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Roman Polanski FINALLY arrested....


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Polanski has been an accomplished film director and to all accounts has never had a similar incident...

Not true. He was having a sexual relationship with Nastassja Kinski when she was 13 or 15 years old, and that was almost immediately after he fled the country.

I always liked "Cat People". :blink:

I've got an idea..... Why don't we make Fornication illegal....

So we can put the "rest" of you in "Jail" ! :)

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Maybe not typical for the past, but current events are, if you google sweden and rape.

I'm sure it looks a lot better if I google good ole US of A and rape...

I think you're out walkin on thin ice. I do not think events like this is more common in Sweden then anywhere else in the world (unfortunately).

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I'm sure it looks a lot better if I google good ole US of A and rape...

I think you're out walkin on thin ice. I do not think events like this is more common in Sweden then anywhere else in the world (unfortunately).

Is it not true that Sweden has the highest incidence of reported rapes in Europe?

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Is it not true that Sweden has the highest incidence of reported rapes in Europe?

I don't know, show me your source please. Even if it's true that we have the highest numbers of reported rapes it does not have anything to do with most violent incidences or even that we have the highest numbers of rapes here.

The number of none reported incidents is far more worrying. EVERY rape should be reported.

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I don't know, show me your source please. Even if it's true that we have the highest numbers of reported rapes it does not have anything to do with most violent incidences or even that we have the highest numbers of rapes here.

The number of none reported incidents is far more worrying. EVERY rape should be reported.

Hi Swede,

Here's her source,


I'm not sure i believe this, i always thought the UK, with all its "Black and Muslim Gang Initation Rituals" would Top any League of Rapes, with France coming a Close Second.

Then i find this link and it all makes sense now,


Seems Sweden need's more of My Type of Governance,


One Day the Civilised World will wake up to the "Truth" about "What" is Happening to "Its Society" and i Hope that day will come Soon, in time for a Crusade to "Bring The Balance Back" in Our Favour, untill then we wll have our Work Cut Out dont you all think?

Please Read This.

What a can of Worms you have Opened Eternal Light, the same thing is happening too and in My Great Country of England and My Great City of London, it makes you just Love Third "World Muslim Immigration" doesn't it? Wher are the "Vikings" when you need them? Bring on the Templars.

Young immigrants in the city of Malmö were interviewed about why they were so heavily involved in crime.

"We're waging a war against the Swedes"

"This is the explanation given by young robbers from immigrantbackgrounds when questioned about why they only rob native Swedes, ininterviews with Petra Åkesson for her thesis in sociology. 'I read areport about young robbers in Stockholm and Malmö and wanted to knowwhy they rob other youths. It usually does not involve a lot of money',she said. She interviewed boys between 15 and 17 years old, bothindividually and in groups.

"Almost 90 percent of all robberiesreported to the police were committed by gangs, not individuals. 'Whenwe are in the city and robbing we are waging a war, waging a waragainst the Swedes.' This argument was repeated several times.

"'Power for me means that the Swedesshall look at me, lie down on the ground and kiss my feet.' The boysexplain, laughingly, that 'there is a thrilling sensation in your bodywhen you're robbing; you feel satisfied and happy; it feels as ifyou've succeeded; it simply feels good.

"'It's so easy to rob Swedes, so easy.We rob every single day, as often as we want to, whenever we want to.'The immigrant youth regard the Swedes as stupid and cowardly: 'TheSwedes don't do anything; they just give us the stuff. They're so wimpy.

"The young robbers do not plan theircrimes: 'No, we just see some Swedes that look rich or have nice mobilephones and then we rob them.'"

Third World Rape Nightmare Grips Oslo

Every single rape and aggravated sexualassault committed in the Norwegian capital of Oslo over the past threeyears was committed by a Third World "immigrant" Norwegian Radio hasreported.

According to an NRK report of 2September 2009, the police in Oslo have investigated 41 cases of"aggravated sexual assault, which resulted in rape."

According to NRK, "all of them were carried out by non-western immigrants to Norway."

Regards, Danny

PS, Never mind about the "War On Terror" in Afghanistan, we are Fighting a "War On Terror" here in Europe, in Every Country with a Muslim Population, untill we Deal with our own "Terrorists" how can we Deal with the ones that live Everywhere else?

