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That's weird!! B)

About 3 weeks ago I walked into a protruding cotter pin on an old tractor and it ripped my pants AND my shin. :o

I am really sorry to hear that. Yeah, I know, it's really freaky that it didn't even scratch me. I had a really weird incident with a Zep cd a few years ago. Someone was pissed off at me and threw it on the floor. It shattered and a shard went flying up towards one of my eyes at really high speed. Just before it hit me in the eye, it stopped in mid air and fell to the floor at my feet. I looked over at the person who was all pissed off and saw the look of total shock which was later denied as if nothing strange had happened. I said, You still going to try to tell me that really weird shit isn't going on? Strange became the norm for me a long, long time ago, all my life really.

Anyhow, I was waiting for Jimmy to get pissed off about me talking but it isn't happening. I'm going out though. It will have to wait until I get back. I can't believe he wants me to talk.

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I could share a few examples that would freak the living daylights out of you, but I'd like to get permission to share them with you here first. Waiting....

Hmmm...personally, nothing shocks me and unless there is concrete scientific proof showing conclusive evidence about the so called "after life" nonsense, I won't believe it! I don't believe in ghosts, spirits or whatever other nonsense is supposedly "out there"! :lol: I define "ghosts" and "spirits" as just "unsettled energy". :lol:

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I believe some people do have psychic abilities but there are a lot of fakes out there. When I was younger I didn't believe in anything I couldn't see, but I have become more open as the years go by. Now I believe in aliens, spirits and reincarnation, but not organized religion.

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One thing I can say for sure, a heck of alot of people didn't want us to talk to each other on any level. I kind of got to know him first when I was around..... before I started school. I could feel his soul when I heard him on the radio. I am extremely sensitive and I was already kind of freaky by the time I was three. picking up signals.... I'll tell you the funny one before I say anymore. In the summer that just passed, one morning I told him to bite me. I was horsing around. I got two puncture holes in my jeans that night. They weren't there before. I had my hands in and out of my pockets throughout the day, At first I was thinking I was having a hallucination, so I took them off and there they were. Holes, punctures, fangs, lol. You have got one twisted sense of humour boy. He doesn't leave me alone either. He's always there, no matter where I go. I told him he has to mentor me on the guitar. He doesn't have a choice. That's what he gets for driving me crazy all my life. That's aside from all my plans for making the world a better place that he has to help me with. (See what you got yourself into?) CCR just came on. I can't get into that yet. I'll never get any sleep. I'm going to have to write a book you know. /Anyhow, for as many people who tried their hardest to get us to hate each other, and lied their brains out, or did nasty shit.... back in '07, a Gibson guitar bus was parked across the street from my work for weeks and that's just one of the things. We've got fans in the military. I think that's pretty cool. I'm going to end this message now. My heart is starting to do a sonic boom. I feel kind of weird sending this.

Oh, the Stones just came on. Keith said something about going on tour next year? We're going to have to talk. If they think they can get out of what I told them the other week, it's going to cost them.

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My definition of a "psychic" :


I'm sure most of you will recognise her from the Harry Potter series! She seems to be as nutty as a fruit cake to me! :hysterical:

:blink: I definitely don't look like that, lol. Half tempted to show the photo of myself in the leather top.

Edited by grasphinx
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Awww...grasphinx...I wasn't talking about you! :console: That was just my idea of a joke you know? ;) Sorry if I gave you the wrong idea or anything! :console:

Don't worry. I know you were joking. It's the stupid movie. I hate stereotyping. Sorry if my post gave the impression that I was responding as if to you personally.

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One thing I can say for sure, a heck of alot of people didn't want us to talk to each other on any level. I kind of got to know him first when I was around..... before I started school. I could feel his soul when I heard him on the radio. I am extremely sensitive and I was already kind of freaky by the time I was three. picking up signals.... I'll tell you the funny one before I say anymore. In the summer that just passed, one morning I told him to bite me. I was horsing around. I got two puncture holes in my jeans that night. They weren't there before. I had my hands in and out of my pockets throughout the day, At first I was thinking I was having a hallucination, so I took them off and there they were. Holes, punctures, fangs, lol. You have got one twisted sense of humour boy. He doesn't leave me alone either. He's always there, no matter where I go. I told him he has to mentor me on the guitar. He doesn't have a choice. That's what he gets for driving me crazy all my life. That's aside from all my plans for making the world a better place that he has to help me with. (See what you got yourself into?) CCR just came on. I can't get into that yet. I'll never get any sleep. I'm going to have to write a book you know. /Anyhow, for as many people who tried their hardest to get us to hate each other, and lied their brains out, or did nasty shit.... back in '07, a Gibson guitar bus was parked across the street from my work for weeks and that's just one of the things. We've got fans in the military. I think that's pretty cool. I'm going to end this message now. My heart is starting to do a sonic boom. I feel kind of weird sending this.

