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Is rock as we know it dead?


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"Rock" is far from dead. Not sure what U2 has to do with anything other than the news that Bono has thirty new songs ready to go. U2 aren't the only rock n' roll band on the planet.

No, I spoke ironically,U2 is bad actually.But IMO Rock is nearly dead, real rock died in the early 90's.Muse is probably the most interesting band at the moment, but they aren't as ambitious as they want to be.By and large, I don't like the "modern" voices,you've got the impression the singers suffer while they're singing.Nowadays, everything has become tasteless and stereotyped, especially when it comes to taking risks.

In modern music the songs are generally boring because they're repetitive.The bridge like the one in Down by the seaside is something the artists don't know, 35 years ago the songs were divided into different parts(Stairway to heaven, Bohemian Rhapsody), whereas now you hear the same sound from the beginning to the end.

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No, I spoke ironically,U2 is bad actually.But IMO Rock is nearly dead, real rock died in the early 90's.Muse is probably the most interesting band at the moment, but they aren't as ambitious as they want to be.By and large, I don't like the "modern" voices,you've got the impression the singers suffer while they're singing.Nowadays, everything has become tasteless and stereotyped, especially when it comes to taking risks.

In modern music the songs are generally boring because they're repetitive.The bridge like the one in Down by the seaside is something the artists don't know, 35 years ago the songs were divided into different parts(Stairway to heaven, Bohemian Rhapsody), whereas now you hear the same sound from the beginning to the end.

U2 is bad????? I wish a genie would blow this thread to kingdom come. Any genies listening>? I hope so. Blow it up!!!!! Please!!!!!!!

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No, I spoke ironically,U2 is bad actually.But IMO Rock is nearly dead, real rock died in the early 90's.

What was the day and time? I seemed to have missed the day "real" rock died.

Muse is probably the most interesting band at the moment, but they aren't as ambitious as they want to be.By and large, I don't like the "modern" voices,you've got the impression the singers suffer while they're singing.Nowadays, everything has become tasteless and stereotyped, especially when it comes to taking risks.

What "modern" voices are you referring to? Without citing examples (in addition to Muse) I have no idea what artists you're referring to. Everything has become "tasteless and stereotyped"? Everything? What music are you listening to? As far as taking risks, I guess it depends on how you define "risk" but there's plenty of artists still out there that aren't afraid to experiment. PLENTY.

In modern music the songs are generally boring because they're repetitive.The bridge like the one in Down by the seaside is something the artists don't know, 35 years ago the songs were divided into different parts(Stairway to heaven, Bohemian Rhapsody), whereas now you hear the same sound from the beginning to the end.

What is this "modern" music you speak of and who are the artists in question? And, I'm not sure I follow your logic as to why songs should resemble either Stairway or Bohemian Rhapsody in a structural sense. Speaking just for myself, I have no problem seeking out and finding new music that I enjoy. In fact, I can't keep up with all of the new stuff I'd like to add to my collection.

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U2 is bad????? I wish a genie would blow this thread to kingdom come. Any genies listening>? I hope so. Blow it up!!!!! Please!!!!!!!

Yes, during the Live Aid they tried to be as good as Queen, well they tried......

No, really, you just HAVE to compare the Led Zep cover of C mon everybody and the U2 one, they are so funny on this one, you can't even hear them.

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anything on the radio,Green day, muse, and some bands I don't even remember the name.

Therein lies the problem. I'm not referring to music you hear on commercial radio. Of course that music is shit, that's why it's on the radio. How about Gaslight Anthem, Mumford & Sons, Blitzen Trapper, Samantha Crain, the Reigning Sound, Tired Pony, the Thermals, Megafaun, etc. If you want to sample their music it is only one click away via YouTube, their respective websites or MySpace. These artists also get plenty of airplay on satellite radio (as well as other outlets) so it's not like they're lingering out there in total obscurity.

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Yes, during the Live Aid they tried to be as good as Queen, well they tried......

Another noteworthy event I apparently missed. As I was watching U2's performance at Live Aid no other artists (including Queen, who had yet to even perform) ever crossed my mind and why should they? They both put in outstanding, career defining performances. I never looked it at as some sort of competition.

No, really, you just HAVE to compare the Led Zep cover of C mon everybody and the U2 one, they are so funny on this one, you can't even hear them.

No, I don't. I've never even heard U2's rendition of C'mon Everybody, what version of this song are you referring to?

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What was the day and time? I seemed to have missed the day "real" rock died.