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Thanks for the link BIGDAN.

While it is a shame that the statistics shows such high numbers in Sweden, I believe what defines a rape is very different in different countries. In Sweden the definition for rape is quite broad. Incidents that defies a rape in Sweden might go under another definition in another country. Some countries doesn't even mean that a rape could take place within a marriage or between homosexuals.

However, what I first opposed against was the statement that there were more occurancies of violent rapes in Sweden than anywhere else, which is difficult to believe. On the other hand, violent or not, it's wrong and a violation either way.

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Thanks for the link BIGDAN.

While it is a shame that the statistics shows such high numbers in Sweden, I believe what defines a rape is very different in different countries. In Sweden the definition for rape is quite broad. Incidents that defies a rape in Sweden might go under another definition in another country. Some countries doesn't even mean that a rape could take place within a marriage or between homosexuals.

However, what I first opposed against was the statement that there were more occurancies of violent rapes in Sweden than anywhere else, which is difficult to believe. On the other hand, violent or not, it's wrong and a violation either way.

Hi Swede,

No problem, My Goal, i believe, is to Open Peoples Eyes to the Facts, the Facts lead to the Truth, but above all i believe in Humour, Humour leads to the Soul in all of us.

Kind Regards, Danny

PS, I dont believe in Religion anymore, Religion has too much Hate Imbedded in it for my Liking, take a look,

Christianity=2000 years of Bullshit, Torture and Inquisition.

Jesus said he didnt come here to change, he came to bring his people back to the old ways of Judaism. He only got angry when pissed.

A day in the life of a person who follows this Religion would be as follows.

Get Up Very Very Early for Prayer, Eat Meal of Gruel, More Prayer and Chanting, Inquire about Torture but do nothing, its Gods Will anyway, More Prayer, Eat Evening Meal of Gruel and Dry Bread, a Little W(h)ine, (why have the Jews got more Money and Food than we have?) Finish the Day off with Vespers then off to Bed, thats Right, No Sex, You Got Up very Late, You Gorged yourself all day and Didnt thank God Enough for what you were Given.

Judaism=3500 years of Bullshit, Intolerance, Hatred and Oppression of Other Faiths.

A day in the life of a person who follows this Religion would be as follows.

Get up Early, Pray, Read some Torah, Make some Money, Break some Bread and Drink some Wine, no Sex because its Dirty, not for me then, how about you?

Islam=1500 years of Bullshit, Intolerance, Torture, Hatred, Oppression of Other Faiths and now World Terrorism, Theft and Gang Rape.

A day in the life of a person who follows this Religion would be as follows.

Study and Read the Qur'an forwards and backwards to expose any Backmasking, Oppress all other Faiths by Whatever means available, Eat meals with your hands to save on washing up, and dont forget to wash all Orifices before you eat, and especially wash your left hand, we dont use Daddys Sauce in this House, got it?

Buddhism=2500 years of a Fat Bastard telling the World to Love Its-self, Give Up all Cravings, Wear Orange, Shave your Head, Only eat what is Offered too you, makes you think how the Budda got so Fat in the First Place doesnt it?

A day in the life of a person who follows this Religion would be as follows.

Get Up Very Early, Sit and Chant to Forget the Hunger Pains for Hours, Shave your entire Body, Eat what ever crap people give you, you wont need the toilet.

Hinduism=3700 years of the Karma Sutra (not all bad then?) Vegitarians (i like that, no spilling of Blood then?) Practice Yoga (Keep fit then, if you can be a contortionist that is?) Curry (Count me in, yummy curry for me) sounds too good to be true doesnt it.

A day in the life of a person who follows this Religion would be as follows.

Got up early, did some exercise, had a Vegitable Curry, then had a Long Shag, went to bed early, Exercise, Food and Sex all make me so tired. Yawn.

