relations nightmare, not to mention showing complete lack of judgement. His job perfromance wouldn't matter for a second after this....if the council didn't remove him, the public outcry would have made sure it did happen, and the rest of the local poloticians would have their own judgement questioned.

His responsibilities were too great....the man did not lose his job for no reason.

How's it going "Hickory Man?" I was waiting for your response. May I add that you do make very good points and I do respect you for them. Janke's job resposibilities are huge after reading what you just posted. Does his job responsibilities or duties state anything in reference to his outside activities outside of his job? Should he be judged or graded for anything that happens outside of his job? Its not like his spouse was doing anything illegal because she wasn't. Should he be judged and graded ONLY for his job performance at work since that is what his evaluations are grading him on? What do you think? ROCK ON!

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Much can happen outside of the job that can reflect on character where the public trust is involved.

Someone probably decided that his wife's occupation seemed too sordid to maintain an aura of honest government.

It's an image problem, in addition to the other issues.

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Much can happen outside of the job that can reflect on character where the public trust is involved.

Someone probably decided that his wife's occupation seemed too sordid to maintain an aura of honest government.

It's an image problem.

How's it going "eternal light?" Welcome to the discussion. I want to thank all of you for your comments, it shows me that you are taking this situation seriously and not lightly.

"eternal light," we both know that our government has a very bad image problem. Just look and remember all of the scandals that our government politicians have gotten into in the past as well as now. In my opinion, the Fort Meyers, Florida government just wanted to find a go to government employee to make an example of and Janke was the perfect choice. Believe it or not "eternal light," there are a lot of government employees that are far worse than Janke and his situation but they just haven't gotten caught yet. It is also my opinion that someone in Fort Meyers was spending hard earned taxpayers dollars on a ridiculous investigation in hopes of finding something on Janke in order to terminate him. It is obviously someone that had it in for him. What a waste of taxpayers dollars on terminating a hard working and well liked government employee that was doing his job. Thank you for your comment. ROCK ON!

Edited by ZeppFanForever
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How's it going "Hickory Man?" I was waiting for your response. May I add that you do make very good points and I do respect you for them. Janke's job resposibilities are huge after reading what you just posted. Does his job responsibilities or duties state anything in reference to his outside activities outside of his job? Should he be judged or graded for anything that happens outside of his job? Its not like his spouse was doing anything illegal because she wasn't. Should he be judged and graded ONLY for his job performance at work since that is what his evaluations are grading him on? What do you think? ROCK ON!


What I think has already been made clear.... in any other sector of employment, who he chooses to marry during the course of his employment would not hamper his ability to keep on doing his job effectively.

If Janke had wanted to keep his extremely important 100k a year job, he should have passed on the porn queen.

Thanks for the debate. :beer:

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What I think has already been made clear.... in any other sector of employment, who he chooses to marry during the course of his employment would not hamper his ability to keep on doing his job effectively.

If Janke had wanted to keep his extremely important 100k a year job, he should have passed on the porn queen.

Thanks for the debate. :beer:

How's it going "Hickory Man?" Thank you for the debate, you brought out some of the best in me. You do have a point here too. He should have realized and thought about the consequences for his actions that would arise from all of this. But Janke does have rights too. He is entitled to marry whoever he wants. Despite the wrongful termination, he should have realized that a lot of BS was going to come down upon him. But it was no grounds to terminate him. If thats the case, every government politician should be terminated for all of the wrong that they have done and got caught for. And some of the politicians wrongdoing were far worse than Janke's situation ever was. They might have gotten a slap on the wrist, paid a big fine or went to the country club for a few months as a vacation from their wives or maybe all of the above. But they're still working for the government and they don't work half as hard as Janke does. Thanks again and ROCK ON!

Edited by ZeppFanForever
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How's it going "Hickory Man?" Thank you for the debate, you brought out some of the best in me. You do have a point here too. He should have realized and thought about the consequences for his actions that would arise from all of this. But Janke does have rights too. He is entitled to marry whoever he wants. Despite the wrongful termination, he should have realized that a lot of BS was going to come down upon him. But it was no grounds to terminate him. If thats the case, every government politician should be terminated for all of the wrong that they have done and got caught for. And some of the politicians wrongdoing were far worse than Janke's situation ever was. They might have gotten a slap on the wrist, paid a big fine or went to the country club for a few months as a vacation from their wives or maybe all of the above. But they're still working for the government and they don't work half as hard as Janke does. Thanks again and ROCK ON!

