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ReR Caption Fan Club Thread


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I will. And I"m so mad. In some other thread someone suggested that I don't appreciete my music because of my age and that I should listen to Lez Zeppelin because I'd like them more. I live and breathe the music that I listen to. It's like a lifestyle.


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Ignore them, it's not worth wasting your breath over them. You still have that desire and you know it!

Speaking of ignoring, ah, it's not going well for me internally. I feel horrible and guilty, even though I didn't really do much. I feel so unstable.

Edited by DeepBlackZeppelin
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Whee, what did you buy? Sounds nice except for that LP store part. That sucks. I love LPs, I'd like to buy some LPs too but I'm broke right now.

I'm pretty ok, just a bit depressed due to school. It's alright but I had a nice Sunday with my boyfriend and it's sad that I won't see him in a while because we're both busy with school.

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Peace earrings, sounds lovely. Hey, I just realized, I DO have money. Woo hoo! My latest purchase was those two sunglasses I bought, I just love them, but I think I have to give the other pair to m boyfriend because they look so much better on him than they do on me and he just loves the glasses.

Alright, what do you have in mind? I mean what are you going to buy if you go to the shop :D

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