Or theres what we do,

Get up Whenever you want to, Mastrubate if you're a boy, if your girlfriends with you get her to do it for you, dont bother to wash because you will only get dirty latter, wear what you took off Yeasteday just to be Fashionable with you Peers, have a Big Greasy Breakfast Sometime in the Afternoon, dont forget to Sign On, Check Emails-Facebook-Twitter-LedZeppelin Forum, laze away all day listening to Heavy Rock Music, time for bed, No Sex, shes got a headache with all that "Heavy Rock Music" i'll have to "Do It Myself" or wait untill shes better, i'll wait i think, shes better at that sort of thing than me.

Thanks for your patience, Kind Regards, Danny

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I don't know, show me your source please. Even if it's true that we have the highest numbers of reported rapes it does not have anything to do with most violent incidences or even that we have the highest numbers of rapes here.

The number of none reported incidents is far more worrying. EVERY rape should be reported.


I don't know how accurate the report is.

Sweden has the highest incidence of reported rapes in Europe — twice as many as "runner up" the UK, a new study shows. Researchers behind the EU study, which will be presented on Tuesday, conclude that rape appears to be a more common occurrence in Sweden than in continental European countries. In Sweden, 46 incidents of rape are reported per 100,000 residents. This figure is double as many as in the UK which reports 23 cases, and four times that of the other Nordic countries, Germany and France. The figure is up to 20 times the figure for certain countries in southern and eastern Europe.
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Hi Swede,

Here's her source,


I'm not sure i believe this, i always thought the UK, with all its "Black and Muslim Gang Initation Rituals" would Top any League of Rapes, with France coming a Close Second.

Then i find this link and it all makes sense now,


Seems Sweden need's more of My Type of Governance,


One Day the Civilised World will wake up to the "Truth" about "What" is Happening to "Its Society" and i Hope that day will come Soon, in time for a Crusade to "Bring The Balance Back" in Our Favour, untill then we wll have our Work Cut Out dont you all think?

Please Read This.

What a can of Worms you have Opened Eternal Light, the same thing is happening too and in My Great Country of England and My Great City of London, it makes you just Love Third "World Muslim Immigration" doesn't it? Wher are the "Vikings" when you need them? Bring on the Templars.

Young immigrants in the city of Malmö were interviewed about why they were so heavily involved in crime.

"We're waging a war against the Swedes"

"This is the explanation given by young robbers from immigrantbackgrounds when questioned about why they only rob native Swedes, ininterviews with Petra Åkesson for her thesis in sociology. 'I read areport about young robbers in Stockholm and Malmö and wanted to knowwhy they rob other youths. It usually does not involve a lot of money',she said. She interviewed boys between 15 and 17 years old, bothindividually and in groups.

"Almost 90 percent of all robberiesreported to the police were committed by gangs, not individuals. 'Whenwe are in the city and robbing we are waging a war, waging a waragainst the Swedes.' This argument was repeated several times.

"'Power for me means that the Swedesshall look at me, lie down on the ground and kiss my feet.' The boysexplain, laughingly, that 'there is a thrilling sensation in your bodywhen you're robbing; you feel satisfied and happy; it feels as ifyou've succeeded; it simply feels good.

"'It's so easy to rob Swedes, so easy.We rob every single day, as often as we want to, whenever we want to.'The immigrant youth regard the Swedes as stupid and cowardly: 'TheSwedes don't do anything; they just give us the stuff. They're so wimpy.

"The young robbers do not plan theircrimes: 'No, we just see some Swedes that look rich or have nice mobilephones and then we rob them.'"

Third World Rape Nightmare Grips Oslo

Every single rape and aggravated sexualassault committed in the Norwegian capital of Oslo over the past threeyears was committed by a Third World "immigrant" Norwegian Radio hasreported.

According to an NRK report of 2September 2009, the police in Oslo have investigated 41 cases of"aggravated sexual assault, which resulted in rape."

According to NRK, "all of them were carried out by non-western immigrants to Norway."

Regards, Danny

PS, Never mind about the "War On Terror" in Afghanistan, we are Fighting a "War On Terror" here in Europe, in Every Country with a Muslim Population, untill we Deal with our own "Terrorists" how can we Deal with the ones that live Everywhere else?

