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I've Been Going to the...MOOOOvies


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I was on the fence about seeing this but after reading a few good reviews as well as hearing an interview with the Farrelly brothers on Fresh Air recently I decided to give it a shot. It stands up remarkably well despite the legendary status it has to live up to. If you were never a fan of The Three Stooges, I don't think this film will make you one as their unique brand of slapstick humor is still at the center of it. Yes, it does have a plot (as it were) but it's still quintessentially Stooges.

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I have no idea. Years ago when watching the Steve Earle documentary, Just An American Boy with some friends we got to the part of the film where he's singing "Christmas In Washington" which includes the refrain, "come back Woody Guthrie, come back to us now" when one of my friends said, "what's Woody Guthrie gonna do?" Good question...

I always wondered what he thought of union corruption?

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I fell for the hype and went to see "The Hunger Games". Very boring, conventional plot with poor character/background/context development. I mean, how did those rich tools ever get to take over anyway? They don't seem threatening in the least. A bad version of The Most Dangerous Game meets reality tv.

Saw "The Avengers" which was a lot of fun. Had to see it in 3D (no other option). Thought I'd hate that but it wasn't nauseating. GREAT cg effects. Hulk has some hilarious scenes. There were some parts of the plot that I didn't quite get what with all the fighting, but liked it overall.

Also watched "The Raven". It was directed by James McTeigue who also directed "V for Vendetta" which I loved. Basically about how Poe (Cusack) has to find the serial killer who is basing his murders on Poe's macabre stories. A bit gory, good suspense.

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I really enjoyed this and thought it was very well done. If you've read anything about this documentary at all then you already know it doesn't gloss over Marley's story and paints a very honest picture of who he was as a husband and father. It's been a very long time since I last read Timothy White's book Catch A Fire so it was refreshing to watch a documentary that doesn't just focus on the popular image of Marley as some sort of spokesman for ganja. Yes, that side of his lifestyle is included in the movie but it's far from the main focus. I came away from the film feeling very inspired but also somewhat saddened. Not just because Marley died so young but because of some of the realities of how he raised (or more accurately didn't raise) his family. This is a must see for any fan of Bob Marley's and reggae music. Here's a link to a list of theatres currently showing the movie. There's also info there on how you can watch it right away via a variety of different media.

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My daughter took me out to the movies for Mother's Day, much to the happiness of the hubby. He would not have enjoyed this outing . I wanted to see Tim Burton's Dark Shadows. As a kid I would run home from school in the afternoon and watch this 60's gothic soap opera. Back then is was serious and dramatic and in watching some of the clips a bit hoaky. But I was intrigued in how it would be updated to be palitable to this generation and how Johnny Depp would do in the role of Barnabus Collins. The storyline does run along the same plot as the old show. But a bit of humor has been interjected as a fish out of water senario. My daughter, not knowing anything about the old show, felt that they were making fun of the old shows and really didn't get it, but then she says she is not a fan of vampires and fantasy. I pointed out that she likes Lord of the Rings that has hobbits, wizards and faries. The movie did seem to have a little spoofing for entertainment's sake. I enjoyed the movie and I am not one that is into the vampire/witch/werewolf thing. Just an ole' Dark Shadows fan. Funny, I never knew how the storyline ended before, it just faded away (cancelled) or maybe the memory faded away. So I am not really sure if the movie ending is along what the soap would have been but as with movies there must be a climax to the show. I had looked around the theatre before the lights went down, and the majority of people there were along my age. Just as curious as I was to see the movie.


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Saw The Avengers in regular 3D, not the iMax 3D ($10.50 vs. $17 each = ouch).

Awesome movie, great entertainment, funny.

But, for all the records it's breaking, it didn't seem THAT great.

It wasn't as impressive to me as, say, Avatar.

But it's a great movie.

There's a scene towards the end with The Hulk that made me laugh pretty hard.

Good stuff.

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OK, I wanted to see this from the first preview I saw, since it was from the guy who did The Hangover.

And I enjoyed the premise that you're watching "the documentation" of the event.

And it was a really wild, and at times, hilarious movie.

But, as a parent, I was pretty concerned.

I know my 17 year-old son had already seen it, and now I feel it's my job to discuss the movie with him, because I had no idea the movie was such an endorsement of drug use, specifically ecstasy.

I had no idea the name of the movie was almost literally a reference to the subject matter.

It REALLY glamorized ecstasy, a lot.

So yeah, funny, outrageous movie, but as a parent, a little disturbing.


So, what did you say to your son about it?