Oh, the Stones just came on. Keith said something about going on tour next year? We're going to have to talk. If they think they can get out of what I told them the other week, it's going to cost them.

What......the....hell......? :blink::huh:

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About three or four years ago, I was living in a house where there was an overabundance of paranormal stuff going on. It's probably stopped happening at that house. It follows me around, plus I managed to figure out and solve alot of issues that were causing mounds of chaos. Also my neighbor next door and my neighbor across the street both played drums. I woke up one morning and there was a finger pressed indentation in my darbuka, my drum that arrived on Christmas Eve. It arrived with a set of very important postcards that were sent to me as a gift.


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I would recommend not going to a psychic, but it has nothing to do with whether they're abilities are real or not. The reason why you shouldn't go is because the things they say don't always turn out to be correct, and you don't want the wrong information influencing you. They will gain your trust very quickly by telling you all types of real information about yourself and your life etc, so the things they say after wards get imprinted in your mind. It's unavoidable.

I haven't figured out the psychic abilities yet, and I don't think anyone can. I think they see you and your whole like up until the moment, and then the path your are currently on, at that very moment, and whether that happens or not is up to everything else. I also think they are heavily influenced by thoughts or mental images you are giving off.

I don't think seeing psychics is a negative thing, but most people cannot handle it. I'd recommend going to an astrologer instead, where the information is based off of science, and doesn't involve psychic predictions. Getting yourself figured out astrologically would is probably the most important thing anyone can do.

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I would recommend not going to a psychic, but it has nothing to do with whether they're abilities are real or not. The reason why you shouldn't go is because the things they say don't always turn out to be correct, and you don't want the wrong information influencing you. They will gain your trust very quickly by telling you all types of real information about yourself and your life etc, so the things they say after wards get imprinted in your mind. It's unavoidable.

I haven't figured out the psychic abilities yet, and I don't think anyone can. I think they see you and your whole like up until the moment, and then the path your are currently on, at that very moment, and whether that happens or not is up to everything else. I also think they are heavily influenced by thoughts or mental images you are giving off.

I don't think seeing psychics is a negative thing, but most people cannot handle it. I'd recommend going to an astrologer instead, where the information is based off of science, and doesn't involve psychic predictions. Getting yourself figured out astrologically would is probably the most important thing anyone can do.

Excellent advice! The last one I went to ended up becoming more of a therapist than a psychic. ALL WRONG.

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I don't think seeing psychics is a negative thing, but most people cannot handle it. I'd recommend going to an astrologer instead, where the information is based off of science, and doesn't involve psychic predictions. Getting yourself figured out astrologically would is probably the most important thing anyone can do.

I personally don't like astrology. There are far too many attempts to manipulate events within that so called artform. Don't take that personally please. I am aware that mine is not a popular view on the subject.

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About three or four years ago, I was living in a house where there was an overabundance of paranormal stuff going on. It's probably stopped happening at that house. It follows me around, plus I managed to figure out and solve alot of issues that were causing mounds of chaos. Also my neighbor next door and my neighbor across the street both played drums. I woke up one morning and there was a finger pressed indentation in my darbuka, my drum that arrived on Christmas Eve. It arrived with a set of very important postcards that were sent to me as a gift.


Interesting print on the skin of that drum, what does it say?

I updated my general resume on the web yesterday and this morning some one called me from some where in Raleigh wanting to talk to me. Weird!

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Back in the old days, before technology's of thing's like electricity, modern hydraulics, science, medicine and such. There was the notion that the star's where powerful and can predict the out come of some thing's here on earth. While we all now know that the star's are indeed filled with power that is far greater than we (humans) can produce in a life time (or may generation's of), there are on there own course and we on ours.

You can believe in what you wish but the truth of math and physics is pretty much all we really know as of now.


Edited by BonzoLikeDrumer
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Interesting print on the skin of that drum, what does it say?

I updated my general resume on the web yesterday and this morning some one called me from some where in Raleigh wanting to talk to me. Weird!

Gawharet el Fan (the makers of the drum) plus images of drummers. I ordered the drum from Jerusalem, it's made in Egypt and it arrived on Christmas Eve and the person sent me a gift of postcards for all of the Jerusalem Gates.

That's awesome news about getting a response that quickly. I really hope it comes to fruition for you. :cheer::thumbsup:


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