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Maggie needs a bath she is starting to smell. I went a weekend trip last weekend and they had a gourment (sp? i can't spell) pet store there and I like to buy things for my pets so I got her a organis dog treat. It's shaped like a cupcake and has icing on it. She better like it becausse I paid nearly two dollars for it. Anyway back to the point of the story, I got her some shampoo that smells like gingerbread men.

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Aww that's so sweet. It would be so lovely if Elsa and Emmi could sleep in my bed too but my mum told me they can't.

I almost typed 'sleep with me' but then I thought 'no, that's not right' :lol::hysterical:

Elsa likes my room and she's in love with my carpet but she tends to chew it.. :lol:

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Maggie ate one of my leather coats. She isn't supposed to be on my bed but at about 10 every night she comes in a scratches at the edge of my bed until I pick her up and put her in bed with me. I almost put "sleeps with me" too but then realized what I said.

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I am quite alright

My grades have improved by 5 percent.

But, I still am swamped with school work,

My older brother in college came by yesterday. He again offered me wise advice. He really does care for me and tries my best to help me. He was saying that I can have certain liberties, but I should never abuse them. He also said that so many people are being taken advantage of and are becoming emotionally shattered. So, he doesn't want me to go down that path, because I was too remiss and careless. I can't believe I let that go past my crazily infatuated head.

I never really appreciated my big bro until now.

How is your bro, Rich? I hope, really do hope he's alright.

Again, I was feeling guilty because I was stating how amazing my bro is and then, I remember that yours is sick.

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He's fine now Rabia. Thanks for asking. He is now up and about as good as new. Shame that he was knocked out for a few days, that is so emotionally trying for someone like me. But I am just glad he pulled through. There is no one on this planet that I rely on more than my brother. If he was not here then I would cease to exist. End of story.

So how have you occupied yourself today?

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Haha! Yes indeed. I was going to ask someone at some point. Everyone seems to have one these days so I thought I would jump on the band wagon and be popular. :lol: Hmmmm, and I am generally anti-conformatist! :lol:

Have you noticed the red eyed he has given me....very good indeed. Excellent I say. I have kept meaning to create my own awesome sig....but hey, why not let someone else do it eh? :lol:

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Haha! Yes indeed. I was going to ask someone at some point. Everyone seems to have one these days so I thought I would jump on the band wagon and be popular. :lol: Hmmmm, and I am generally anti-conformatist! :lol:

Have you noticed the red eyed he has given me....very good indeed. Excellent I say. I have kept meaning to create my own awesome sig....but hey, why not let someone else do it eh? :lol:

I have fallen under it too

But I do not have talents like that

So, I took myself in, Rich

And let me just say, I am very satisfied

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