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My daughter took me out to the movies for Mother's Day, much to the happiness of the hubby. He would not have enjoyed this outing . I wanted to see Tim Burton's Dark Shadows. As a kid I would run home from school in the afternoon and watch this 60's gothic soap opera. Back then is was serious and dramatic and in watching some of the clips a bit hoaky. But I was intrigued in how it would be updated to be palitable to this generation and how Johnny Depp would do in the role of Barnabus Collins. The storyline does run along the same plot as the old show. But a bit of humor has been interjected as a fish out of water senario. My daughter, not knowing anything about the old show, felt that they were making fun of the old shows and really didn't get it, but then she says she is not a fan of vampires and fantasy. I pointed out that she likes Lord of the Rings that has hobbits, wizards and faries. The movie did seem to have a little spoofing for entertainment's sake. I enjoyed the movie and I am not one that is into the vampire/witch/werewolf thing. Just an ole' Dark Shadows fan. Funny, I never knew how the storyline ended before, it just faded away (cancelled) or maybe the memory faded away. So I am not really sure if the movie ending is along what the soap would have been but as with movies there must be a climax to the show. I had looked around the theatre before the lights went down, and the majority of people there were along my age. Just as curious as I was to see the movie.


I do remember Dark Shadows but never really got into it. The clips of this one do look funny. Don't know how the hell Depp makes so many movies without dropping from too much work.

We just watched 'High Anxiety' with Mel Brooks. The pigeon sequence (parody of 'The Birds') was hilarious.

Just ordered 'The Innocents' with Deborah Kerr. Great ghost story.

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So, what did you say to your son about it?

I kept it pretty simple.

Mostly the idea to not be misled by the glamorization in the movie.

That X is a pretty serious drug and that the awesomeness portrayed isn't necessarily guaranteed, nor is it lasting.

I referenced Pulp Fiction (a movie he's seen with me), and how that made shooting heroin look insanely cool, even though the reality is far from it.

I imagine he's had alcohol a few times, although it's entirely possible he's passed on it.

Not sure that he's even tried weed.

He's pretty secure with himself, and he's always displayed a reluctance to take risks.

I'm more than certain he's never come home high.

Regardless, he's orders of magnitude better behaved than I was at his age.

By his age (18 in 2 months), I had been getting high for over 3 years, and I was nearing the peak of my self-destructive behavior.

There's very little at that age that I hadn't at least tried or did regularly, especially hallucinogens (PCP, LSD, mushrooms).

At almost his exact age now, I got arrested outside a concert on a really intense acid trip with an ounce of weed in my pocket.

Story here, not too long and somewhat humorous.

So yeah, overall, he's a pretty good kid.

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Saw The Avengers in regular 3D, not the iMax 3D ($10.50 vs. $17 each = ouch).

Awesome movie, great entertainment, funny.

But, for all the records it's breaking, it didn't seem THAT great.

It wasn't as impressive to me as, say, Avatar.

But it's a great movie.

There's a scene towards the end with The Hulk that made me laugh pretty hard.

Good stuff.

Just saw The Avengers myself and I agree with you. Great entertainment and many funny moments :)

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Was talking about this one yesterday. We also watched 'Melancholia' and the original 'Lolita'

Getting 'The Bad News Bears' tomorrow...Is his name Buttermaker, Boilermaker or Butterworth??? :lol:

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Was talking about this one yesterday. We also watched 'Melancholia' and the original 'Lolita'

Getting 'The Bad News Bears' tomorrow...Is his name Buttermaker, Boilermaker or Butterworth??? :lol:

I hope you are talking about the 1976 original "Bad News Bears" and not the lame remake from a few years ago.

It's Buttermaker...although I think one of the kids calls him Boilermaker in reference to his drinking. "Bad News Bears" is one of the most awesome-est movies ever...especially if you're a kid. The kids all actually LOOK like kids and not the typical prettified kid clones Hollywood usually casts in movies.

All hail Jackie Earle Hailey! Who actually has been having a career resurgence lately...he's in the new "Dark Shadows". The kid who cracked me up the most when I was a kid(I was 14 when the film came out) was Tanner...he didn't take shit from nobody, haha!

Tanner: "Hey Yankees...you can take your apology and your trophy and shove 'em straight up your ass!"

Walter Matthau and Tatum O'Neal had great chemistry together and let's not forget the late great Vic Morrow as the opposing coach.

I loved this movie when I was a kid and I love it still today. I have had the pleasure of introducing my nieces and godson to the pleasures of the "Bad News Bears" and when my nephew gets old enough, I'll turn him on to it, too.