Well you've got a point too, politicians aren't known for being any more reputable than Janke's wife.

It's probably why this will be nothing more than a bump in the road on his way to congress. :P

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Well you've got a point too, politicians aren't known for being any more reputable than Janke's wife.

It's probably why this will be nothing more than a bump in the road on his way to congress. :P

How's it going "Hickory Man?" You are a good person to have a debate with. In my opinion, it seems to me that in order to go deep into politics, any wrongdoing must be a requirement or prerequisite in order to excel or advance further into politics. Just look at our politicians now. Its time for me to get off the forum, my vacation is over and I have to get up early this morning and go to the airport and make my way back home to San Antonio, Texas. I am looking forward to conversing with you again. Thanks again and ROCK ON!

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Well you've got a point too, politicians aren't known for being any more reputable than Janke's wife.

It's probably why this will be nothing more than a bump in the road on his way to congress. :P

How's it going "Hickory Man?" You are a good person to have a debate with. In my opinion, it seems to me that in order to go deep into politics, any wrongdoing must be a requirement or prerequisite in order to excel or advance further into politics. Just look at our politicians now. Its time for me to get off the forum, my vacation is over and I have to get up early this morning and go to the airport and make my way back home to San Antonio, Texas. I am looking forward to conversing with you again. Thanks again and ROCK ON!

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How's it going "eternal light?" Welcome to the discussion. I want to thank all of you for your comments, it shows me that you are taking this situation seriously and not lightly.

"eternal light," we both know that our government has a very bad image problem. Just look and remember all of the scandals that our government politicians have gotten into in the past as well as now. In my opinion, the Fort Meyers, Florida government just wanted to find a go to government employee to make an example of and Janke was the perfect choice. Believe it or not "eternal light," there are a lot of government employees that are far worse than Janke and his situation but they just haven't gotten caught yet. It is also my opinion that someone in Fort Meyers was spending hard earned taxpayers dollars on a ridiculous investigation in hopes of finding something on Janke in order to terminate him. It is obviously someone that had it in for him. What a waste of taxpayers dollars on terminating a hard working and well liked government employee that was doing his job. Thank you for your comment. ROCK ON!

It's going well, thank you, ZeppFanForever.

I don't know if they were trying to make an example of him.

It seems perhaps they were merely engaging in damage control to their image in Florida, which has the highest number of convictions based on corruption. They were trying perhaps to avoid becoming the object of scrutiny based on RICO statutes or something of that nature.

Not all porn businesses are above board, and some have been associated with questionable characters. Bob Crane, for instance, was one person who became involved with dangerous people and was at one time connected to porn. Porn draws people into that grey area of life sometimes.

So maybe, to avoid the appearance of shadiness, they let the city manager go, not to make an example of him. They probably saw the issue of his porn-star wife as a potential hot potato in terms of public relations.

You're right, it would be better not to terminate him from his position from the perspective that he was doing a great job as far as his regular duties were concerned.

But they were worried about what people might think and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRszuEpLDS4.

They probably see him as a public relations liability.

Edited by eternal light
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How's it going "Mangani?" When you find out any information, please post it here on this thread on the forum. It would be deeply appreciated. ROCK ON!

Report just in.

Not really my type. Way too thin and a typical sub standard porn type. Definitely not a high standard glam type. I would rate her as lower to mid level standard in porn, although I have to say she is quite energetic and enjoys facials, which is a plus. :D

But, I'll pass on her.

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Report just in.

Not really my type. Way too thin and a typical sub standard porn type. Definitely not a high standard glam type. I would rate her as lower to mid level standard in porn, although I have to say she is quite energetic and enjoys facials, which is a plus. :D

But, I'll pass on her.

Maybe Bill Clinton will be interested in that report. How did he keep his job, again?

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So anyway, when you work in government in Florida, you must always be aware of the RICO statutes and obscenity laws.