How's it going "Swede," "eternal light" and Danny? I can feel the love here on this thread today! Ha Ha! Now I know what John Lennon meant when he said the lyric "And no religion too" in the song "Imagine!" It is so sad that we all have to live in such a disgusting world. All we can all do is make the best of it by making and living our own lives the way we all so please. However, it is so hard to do when you have corrupted government officials and politians that steal Taypayers money, in order to satisfy their own greed, and pocket it for themselves along with taking free vacations, having the best Lawyers that money can buy and buying brand new cars for free at Taxpayers expense. What our government should be doing is coming up with better laws that protect our children, laws that protect the victims of horrible crimes and enforce them. I know that this is better said than done, but if we are ever going to control crime in a very cruel world, it has to begin with our government. We have to do away with corruption in our government. And that, my friends, is a very hard thing to do. ROCK ON FOREVER my friends!

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Hi Swede,

No problem, My Goal, i believe, is to Open Peoples Eyes to the Facts, the Facts lead to the Truth, but above all i believe in Humour, Humour leads to the Soul in all of us.

Kind Regards, Danny

PS, I dont believe in Religion anymore, Religion has too much Hate Imbedded in it for my Liking, take a look,

Christianity=2000 years of Bullshit, Torture and Inquisition.

Jesus said he didnt come here to change, he came to bring his people back to the old ways of Judaism. He only got angry when pissed.

A day in the life of a person who follows this Religion would be as follows.

Get Up Very Very Early for Prayer, Eat Meal of Gruel, More Prayer and Chanting, Inquire about Torture but do nothing, its Gods Will anyway, More Prayer, Eat Evening Meal of Gruel and Dry Bread, a Little W(h)ine, (why have the Jews got more Money and Food than we have?) Finish the Day off with Vespers then off to Bed, thats Right, No Sex, You Got Up very Late, You Gorged yourself all day and Didnt thank God Enough for what you were Given.

Judaism=3500 years of Bullshit, Intolerance, Hatred and Oppression of Other Faiths.

A day in the life of a person who follows this Religion would be as follows.

Get up Early, Pray, Read some Torah, Make some Money, Break some Bread and Drink some Wine, no Sex because its Dirty, not for me then, how about you?

Islam=1500 years of Bullshit, Intolerance, Torture, Hatred, Oppression of Other Faiths and now World Terrorism, Theft and Gang Rape.

A day in the life of a person who follows this Religion would be as follows.

Study and Read the Qur'an forwards and backwards to expose any Backmasking, Oppress all other Faiths by Whatever means available, Eat meals with your hands to save on washing up, and dont forget to wash all Orifices before you eat, and especially wash your left hand, we dont use Daddys Sauce in this House, got it?

Buddhism=2500 years of a Fat Bastard telling the World to Love Its-self, Give Up all Cravings, Wear Orange, Shave your Head, Only eat what is Offered too you, makes you think how the Budda got so Fat in the First Place doesnt it?

A day in the life of a person who follows this Religion would be as follows.

Get Up Very Early, Sit and Chant to Forget the Hunger Pains for Hours, Shave your entire Body, Eat what ever crap people give you, you wont need the toilet.

Hinduism=3700 years of the Karma Sutra (not all bad then?) Vegitarians (i like that, no spilling of Blood then?) Practice Yoga (Keep fit then, if you can be a contortionist that is?) Curry (Count me in, yummy curry for me) sounds too good to be true doesnt it.

A day in the life of a person who follows this Religion would be as follows.

Got up early, did some exercise, had a Vegitable Curry, then had a Long Shag, went to bed early, Exercise, Food and Sex all make me so tired. Yawn.

Or theres what we do,

Get up Whenever you want to, Mastrubate if you're a boy, if your girlfriends with you get her to do it for you, dont bother to wash because you will only get dirty latter, wear what you took off Yeasteday just to be Fashionable with you Peers, have a Big Greasy Breakfast Sometime in the Afternoon, dont forget to Sign On, Check Emails-Facebook-Twitter-LedZeppelin Forum, laze away all day listening to Heavy Rock Music, time for bed, No Sex, shes got a headache with all that "Heavy Rock Music" i'll have to "Do It Myself" or wait untill shes better, i'll wait i think, shes better at that sort of thing than me.

