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Pay per view?

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I Have to agree with you Del. I'm a bit surprised that there isn't more of an outcry for a pay-per view for this show. This is one of the biggest events in rock and roll history. If the boys really wanted to fill the the coffers of the Ahmet Music program, imagine how much cash they could generate for the charity with a pay-per view for the show. I know I would pay what ever the asking price, and I know 25 more friends that will do the same! And Im just one small voice in the mid west imagine the totals world wide! It would be sick ................ I really can't imagine this has NOT been discussed with the managment team and Zep. Does the greatest rock band of all time really want to shut out the millions who wanted tickets to this special event????? Plus they could determine what % of the Pay- per view $$ could go to the charity. We would still pay. Why limit this to 15,000 people and make the rest of the world wait a year for the DVD. ??? Even if they pay-per view it, WE ARE STILL GONNA BUY THE DVD anyway !!!! I hope some one out there with some sort of connection with the band reads this post and passes on these feelings, because they are shared by many.

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No worries, according to Mr Page himself the concert IS being pro-shot and WILL be released

later in '08 on DVD. B) Its going to be along wait though for those of us who didn't

win tix. :boohoo:


That's exactly what I've been hoping for, but I've seen nothing that indicates this. Do you have a link to an interview with JP where he states that?

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No worries, according to Mr Page himself the concert IS being pro-shot and WILL be released

later in '08 on DVD. B) Its going to be along wait though for those of us who didn't

win tix. :boohoo:


Thats Cool .............But wouldn't it be more magical and special if the entire Zep fan base/world was able to watch this special event live along with those 15,000 other very lucky people??? Plus we all could chip in the the charity with a portion of the pay-per view procedes going to Ahmets Charity. Everyone is stoked and it would be a night to remeber forever! Then Jimmy can sell the DVD later in the year with bonus material and back stage stuff. We all would still buy it!!!

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I can't see that there is anyway that LZ will allow this concert to be broadcast live.

They've always been very protective of their image & legacy, so broadcasting their first concert in 28 years live to the world, when they could fall flat on their faces, aint gonna happen.

A live broadcast plays straight into the bootleggers hands as well. There was also an official denial of any kind of recording of the event when it was annouced but that was before the world went LZ crazy so I think that's a possibility.

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I've seen nowhere where Jimmy eluded to this. And yes I watch many places for info.

I'd like to see the interview or sound bite where he says this.

I hope it's true mind you. But I've yet to see this said.



No worries, according to Mr Page himself the concert IS being pro-shot and WILL be released

later in '08 on DVD. B) Its going to be along wait though for those of us who didn't

win tix. :boohoo:


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If this is indeed to be a "one night only" affair and there`s hundreds of millions of people that want to see this show. Do you not think it would only be fair to put this event on pay per view? At least record the event and sell the DVD. I know I would be willing to pay.

Del as much as I would also like to see this event on pay per view you have to remember the bands/ plants expectations to make this an event that will exceed expectations. Most likely the event will be filmed, painstakingly edited and then sold down the road for a weeks pay.

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No worries, according to Mr Page himself the concert IS being pro-shot and WILL be released

later in '08 on DVD. B) Its going to be along wait though for those of us who didn't

win tix. :boohoo:


When and where did JP say this. Anyway i think the 2 week delay was really a way to organise getting this filmed as the original intent was not to do so. ...........................................................I'M JIMMY PAGE I HAVE PREREQUSITE

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Hello everyone,

Pay per view of the 02 arena would be a great idea and add more $ to the foundation.

With Jimmy continuing to hint around a full blown tour maybe we will all get to see them live.

anyway me being an old-time Zep fanatic it's great to see them back together again, I am sure Bonzo is smiling.

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A PPV, while certainly not the same as being there live, would go a long way toward soothing the disappointment that a lot of people have at missing what at least Robert is saying will be their last show ever. Maybe the band really is talking over the possibility of a few more dates, and think that because of that a PPV isn't really necessary. I'm looking forward to 12/11 more than I am 12/10. We'll see what happens :rolleyes:

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When and where did JP say this. Anyway i think the 2 week delay was really a way to organise getting this filmed as the original intent was not to do so. ...........................................................I'M JIMMY PAGE I HAVE PREREQUSITE

As i've hinted at else where, I'm not totally convince any harm came to the Finger. It could have been a delaying ruse for something. I still can't see it being broacast though.