Even if he did nothing wrong, he would be like a sitting duck just waiting for an investigation, so maybe they did him a favor by letting him go.

They like to investigate people in Florida, and there is the occasional purge and/or witch hunt.

Florida is not a good place to be too naive.

Let's see, Florida brings to mind Jim Morrison, 2 Live Crew, Paul Little, Paul Reubens...

Jim Morrison.Florida Court.ew.com/ew/article/0,,312183,00

Paul Reubens Case.Sarasota.Florida


Paul Little Case.Tampa.Florida.wizbangpop.com/2009/07/15/cnbc-offers-major-special-on-adult-entertainment-industry-tonight

Paul Little Case.Tampa.Florida.katzjustice.com/MaxBondAmended.pdf

However, former Senator Jesse Helms was able to pass federal legislation while in office that considers "obscenity" as a predicate racketeering offense, where the conviction of a film production company for producing and distributing as few as two films might allow for the government branding the company as RICO enterprise, even though no connection to a traditional organized crime organization exists. In fact, RICO laws have now become so broadly over-applied to persons or businesses not associated with traditional organized crime that even denturists who might have overcharged for making false teeth have been convicted under RICO statutes rather than some more normal civil remedy or fine.

Paul Hooson, wizbangpop.com

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It's going well, thank you, ZeppFanForever.

I don't know if they were trying to make an example of him.

It seems perhaps they were merely engaging in damage control to their image in Florida, which has the highest number of convictions based on corruption. They were trying perhaps to avoid becoming the object of scrutiny based on RICO statutes or something of that nature.

Not all porn businesses are above board, and some have been associated with questionable characters. Bob Crane, for instance, was one person who became involved with dangerous people and was at one time connected to porn. Porn draws people into that grey area of life sometimes.

So maybe, to avoid the appearance of shadiness, they let the city manager go, not to make an example of him. They probably saw the issue of his porn-star wife as a potential hot potato in terms of public relations.

You're right, it would be better not to terminate him from his position from the perspective that he was doing a great job as far as his regular duties were concerned.

But they were worried about what people might think and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRszuEpLDS4.

They probably see him as a public relations liability.

How's it going "eternal light?" Good to talk to you again! I just got back home in San Antonio and am getting ready to head out to a wedding reception. I guess that I will be out late again. I promise that I will finish reading all of your comments and post my comments and responses tomorrow. You do know your shit "eternal light!" Believe me when I tell you that Janke was made an example of before everyone. That is how government disciplines someone as a tactic to put the fear of God in government employees. Our government would rather have and promote brown-nosers that they can control and doesn't do their job than have someone that doesn't brown-nose and does an outstanding job. I know that this sounds weird but it is true. I've seen and witnessed it first hand. I better go, I'll be talking to you tomorrow. In the mean time, ROCK ON!

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How's it going "eternal light?" Good to talk to you again! I just got back home in San Antonio and am getting ready to head out to a wedding reception. I guess that I will be out late again. I promise that I will finish reading all of your comments and post my comments and responses tomorrow. You do know your shit "eternal light!" Believe me when I tell you that Janke was made an example of before everyone. That is how government disciplines someone as a tactic to put the fear of God in government employees. Our government would rather have and promote brown-nosers that they can control and doesn't do their job than have someone that doesn't brown-nose and does an outstanding job. I know that this sounds weird but it is true. I've seen and witnessed it first hand. I better go, I'll be talking to you tomorrow. In the mean time, ROCK ON!

Alright, how is it going with you? One of the council's members gave a reason for letting Janke go.

I really think that Jesse Helms' obscenity law and the RICO statutes may have been in the back of the city council members' minds when they decided to let Janke go, more so than a desire to make an example of him, because they said they like him and thought he was a great guy.

Government officials in Florida are paranoid that they may become the target of investagors under the RICO statutes, so they avoid any hint of an appearance of compromising behavior. They walk on eggshells in Florida.

Those RICO statutes in Florida really weigh on the minds of government officials who wish to stay in office and they have a domino effect on people like Janke.

In Florida, you're damned if you do, and damned if you don't. On the one hand you must consider the RICO obscenity laws, on the other you have the First Amendment.