What "modern" voices are you referring to? Without citing examples (in addition to Muse) I have no idea what artists you're referring to. Everything has become "tasteless and stereotyped"? Everything? What music are you listening to? As far as taking risks, I guess it depends on how you define "risk" but there's plenty of artists still out there that aren't afraid to experiment. PLENTY.

What is this "modern" music you speak of and who are the artists in question? And, I'm not sure I follow your logic as to why songs should resemble either Stairway or Bohemian Rhapsody in a structural sense. Speaking just for myself, I have no problem seeking out and finding new music that I enjoy. In fact, I can't keep up with all of the new stuff I'd like to add to my collection.

date? 24th November 1991

What modern voices? Coldplay and Muse have the same voices, but I didn't explain myself very well, let's say they all have the same way of singing.

The only modern artist I like is probably Amy Winehouse, probably the only female voice that stands out from the crowd,Keith Richards thinks the same, and he also says modern music is rubbish.But that's only my opinion, you may disagree.

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Another noteworthy event I apparently missed. As I was watching U2's performance at Live Aid no other artists (including Queen, who had yet to even perform) ever crossed my mind and why should they? They both put in outstanding, career defining performances. I never looked it at as some sort of competition.

No, I don't. I've never even heard U2's rendition of C'mon Everybody, what version of this song are you referring to?


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Another noteworthy event I apparently missed. As I was watching U2's performance at Live Aid no other artists (including Queen, who had yet to even perform) ever crossed my mind and why should they? They both put in outstanding, career defining performances. I never looked it at as some sort of competition.

No, I don't. I've never even heard U2's rendition of C'mon Everybody, what version of this song are you referring to?

I don' know the bands you are alluding to,but I think that if they were that good, I would 've at least heard about them.Anyway I'll try to listen to some of their songs.

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date? 24th November 1991

What happened on that date?

What modern voices? Coldplay and Muse have the same voices, but I didn't explain myself very well, let's say they all have the same way of singing.

No, you don't explain yourself very well. Out of all of the supposed "modern voices" (whatever that means) out there, you've named two. A few posts ago you were praising Muse, now you're slamming them and comparing them to Coldplay. Not a very good example. Please explain "modern voices" and name the other artists you feel fit that criteria. Naming two simply doesn't cut it.

The only modern artist I like is probably Amy Winehouse, probably the only female voice that stands out from the crowd,Keith Richards thinks the same, and he also says modern music is rubbish.But that's only my opinion, you may disagree.

My take on Amy Winehouse is that she was a throwback to a more girl-group, soulful sound of the 60s. That's all well and good but I never heard where she brought anything new to the table. It was all steeped in a very retro sound. While some may love that, it never did anything for me. Not to mention, she hasn't even been on the radar musically in years, all of her publicity these days stems from her drug troubles.

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I don' know the bands you are alluding to,but I think that if they were that good, I would 've at least heard about them.

Where did I ever hold them up to "being that good"? I didn't. You said the bands you were naming were ones you'd heard on mainstream radio so I clarified to say, those are not the type of artists I'm talking about. All of the artists I named are receiving a significant amount of airplay (in the case of Mumford & Sons, this even extends to mainstream radio as they grow more and more popular) on all of the outlets I mentioned. Therein lies the danger of me naming artists, people will take that and make something else completely out of it that doesn't have anything to do with the conversation at hand. For instead, I never said anything about how good (or bad) I feel they are. I cited them as examples of what else is out there and they're not even the tip of the iceberg.

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What happened on that date?

No, you don't explain yourself very well. Out of all of the supposed "modern voices" (whatever that means) out there, you've named two. A few posts ago you were praising Muse, now you're slamming them and comparing them to Coldplay. Not a very good example. Please explain "modern voices" and name the other artists you feel fit that criteria. Naming two simply doesn't cut it.

My take on Amy Winehouse is that she was a throwback to a more girl-group, soulful sound of the 60s. That's all well and good but I never heard where she brought anything new to the table. It was all steeped in a very retro sound. While some may love that, it never did anything for me. Not to mention, she hasn't even been on the radar musically in years, all of her publicity these days stems from her drug troubles.

I don't pay much attention to their names, I just turn off the radio when I hear them.Moreover I don't know anyone who recently brought something new to the table, and I don't know the bands you're alluding to.

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I don't pay much attention to their names, I just turn off the radio when I hear them.