Thanks for your patience, Kind Regards, Danny

Hey mate! This is a very interesting analysis! Like I said mate in my previous post, now I know exactly what the late great John Lennon meant when he said the lyric "And no religion too" in the song "Imagine!" Actually, laboratory tests have shown that if a woman has sex while she has a headache, her headache will go away. Any truth to this ladies? Have a great day and ROCK ON FOREVER my friend.

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^ Yes. There are studies showing sex, orgasms, release chemicals that can stop a headache.

I'm a migraine sufferer so I can attest to the fact it is true, if you "do it" just as the headache is coming on. :bagoverhead:

Anyway...back to the topic. I read they are not going to give him bail, house arrest or any chummy deals.


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^ Yes. There are studies showing sex, orgasms, release chemicals that can stop a headache.

I'm a migraine sufferer so I can attest to the fact it is true, if you "do it" just as the headache is coming on. :bagoverhead:

Anyway...back to the topic. I read they are not going to give him bail, house arrest or any chummy deals.


Hi Hotplant,

My Mrs would disagree, she says that Her Orgasms actually give her a Headache, but i think the Headache is brought on by Headbanging the Headboard all Night. :lol:

Sorry to hear about your Migraine, but at least you know how to Cure it.;)

"GOOD!" is an understatement, "Ripping Him A New Arse Hole" is what i wanna hear. :o

Kind Regards, Danny

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Hi Hotplant,

My Mrs would disagree, she says that Her Orgasms actually give her a Headache, but i think the Headache is brought on by Headbanging the Headboard all Night. :lol:

Sorry to hear about your Migraine, but at least you know how to Cure it.;)

"GOOD!" is an understatement, "Ripping Him A New Arse Hole" is what i wanna hear. :o

Kind Regards, Danny

Hey Mate! Headbanging the headboard all night! :hysterical: I can see it all now mate! :hysterical: Man, you must really want to make sure that she gets the full treatment don't you? Man, you just made my day funnier. ROCK ON FOREVER my friend.

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He should receive the same as everyone. Again, though, I can understand how someone who is alien to the United States and comes from a country where the age of consent is 15 would be less concerned about someone who we would consider to be under the age of consent. Either way, he deceived her and exploited her for his own self-gratification and to her detriment. I admire her for her ability to heal and forgive.

As far as I know, aspirin, chocolate and coffee are the best cure for a headache.

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He should receive the same as everyone. Again, though, I can understand how someone who is alien to the United States and comes from a country where the age of consent is 15 would be less concerned about someone who we would consider to be under the age of consent. Either way, he deceived her and exploited her for his own self-gratification and to her detriment. I admire her for her ability to heal and forgive.

As far as I know, aspirin, chocolate and coffee are the best cure for a headache.

Hi E-T,

Not accordint to Hotplant, have you tried her "Formula" by any chance? :o

"A Quick Rub a Day Keeps the Anger at Bay" ;)

As for "Forgiving Him" well she might, but "We the People" dont and cant, so i say "Off with his Head" like we used to do to People that did Foul Deeds in Older and Better Days. :thumbsup:

Regards, Danny

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Hey Mate! Headbanging the headboard all night! :hysterical:I can see it all now mate! :hysterical: Man, you must really want to make sure that she gets the full treatment don't you? Man, you just made my day funnier. ROCK ON FOREVER my friend.


I didnt know she put that Vid on YouTube, i better go check, i'm not sure the Lighting was Right, and i'm not sure all my Spots had cleared up :blush:, i'm just not sure about any of this. :bagoverhead:

Kind Regards, Danny

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I didnt know she put that Vid on YouTube, i better go check, i'm not sure the Lighting was Right, and i'm not sure all my Spots had cleared up :blush:, i'm just not sure about any of this. :bagoverhead:

Kind Regards, Danny

Hey mate! Oh Danny, you ol devil you! Now you're going to be a porno star! Ha Ha! Make sure that you get Steven Spielberg to direct your next porno movie. The movie will be called E.T. GOES TO ENGLAND! Ha Ha! ROCK ON FOREVER my friend.

