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No, I don't have any pictures. As soon as I aquire pictures of my newly aquired items I will post them.

My skin was bad for a little while. It's healing now. I just put Noxema on it and leave it there for a minute or two and wipe it off. That usually helps. I wish I could go to the dermatologist about it though. There just aren't any where I live.

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Eline is right :D don't feel stupid.

And yes, it was me. It's all OK now, but I really miss my other teacher. She was English and really nice but very strict. I don't know this new one, she seems nice but her English is not as good as my other teacher's...

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I'm fine, thanks. Everything is going really well, but I am really tired and I am really glad I don't have to go to school tomorrow. It's just- we have many tests and I am good at school, so every teacher expects top grades from me. That's really stressing.. and I am too lazy <_<

I hope your algebra is getting well..

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Maybe you should do that, it can really help. I have to go now, my parents are going to kill me if they know I'm still on the computer.. (it's nearly midnight, and I still have to put on my pyjamas.. I don't know how I'm going to do that..)

Good luck with your algebra! :wave:

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