Which is what I'm trying to explain, I'm not referring to artists you hear on mainstream radio. Of course you're going to turn them off, they are part of the problem. I'm talking about artists outside the mainstream realm that receive a significant amount of airplay on outlets such as XM/Sirius satellite radio's WXMU channel, progressive radio, college radio and the internet in general.

Moreover I don't know anyone who recently brought something new to the table, and I don't know the bands you're alluding to.

It's no surprise that you're evidently unaware of anyone that's bringing anything new to the table (and/or the artists I've mentioned) because by your own admission, your only exposure to new music is what you're hearing on mainstream radio. Once again, those are not the type of artists I'm referring to.

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Which is what I'm trying to explain, I'm not referring to artists you hear on mainstream radio. Of course you're going to turn them off, they are part of the problem. I'm talking about artists outside the mainstream realm that receive a significant amount of airplay on outlets such as XM/Sirius satellite radio's WXMU channel, progressive radio, college radio and the internet in general.

It's no surprise that you're evidently unaware of anyone that's bringing anything new to the table (and/or the artists I've mentioned) because by your own admission, your only exposure to new music is what you're hearing on mainstream radio. Once again, those are not the type of artists I'm referring to.

ok, so they are good artists but nearly no one knows them.

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ok, so they are good artists but nearly no one knows them.

Just a few posts ago you said:

I don' know the bands you are alluding to,but I think that if they were that good, I would 've at least heard about them.

So, now they are suddenly "good" but in the same breath you dismiss that criteria with your "nearly no one knows them" comment. Of course, not many people have heard of them, that is my point. If you are seeking out new music via mainstream outlets the majority of those artists are not going to be to your liking because it's mainstream radio you are listening to. I'm suggesting you seek out new music beyond those traditional outlets.

Do artists have to be well known before you like them because that seems to be the criteria by which you assess new music. Also, if you're looking for something that challenges the norm, you're not going to find it on mainstream radio, which appears to be your only source for seeking out new music. That is not the place to start.

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The radio is a horrible indicator for what is good.

Then I guess I have to go to some local record store and tap some skinny pierced, tattoed, punk on the shoulder and ask him what is good? Ha. They have not attended one percent of the concerts I have seen in my lifetime, and probably cant play an instrument, or if they do they are just starting out. But maybe they will hand me an eminem album and tell me to run with it. Its great dude! Oh yeah man!!!!! Or do you want me to go get a bunch of viruses on You Tube or whatever other sites you suggest? Lose Lose. :wall: Somebody please whack this thread.

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Wait, you think you can get a virus on your computer by watching a video on YouTube? Which by the by, is the only site I suggested?

HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Don't you have anti-virus/anti-spyware/anti-malware software on your computer anyway? So even if your silly postulation were true, if you have the appropriate programs on your system, nothing will happen. Nothing is going to happen because hundreds of millions of people watch YouTube videos every day around the world, and if there was an inherent virus threat, don't you think there'd be something about that somewhere?

BTW, if you don't like this thread, DON'T READ IT. Real simple. Just because you're losing every argument you get into in this thread doesn't mean it needs to be deleted. It means you need to know when to give up.

Edited by Electrophile
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Then I guess I have to go to some local record store and tap some skinny pierced, tattoed, punk on the shoulder and ask him what is good? Ha. They have not attended one percent of the concerts I have seen in my lifetime, and probably cant play an instrument, or if they do they are just starting out. But maybe they will hand me an eminem album and tell me to run with it. Its great dude! Oh yeah man!!!!! Or do you want me to go get a bunch of viruses on You Tube or whatever other sites you suggest? Lose Lose. :wall: Somebody please whack this thread.

That's totally generalising. How do you know how many concerts someone saw and why is that necessarily an indicator of expertise? I know people who are huge music fans that don't go to a lot of live shows. Has nothing to do with it. Furthermore, how does playing an instrument an indicator of your level of being a music fan?

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You will not get viruses watching youtube videos..... Check qouted post. You got several people in this forum that would happily recomend you stuff that we think is great. I can assure you this forum is a much better source for great new music than the frickin' mainstream radio.

Hey Silvermedalist,

These guys toured all over the world (literally) between '95 and '08. They played large arenas and small venues. Went to United States several times. Their albums stand in high regard among rock fans everywhere. They were an incredible live band. If you hadn't kept your head stuck in the sand you would have had the chance to see them when they where in your area a couple of years ago. They are proof that rock and roll ain't dead.

BTW, not that it's anything wrong with it, but I don't collect autographs, not from Plant, Page or anyone. But I do like to chat with the bands. :)

The Hellacopters:

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