A right fucking classic!

Edited by Strider
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I hope you are talking about the 1976 original "Bad News Bears" and not the lame remake from a few years ago.

It's Buttermaker...although I think one of the kids calls him Boilermaker in reference to his drinking. "Bad News Bears" is one of the most awesome-est movies ever...especially if you're a kid. The kids all actually LOOK like kids and not the typical prettified kid clones Hollywood usually casts in movies.

All hail Jackie Earle Hailey! Who actually has been having a career resurgence lately...he's in the new "Dark Shadows". The kid who cracked me up the most when I was a kid(I was 14 when the film came out) was Tanner...he didn't take shit from nobody, haha!

Tanner: "Hey Yankees...you can take your apology and your trophy and shove 'em straight up your ass!"

Walter Matthau and Tatum O'Neal had great chemistry together and let's not forget the late great Vic Morrow as the opposing coach.

I loved this movie when I was a kid and I love it still today. I have had the pleasure of introducing my nieces and godson to the pleasures of the "Bad News Bears" and when my nephew gets old enough, I'll turn him on to it, too.

A right fucking classic!

Yes, it's the original. Got it in the mail today. I loved Tanner's New York attitude when he tells Butter-Boilermaker to 'Git atta heah!' :lol:

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Even if you're not a fan of the Seattle bands and/or the "grunge" movement of the late 80's and early 90's, I still think you will find this documentary to be very entertaining as well as highly informative, at least I did. I've never been the biggest fan of grunge myself but there were (and still are) a good number of those groups that piqued my interest. That alone, as well as how the entire world came fo focus and feed on all things Seattle makes for very compelling viewing. It also concentrates a good deal on many of the artists that tend to get overlooked such as the Melvins, Tad and Young Fresh Fellows which includes a very young Scott McCaughey who later went to play with R.E.M. as well as guitarist Peter Buck in a number of side projects including the Minus Five, Tuatara and the Baseball Project. For anyone that's interested, the entire movie is available on YouTube for your viewing pleasure.


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Just saw "Snow White and the Huntsman" tonight. It opens June 1 in the U.S.

The screening I saw was a special one at the American Cinematheque with costume designer Colleen Atwood in attendance for a Q & A afterwards. For good reason too, as the costumes were very good.

I liked "Snow White and the Huntsman" more than the other Snow White adaptation this year, "Mirror Mirror". I thought its approach to the story was more interesting, its cinematography, look and set design better(one of the highlights was the Fairy Forest).

But mostly it was better because Charlize Theron was a better Queen than Julia Roberts. She is wicked fun to watch as the evil Queen. In fact, over-all the cast was better than "Mirror Mirror"'s. Look for Bob Hoskins, Eddie Marsan, Ray Winstone, Nick Frost, among others playing the Dwarves.

I believe I've mentioned my ambivalence towards Kristen Stewart as an actress. Thought she was okay in "Adventureland" but inadequate in "The Runaways" and sheer torture in the idiotic "Twilight" movies. She isn't bad as Snow White, but once again she has this annoying habit of using the same mouth-slightly open expression throughout the film. Her emotional range is limited.

I think of all the other young actresses out there they could have used...Emily Blunt, Anne Hathaway, Amy Ryan, Carey Mulligan. But Kristen Stewart isn't a disaster...she doesn't ruin the movie.

Anyway, along with the base Brothers Grimm "Snow White" story, there's also elements of Robin Hood, King Arthur and Lord of the Rings. So any fantasy lovers should enjoy "Snow White and the Huntsman".

Oh, and judging by the applause at the end, the guy playing the Huntsman is very popular with the ladies. According to the 12-year old girl I was with, he was in the "Thor" movie.

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Watched some old-school that was on my must-eventually-check-out list:

Some surprisingly funny scenes, although the dialog was a challenge to follow with the overly-heavy accents.

Has some pretty heavy-handed messages, but then, I guess you can't tiptoe around heroin abuse.


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I cannot keep up with the movie industry. So many movies coming out and I cant keep track of them all. I have all of the major movie channels on Direct TV until next month. Showtime, Starz, HBO, Cinimax, and I see movies from ten years back i have not seen yet. It does not take that long now for movies to make it to your living room from the big screen.

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I cannot keep up with the movie industry. So many movies coming out and I cant keep track of them all. I have all of the major movie channels on Direct TV until next month. Showtime, Starz, HBO, Cinimax, and I see movies from ten years back i have not seen yet. It does not take that long now for movies to make it to your living room from the big screen.

I have Netflix and it's nice to be able to find the obscure stuff.

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