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No worries, according to Mr Page himself the concert IS being pro-shot and WILL be released

later in '08 on DVD. B) Its going to be along wait though for those of us who didn't

win tix. :boohoo:


Ya I haven't heard a thing about this either. It is true that they are filming the concert but its being kept for archival purposes. I'm guessing this will come out eventually if they deem the concert worthy of zep's legacy.

Edited by lombar43
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De La Hoya/Mayweather grossed $180,000,000 in PPV receipts, and nobody watches boxing. Imagine what a PPV Reunion concert could bring in? The Ahmet charity would be a heavy hitter overnight.

If they do release a DVD, I hope they don't do the horrible rapid fire MTV editing. One of the great things about TSRTS is that you get to focus o nPage's fretwork and stuff. It'd be nice too if they also had an option to choose different camera angles in case you want to watch JPJ do his thing etc. But I hope they put it out at all. It's too important to not be properly documented.

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why, why, why are they doing one concert. millions and millions of people are waiting for this moment, and now they are letting us down to do one gig. I can understand that they wont do a world tour, but at least they can please the people with a few more gigs.

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A PPV is a terrible idea, just wait for the DVD and we might get some really sweet bonus features.

A load of peoples mobile clips from the show put on youtube the next day will do me till the DVD comes out, which has not been confirmed yet, but i have no doubt wil happen.

Why's it a terrible idea? Could this show possibly be worse than Atlantic or Live Aid? No. They managed to survive those debacles, so why not go for it? PPV would be fun, the next best thing to being there. It'd be great if it was in some local theater that could handle it: everybody line up, take their seats, and watch it as it's happening. By the time a DVD comes out, a lot of that excitement will have dissipated. Everybody will know the set list, everybody will know how they played, everything will have been discussed already, so it would not be as much fun.

Besides the whole purpose of this is to raise money for the Ahmet charity. I think they could raise a couple hundred million $ if they did a PPV special, easy.

Why couldn't they do the PPV and then put out a DVD with sweet bonus features? They could film rehearsals and put material on there that isn't in the show, for example. And then they'd raise even more money. It's kind of a no brainer.

As far as cellphone video posting up to Youtube, well THAT'S a bad idea. That's worse than a bootleg from the 70's, purge garbage audio and visual.

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Why's it a terrible idea? Could this show possibly be worse than Atlantic or Live Aid? No. They managed to survive those debacles, so why not go for it? PPV would be fun, the next best thing to being there. It'd be great if it was in some local theater that could handle it: everybody line up, take their seats, and watch it as it's happening. By the time a DVD comes out, a lot of that excitement will have dissipated. Everybody will know the set list, everybody will know how they played, everything will have been discussed already, so it would not be as much fun.

Besides the whole purpose of this is to raise money for the Ahmet charity. I think they could raise a couple hundred million $ if they did a PPV special, easy.

Why couldn't they do the PPV and then put out a DVD with sweet bonus features? They could film rehearsals and put material on there that isn't in the show, for example. And then they'd raise even more money. It's kind of a no brainer.

As far as cellphone video posting up to Youtube, well THAT'S a bad idea. That's worse than a bootleg from the 70's, purge garbage audio and visual.

well who would watch it on PPV then buy the DVD, Hardcore zep fans for sure, but not casual fans, a PPV would kinda ruin the excitment i suppose.

But i was a bit harsh, it's no a terrible idea, just not one i would go with.

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Being a tribute show with the proceeds going to the Ahmet Ertegun Education Fund. You know there will be a CD & DVD. Just for the sake of rock n roll history being made & documented. They could always touch it up, if need be, before selling it. A pay per view on the other hand is live (the real deal) It would generate some serious cash for that fund! I'm looking foward to the real deal myself As well as looking foward to the CD & DVD to follow.

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I've seen nowhere where Jimmy eluded to this. And yes I watch many places for info.

I'd like to see the interview or sound bite where he says this.

I hope it's true mind you. But I've yet to see this said.



Friends of mine spoke to Jimmy the other night at Brixton Academy after

the Sex Pistols show. The topic was brought up about the concert being

filmed and he was very polite in telling them that it definately was being

documented and would be slotted for release later in the new year.

I haven't seen anywhere where he's said this on the record but I'm told

he sure seemed excited about the whole thing and how much he was looking

forward to performing again. I suppose Jimmy could have just said it was

being pro-shot to appease his fans on the street but I doubt Jimmy would just lie about

it if it hadn't been considered. So take it for what its worth. Jimmy says DVD in 08

but that doesn't mean it's 100% certain. The only thing that's certain is the plans

for one.

Hope this helps Honeybun-


Edited by Janine3132
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