Fort Myers Beach Mayor Larry Kiker insisted that Scott Janke's termination had nothing to do with his spouse's job, that the town was merely trying to maintain order."What we were addressing was a situation where we weren't going to be able to govern the town with all the disruption and interruption," Kiker said.

The plan appears to have backfired.

"I've done over 30 interviews (with media) ... I've gotten hundreds of e-mails, we're getting threatened," Kiker said. "Nobody is getting any work done around here."

Still, Kiker insisted that Janke wasn't fired because of his wife's job.

"We didn't fire him because his wife was a porn star," Kiker griped, adding that the decision wasn't a "knee-jerk reaction."

However, the mayor also noted: "It was not his job performance. We all liked Scott ... He's a good guy."

Kiker said he learned of Janke's wife's job after receiving a telephone call from a reporter on Tuesday. He said he then spoke to Janke, who agreed "this was going to be a big disruption for the town and he was not going to be able to do his job well."

Within a few hours, Kiker had called an emergency town council meeting, and the group voted 5-0 to exercise a "no-cause" clause in Janke's contract, effectively firing him.

Councilman Tom Babcock said at a council meeting Wednesday that Janke was fired because his wife's profession brought an inaccurate image to Fort Myers Beach, the News-Press of Fort Myers reported.

"When you become a public figure you are held to a different level of scrutiny and ethics," Babcock said at the meeting.

Janke told The Associated Press on Wednesday night that he and his wife had their "heads held high."

"We have done nothing to be embarrassed about. We've done nothing wrong," Janke said. He said it's too early to think about what's next, and wouldn't comment on any possible legal action.

He will get a severance package worth six months salary, which comes to about $50,000, plus health benefits.

Janke said he married Anabela Mota Janke, who goes by the stage name Jazella Moore, in October. He began working for the town in March 2008.

Dan Miller, editor at the AVN Media Network, which covers the adult industry, said he had not heard of a similar case, but noted the adult film industry is "not necessarily widely accepted" in mainstream American politics.

Diane Duke, executive director of the Free Speech Coalition, a trade association for the adult entertainment industry, said the firing could present legal problems for the town.

Duke said even with a "no-cause" clause in Jenke's contract, as a government employee he is still protected by the First Amendment.

"There may very well be a case here," she said.

Added Howard Simon, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Florida: "His firing may run up against Florida's law that prohibits discrimination based on marital status."

Meanwhile, the issue is the talk of the town of about 6,500.

"Everyone who lives on the island has made comments," said Jaye Duval, owner of the Sole Cafe, who listened to all the gossip as residents gathered for morning coffee and breakfast. "Everybody I've heard has basically thought he should have been able to keep his job. Most people think what his wife does shouldn't matter."

George Noakes, manager of the Sunflower Cafe in town, called it "prejudice."

"I thought the guy was doing a good job. I don't understand why his wife is even an issue," Noakes said. "Whatever she does, that's none of our concern. We shouldn't even be bothered with it."

Edited by eternal light
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Let's see, Florida brings to mind Jim Morrison, 2 Live Crew, Paul Little, Paul Reubens...

When i was vacationing in Palm Beach back in the mid 90's my husband and I heard on the local radio station that Marilyn Manson were playing in the area and that protests were happening. I thought how ridiculous. We considered going but decided to wait and see them back home, to avoid such nonsense. They put on a great show and nothing shocking to speak of.

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Report just in.

Not really my type. Way too thin and a typical sub standard porn type. Definitely not a high standard glam type. I would rate her as lower to mid level standard in porn, although I have to say she is quite energetic and enjoys facials, which is a plus. :D

But, I'll pass on her.

How's it going "Mangani?" I hope all is well with you. Thanks for the report, I really appreciate it. Do you know what that tells me? That tells me that Janke better fight for his rights and get his job back since his wife will not be able to support him fully. Ha Ha! ROCK ON!

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When i was vacationing in Palm Beach back in the mid 90's my husband and I heard on the local radio station that Marilyn Manson were playing in the area and that protests were happening. I thought how ridiculous. We considered going but decided to wait and see them back home, to avoid such nonsense. They put on a great show and nothing shocking to speak of.