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Hey mate! Oh Danny, you ol devil you! Now you're going to be a porno star! Ha Ha! Make sure that you get Steven Spielberg to direct your next porno movie. The movie will be called E.T. GOES TO ENGLAND! Ha Ha! ROCK ON FOREVER my friend.


If I'm in it i bet its more like a Horror Movie,

Boris Karloff


Ron Jeremy

In This Years Biggest Movie

"BIGDAN Cums Too?"

("wakes up", if you get the pun)

Kind Regards, Danny

Edited by BIGDAN
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If I'm in it i bet its more like a Horror Movie,

Boris Karloff


Ron Jeremy

In This Years Biggest Movie

"BIGDAN Cums Too?"

("wakes up", if you get the pun)

Kind Regards, Danny

What about the headbanging on the headboard? I guess thats a good way to hammer in nails! ROCK ON FOREVER my friend.

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Maybe Roman Polanski thought that he was still in France and he misread the French age of consent law mistaking it to be 13 instead of 15? That could explain his lack of concern over the victim's age.

I can see why France stipulates in its extradition treaties that it is not required to release its citizens who are accused of crimes. It is because the law and penalties may be different in France than some foreign jurisdictions. France thus protects its citizens from the extremes of the law, or laws that its citizens do not easily comprehend due to cultural variations, in the rest of the world by limiting extradition.

But even in France he would have been sent to prison and/or fined.

In the petition though, one of the arguments is that "Il risque l'extradition vers les Etats-Unis pour une affaire vieille de trente ans dont la principale plaignante répète à cor et à cri qu'elle a oublié cette histoire et abandonné toute idée de poursuites.Agé de 76 ans, rescapé du nazisme et des persécutions staliniennes en Pologne, Roman Polanski risque de finir sa vie dans une geôle pour des faits qui devraient être normalement prescrits en Europe," according to Bernard Henri-Levy.

There may be something lost in the translation, but it seems that from Mr. Henri-Levy's point of view

1. The case is too old.

2. The victim wants to leave this matter in the past and does not want to press charges.

2. At 76 years old, a survivor of Nazi and Stalinist persecution in Poland, Roman Polanski may end his life in prison for acts that would normally be prescribed in Europe.

I get the impression that in France he would have been sentenced immediately after his offense, and not waited 30 years to serve time in prison and/or pay a fine. Mr. Henri-Levy seems to think there should be a statute of limitations on the prosecution of this offense, so to speak.

He seems to be saying that in France the penalty would have been prescribed and the court would not have had the freedom to determine the applicable rule of law, as the California court does. If he had been sentenced in France, he arguably would have already served his time long ago. Perhaps there would have been less wiggle room for the judge when determining the sentence. It possibly would have been more cut and dried.


He also seems to be implying that it is inhumane to go after Mr. Polanski this late in the game.

The age of consent in France is 15, as specified by Article 227-25, which reads: "The commission without violence, constraint, threat or surprise of a sexual offence by an adult on the person of a child under fifteen years of age is punished by five years' imprisonment and a fine of €75,000."

French Penal Code

Edited by eternal light
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Hi all,

Let us not degrade this,.... :)


Sorry KB, my fault, you're so right, i just cant wait to see if the Swiss will Roll over to French Demands to release him, i hope they dont, and i hope the US get the chance to seek Justice for the Victim.

Kind Regards, Danny

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Hi all,

Sorry KB, my fault, you're so right, i just cant wait to see if the Swiss will Roll over to French Demands to release him, i hope they dont, and i hope the US get the chance to seek Justice for the Victim.Kind Regards, Danny

No need,my friend. :)

Actions,speak louder than words,or threats,...eh?

No matter,was not my daughter,... :angry: Or was it?


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Look, let's be realistic here:

Just about anyone who was anyone on the West Coast scene was fucking underaged girls back in the 70's.

There were articles in 1973 in major american publications, such as Newsweek talking about places like Rodney Bingenheimer's English Disco that were packed with girls under the age of 16 looking for action, and what intrigues me is back then it wasn't as outrageous or deplorable as what it is now. And a lot of people from the music and entertainment industries, some big names that frequented places like that, weren't buying those girls a glass of milk and sending them home at 10pm... Polanski's misfortune seems to be that he was the only one from that scene who got arrested for it.

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