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"It's Begining to Look a Lot Like Christmas"


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Hello everyone that celebrates Christmas, do you have anything special planned for the holiday?

Feel free to chime in on this thread even if you celebrate another holiday we don't descriminate here.

Which brings me to a tradition if you will, on my way to the hospital this morning(I'm having my port removed today yahoo!) I saw lines of people crowding outside some of the retail stores waiting for that "Black Friday" special purchase.

Hahaha it's like 38 degrees outside, they can have it! :lol:

Happy Holidays to you and yours:D

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First of all, Woo Hoo :cheer::cheer: Charles on your port removal!!! :D That's fantastic news!!

No Black Friday for us; I love to shop during the Christmas season, but hate the craziness of Black Friday. We are going to put up our tree and decorations tomorrow evening during the UVa/Virginia Tech game (that's unofficially become a tradition over the last ~ 2 years) :)

We are very blessed to have almost all our immediate family within 1/2 hour of us, so we will spend Christmas Eve and Day with family without having to travel (yeah!!) :) And everyone will be here.

This year I am off the week of Christmas (Dec 21-25) and am working Mon-Wed of the following week. Looking forward to a nice break!

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Hey Charles! Yay Congrats on the port removal! :yes2:

I'll spend a beautiful Christmas with my daughter. First we'll do some black Friday shoppin'--wish us luck! :o:yesnod:

Then I'll try to make our dollhouse (not our real abode--apt.!) resemble this, at least a little! haha. :beer:



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We don't go anywhere for Christmas because we can't afford to and no one can afford to come to us. So it'll just be the 4 of us this year, like always.

We'll put the tree up sometime after my sister's birthday (Dec. 3) since that's tradition in our house. We'll put up some grid lights outside on the bushes on either side of the staircase, maybe a wreath on the front door. We'll watch White Christmas and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir on Christmas Eve. Christmas Day, we'll unwrap our gifts, if we'll even have any this year, and then eat some ham.

C'est fini.

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Hey Charles, great news my friend!!! :beer:

I am REALLY looking forward to this Christmas! I'm living on a farm in Wisconsin. We've got 40 acres all to ourselves! Remember, I grew up on the California coast. I've never had this kind of experience. I'm used to wearing shorts and a t-shirt on Christmas! We have a hill, and I'm gonna sled! Angi's little sister is insisting on helping me make my first snowman. :lol: But yeah, it will be my first true White Christmas with lots of outdoor activity i.e. not spent in a house in the suburbs! ;) I'm going to take every advantage of the situation and go all-out holiday hog-wild! I will makes me a snow angel! :D

Best wishes Charles! Merry Christmas! :)

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Very happy for you that you're getting the port out, Dzldoc! :cheer:

Family's visiting from Poland so that should shake up the holiday routine this year. Looking forward to the families spending time together (and trying to keep the digs and daggers in check :lol: Bella figura and all that) while enjoying the borsch soup, mashed potatoes, white fish, and bigos...mmmm! And then there's the dessert :faint1:

Also, a few friends and I have rented a cottage for New Year's (and getting away from it all post Christmas).

What's Black Friday?

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Black Friday is the Friday after Thanksgiving and the official begin to the Christmas shopping season. It got its name because stores hope to go in the "black" or make a profit with their sales. The name for the day originated in Philadelphia and dates back to the mid-60s.

Oh I see. We just have the Christmas merchandise/decorations and 'buy here' signs starting to creep up shortly after Halloween. And then there's the insanity of Boxing Day (often stretching into Boxing Week in many places).

EDITED to add: how timely - on the heels of this exchange, Yahoo Canada just put up an article about Canadian stores feeling the pressure to lower prices to compete with Black Friday.

Edited by Patrycja
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Hey Charles :wave: Great news about them removing the port !

We'll be having the family and extended family over on Christmas Day ! First time in over 30 yrs. that we haven't been guests somewhere else. It may be a bit of a bittersweet day as it will also be the first Christmas without my mother in law. A few tears will be shed but, having everyone together will more than make up for any sadness.

I'm looking forward to being at home for the whole day

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Hey Charles, great news my friend!!! beer.gif

I am REALLY looking forward to this Christmas! I'm living on a farm in Wisconsin. We've got 40 acres all to ourselves! Remember, I grew up on the California coast. I've never had this kind of experience. I'm used to wearing shorts and a t-shirt on Christmas! We have a hill, and I'm gonna sled! Angi's little sister is insisting on helping me make my first snowman. laugh.gif But yeah, it will be my first true White Christmas with lots of outdoor activity i.e. not spent in a house in the suburbs! wink.gif I'm going to take every advantage of the situation and go all-out holiday hog-wild! I will makes me a snow angel! biggrin.gif

Best wishes Charles! Merry Christmas! smile.gif

Thanks everyone, unfortunately I received a bit of disappointing news today.rolleyes.gif

The doctor wants to wait til after my next CT scan before he sends me back to my surgeon.

This makes me a little uneasy though I know it's just a precaution, cancer is a tough buggerdry.gif

Now! Evster you are going to have a blast playing in the snow.biggrin.gif It's the working in it that will be a bitch!sad.gif

I spent many of my childhood years in Virginia and Newport RI.