People assume wrongly that Florida is just like San Francisco or other places on the West Coast. And while Miami and the Ft. Lauderdale area are more liberal, most of the rest of Florida remains a good old boy state...

thank God ;)

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Maybe Bill Clinton will be interested in that report. How did he keep his job, again?

How's it going "jimmie ray?" I hope all is well with you. Thats exactly one of the points that I am trying to make. Why didn't the government fire Clinton as well as all of the other government officials and politicians for no reason at all? In my opinion, despite being liked by his peers, someone wanted Janke out and went to the extremes to do it. ROCK ON!

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So anyway, when you work in government in Florida, you must always be aware of the RICO statutes and obscenity laws.


Even if he did nothing wrong, he would be like a sitting duck just waiting for an investigation, so maybe they did him a favor by letting him go.

They like to investigate people in Florida, and there is the occasional purge and/or witch hunt.

Florida is not a good place to be too naive.

Let's see, Florida brings to mind Jim Morrison, 2 Live Crew, Paul Little, Paul Reubens...

Jim Morrison.Florida Court.ew.com/ew/article/0,,312183,00

Paul Reubens Case.Sarasota.Florida


Paul Little Case.Tampa.Florida.wizbangpop.com/2009/07/15/cnbc-offers-major-special-on-adult-entertainment-industry-tonight

Paul Little Case.Tampa.Florida.katzjustice.com/MaxBondAmended.pdf

How's it going "eternal light?" I always look forward to your comments. Lets see, you're talking about the statute laws in Florida as well as 2 Live Crew, Jim Morrison, Paul Little and Paul (Pee Wee Herman) Reubens. Again, you always have very interesting points "eternal light" and I respect you highly for them.

Those statute laws are written for the employees themselves such as Janke and not for family, spouses, girlfriends or anyone else. Please remember, someone else did the act (Legally), not Janke. Why should Janke pay the price for something that someone else did? (Despite being legal)

2 Live Crew, Jim Morrison, Paul Little and Paul Reubens did the wrongful acts themselves and not their wives or girlfriends and they were punished to the fullest extent of the law for their actions. Thanks for the comment and ROCK ON!

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When i was vacationing in Palm Beach back in the mid 90's my husband and I heard on the local radio station that Marilyn Manson were playing in the area and that protests were happening. I thought how ridiculous. We considered going but decided to wait and see them back home, to avoid such nonsense. They put on a great show and nothing shocking to speak of.

Why hello "~tangerine~!" And how are we doing? I hope all is well with you. I heard about MARILYN MANSON and I've even seen how he dresses. He is a very controversial artist but then again, THAT'S ROCK N' ROLL FOR YOU! Controversial artists draw attention and sell records. The same thing happened with ELVIS and THE BEATLES. Thanks for your comment and ROCK ON!

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People assume wrongly that Florida is just like San Francisco or other places on the West Coast. And while Miami and the Ft. Lauderdale area are more liberal, most of the rest of Florida remains a good old boy state...

thank God ;)

How's it going "Del Zeppnile?" I hope all is well with you. I've always loved visiting Florida although I have never lived there. I did live in California for 29 years but I've never thought for a minute of comparing Florida to San Francisco in any way. I love both states very much. The only thing that concerns me about Florida are Hurricane season and with California, those damn earthquakes. Thanks for your comment and ROCK ON my friend!

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How's it going "eternal light?" I always look forward to your comments. Lets see, you're talking about the statute laws in Florida as well as 2 Live Crew, Jim Morrison, Paul Little and Paul (Pee Wee Herman) Reubens. Again, you always have very interesting points "eternal light" and I respect you highly for them.

Those statute laws are written for the employees themselves such as Janke and not for family, spouses, girlfriends or anyone else. Please remember, someone else did the act (Legally), not Janke. Why should Janke pay the price for something that someone else did? (Despite being legal)

2 Live Crew, Jim Morrison, Paul Little and Paul Reubens did the wrongful acts themselves and not their wives or girlfriends and they were punished to the fullest extent of the law for their actions. Thanks for the comment and ROCK ON!

Thank you, ZeppFanForever.

Someone else should not pay the price, and in any case as you noted, it was legal.

But because any appearance of impropriety attracts investigators, government officials in Florida are very conscious of the image they present, partly to discourage becoming a target.

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