A word of advice about sledding though, stay off of the saucers and inner tubes there's no control and you may end up spending the holidays in a castlaugh.gifinjured.gif otherwise enjoy the hell out of it while you can.santa.gif

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Sorry the icing on your Christmas cake is not so sweet. Hopefully you'll be clear. If I can't get internet over the holidays (I'll be back in the wind Tuesday), do please know that you have all my wishes and prayers, and if I don't/can't post, I'm still with you in spirit my friend, and thinking of you. Take care. All the best, Ev. :beer:

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Hey Evster...look out for that yellow snow.

There's only four letters in Evan. Now Nanook is obviously more difficult. Oh the circular motion, rub it! Sorry, went off into Zappa-land for a sec! :beer:

Apologies in advance! ;)

Well, right about that time people

A fur-trapper (who was strictly from commercial)

Had the unmitigated audacity to jump up from behind my igloo (peekaboo) )

And he started into whippin on my favorite baby seal

With a lead-filled snowshoe)

I said, with a



With a lead filled snowshoe

He said, peekaboo

I said, with a



With a lead filled snowshoe

He said, peekaboo

He went right upside the head of my favorite baby seal

He went whap with a lead-filled snowshoe, and

He hit him on the nose and hit him on the fin, and he

That got me just about as evil as an eskimo boy can be. so I bent down

And I reached down, and I scooped down and I gathered up a generous

Mitten-ful of the deadly yellow snow

The deadly yellow snow, from right there where the huskies go!

Whereupon I proceeded to take that mittenful of the deadly yellow snow

Crystals and rub it all into his beady little eyes with a vigorous

Circular motion hitherto unknown to the people of this area, but destined

To take the place of the mudshark in your mythology

Here it goes,the circular motion, now rub it!

(here fido)

And then

In a fit of anger

I pounced

And I pounced again

Great googly moogly!

I jumped up and down on the chest of the him

I injured

The fur trapper

Well he was very upset, as you can understand

And rightly so, because the

Deadly yellow snow crystals had

Deprived him of his


And he stood up, and he looked around, and he said

I can't see

I can't see

Oh, woe is me

I can't see

Well.....you know

I can't see


He took a dog-doo snow cone and stuffed it in my right eye

He took a dog-doo snow cone and stuffed it in my other eye

And the husky wee-wee

I mean the doggie wee-wee

Has blinded me

And I can't see


Well, the fur-trapper stood there, with his arms outstretched across the

Frozen white wasteland, trying to figure out what he was going to do about

His deflicted eyes. and it was at that precise moment that he remembered

And ancient eskimo legend, wherein it is written (on whatever it is that

They write it on up there) that if anything bad ever happens to your eyes

As the result of some sort of conflict with anyone named


The only way you can get it fixed up is to go

Trudging across the tundra

Mile after mile

Trudging across the tundra

Right down to the parish of st. alphonzo

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Thanks everyone, unfortunately I received a bit of disappointing news today.rolleyes.gif

The doctor wants to wait til after my next CT scan before he sends me back to my surgeon.

This makes me a little uneasy though I know it's just a precaution, cancer is a tough buggerdry.gif

Now! Evster you are going to have a blast playing in the snow.biggrin.gif It's the working in it that will be a bitch!sad.gif

I spent many of my childhood years in Virginia and Newport RI.

A word of advice about sledding though, stay off of the saucers and inner tubes there's no control and you may end up spending the holidays in a castlaugh.gifinjured.gif otherwise enjoy the hell out of it while you can.santa.gif

:console: Sorry the news wasn't as you hoped but fingers crossed it will turn out fine and they're just being extra cautious. Thinking good thoughts for you mate.

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console.gif Sorry the news wasn't as you hoped but fingers crossed it will turn out fine and they're just being extra cautious. Thinking good thoughts for you mate.

Thanks nine,

yes much better to leave it in than have to re-install it wink.gif

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Hi djzoso! :wave: haha. I live in NYC and haven't seen a sight like this in years. We only got a little snow last winter. I know most fellow NYC'ers (mainly, drivers) will disagree with me, but I'm hoping for a white Christmas. :beer:

Edited by Fan_S.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Today we go out to get our tree to decorate tonight. We listen to Christmas music, have a little wine and hang decorations full of memories of people and places.

Christmas eve is always at my house. I make a plethora of finger foods to graze on all evening and my kids and guests come over. Sometime during the evening we bundle up, throw cusions and blankets in the back of our truck and drive around the neighborhood and look at everyones lights and yard decorations. Some are quite nice and some are ...well, they tried. When we get back , I make a big pot of hot chocolate and we open a few gifts with the family we will not be seeing on Christmas Day. Christmas day we go to my brother in laws. He is married to a woman from China so its an American/Chinese Christmas dinner. I really enjoy that. Watch the ball games there on his big screen and open presents in the evening and have dessert.

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Our tree is up and decorated, although we're not decorating outside. I'm hoping to hang a wreath on the front door, but we'll see. So far, our puppy loves running into peoples' yards to inspect their Christmas lights and decorations, which is cute because he got the piddle scared out of him from one house's animatronic reindeer.

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Our tree is up and decorated, although we're not decorating outside. I'm hoping to hang a wreath on the front door, but we'll see. So far, our puppy loves running into peoples' yards to inspect their Christmas lights and decorations, which is cute because he got the piddle scared out of him from one house's animatronic reindeer.

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:lol: But yeah, it will be my first true White Christmas with lots of outdoor activity i.e. not spent in a house in the suburbs! ;) I'm going to take every advantage of the situation and go all-out holiday hog-wild! I will makes me a snow angel! :D

Ev I don't know if you'll see this before Christmas,but I've got two words for you:

Snow Football.


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