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Fool In The Rain 60

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In America I hate:

Polluters (Noise & Environment)

Litter Bugs

Elitist Media Types

Rich People Who Flaunt Their Wealth

Hollywood Assholes

The Doom And Gloom Types

Career Criminals

Thugs Who Prey On The Weak

Drunk Drivers

People Who Are Cruel To Animals


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Yes it is straightforward in my opinion.

England isn't a third world country with no jobs.

If you leave this country with the intention to emigrate and never coming back (as some do) then I'm sorry but my opinion is that you have abandoned this country and therefore should have your passport revoked. If you want to return later then you should wait in the queue because (in my opinion) you have given up the right to be British and live in Britain when you buggered off for 'greener pastures'. :P

I say the same thing to my German girlfriend who left Germany to come and live in England and has no intention of ever going back there to live. She actually agrees. If her passport was revoked she wouldn't care and wouldn't complain.

So then say I marry a British man and move to England. I get a job, we buy a house, I apply for citizenship as I intend to live there with my husband and any future children we have. Does that mean I'm not allowed to come back to the United States to visit my family? Or that I should have my citizenship revoked because I've married and now live abroad? I obviously wouldn't travel across the ocean to marry and live with someone if I don't think I'm going to be there for the rest of my life.

That's asinine.

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So then say I marry a British man and move to England. I get a job, we buy a house, I apply for citizenship as I intend to live there with my husband and any future children we have. Does that mean I'm not allowed to come back to the United States to visit my family?

You would eventually have British citizenship and a British passport if you married a British man and moved to Britain for good. You would therefore be able to 'travel' where you like, including back to the USA to visit your family. We do have passports in Britain too you know, silly. Maybe you weren't aware of that? :rolleyes:

Or that I should have my citizenship revoked because I've married and now live abroad?

Yep. You abandon your country then you deal with the consequences, if I had my way. That is if you planned on it being a permanent-rest-of-your-life-thing with no intention of ever going to live back in the USA. If you only planned on it being a temporary thing well that's different.

That's asinine.

Nope. Makes perfect sense to me. You abandon your country = you lose the right to be a citizen of that country.

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When you have a PhD it's like a third world country!!!

You've been reading the Daily Mail and broken Britain too much.

Plenty of PhDs are in Britain and living happily in Britain.

No one deserves to have their passport taken off them!

If they abandon their country and run away with the INTENTION OF NEVER COMING BACK (this is the important part which I'm not sure you are understanding) then yes they do deserve to have their passports taken away and if I had my way they would have their passports taken away. I call it treason. They want to move to another country for good, slagging this country off in the process? Fine, then they should become a citizen of that country they run away to. If somebody moves away from Britain with the determination to never come back to live here ever again (I know people who have done just that) then they are no longer British as far as I'm concerned. Screw 'em. :P

Good thing the population of Britain didn't cry and run off somewhere else when the going got tough in WW2.

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Magic, they are eligible to apply for a passport (of the country they emigated to), after the qualification period, I think it's three years and become "Natuarlised", as they call it here.

This usually happens on Australia Day, 26th January each year during Citizenship Ceremonies across the country.

The point is they can revisit their country of origin (eventually) and besides you can only use passports one at a time and who needs more than one?

Exactly Reggie.

If somebody moved from England to Australia with the intention of never returning to live in England then they should become Aussie citizens in time and have their British passport revoked. It wouldn't stop them from visiting Britain again because they would have an Aussie passport. It would just mean they wouldn't automatically have the right to return to live in Britain as and when they liked. In my opinion they gave up that right when they abandoned their country and ran away.

I also dislike it when people move abroad with the intention of staying there permanently but yet don't want to become citizens of the country they have moved to and settled in. In my opnion that is an insult to the country that is now taking care of them.

It works both ways with me. :)

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Exactly Reggie.

If somebody moved from England to Australia with the intention of never returning to live in England then they should become Aussie citizens in time and have their British passport revoked. It wouldn't stop them from visiting Britain again because they would have an Aussie passport. It would just mean they wouldn't automatically have the right to return to live in Britain as and when they liked. In my opinion they gave up that right when they abandoned their country and ran away.

I also dislike it when people move abroad with the intention of staying there permanently but yet don't want to become citizens of the country they have moved to and settled in. In my opnion that is an insult to the country that is now taking care of them.

It works both ways with me. :)

The point I was making is that you can have dual nationality, and lots of people I know do!

If your policy was implemented, why not put a big red stamp on everyone's passport saying, 'IF YOUR LEAVE THIS COUNTRY PERMANENTLY YOU RELINQUISH YOUR RIGHT TO BE A CITIZEN AND CAN NEVER RETURN'

That sounds a bit totalitarian to me! Tell me Lyndon, have you ever read George Orwell's 1984?

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You've been reading the Daily Mail and broken Britain too much.

Plenty of PhDs are in Britain and living happily in Britain.

I NEVER read the Daily Mail, please don't insult my intelligence!

I have an academic job at a very good university, but I know lots of people with PhDs who unable to get such jobs, hence they have to move abroad to find them.

In the department I work in, we have staff from Canada, Australia, America and Eastern Europe. You'll find most university departments around the world are like this, they have international staff. Do they all have to relinquish their right to return to their native countries because they are spending their working lives doing research and teaching, rather than settling for a job working in a bar or some other demeaning job in their native country?

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Exactly Reggie.

If somebody moved from England to Australia with the intention of never returning to live in England then they should become Aussie citizens in time and have their British passport revoked. It wouldn't stop them from visiting Britain again because they would have an Aussie passport. It would just mean they wouldn't automatically have the right to return to live in Britain as and when they liked. In my opinion they gave up that right when they abandoned their country and ran away.

I also dislike it when people move abroad with the intention of staying there permanently but yet don't want to become citizens of the country they have moved to and settled in. In my opnion that is an insult to the country that is now taking care of them.

It works both ways with me. :)

Is ya nickname Chip ?

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Yep. You abandon your country then you deal with the consequences, if I had my way. That is if you planned on it being a permanent-rest-of-your-life-thing with no intention of ever going to live back in the USA. If you only planned on it being a temporary thing well that's different.

Nope. Makes perfect sense to me. You abandon your country = you lose the right to be a citizen of that country.

Bull-fucking-shit, brother. I was born in this country, I'm a citizen by birth. That can't be stripped from me, just because I choose to marry someone from another country and thus live there with them for however long we're married. Citizenship doesn't work that way, Mr. Orwell.

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Bull-fucking-shit, brother. I was born in this country, I'm a citizen by birth. That can't be stripped from me, just because I choose to marry someone from another country and thus live there with them for however long we're married. Citizenship doesn't work that way, Mr. Orwell.

You're absolutley correct Electrophile, that right should never be stripped from anyone. I have an American work colleague who has lived in the UK for over 15 years, married a British woman, and become a British citizen. However, he is also still an American, that is his birth right which should never be taken away from anyone.

Mangani has confused patriotism with nationalism. Nationalism is a VERY dangerous ideology to believe in. It leads to political situations like this:


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You're absolutley correct Electrophile, that right should never be stripped from anyone. I have an American work colleague who has lived in the UK for over 15 years, married a British woman, and become a British citizen. However, he is also still an American, that is his birth right which should never be taken away from anyone.

Mangani has confused patriotism with nationalism. Nationalism is a VERY dangerous ideology to believe in. It leads to political situations like this:

Hi Magic,

Your reply to Electrophile, my opinion is that you should NEVER be allowed to get citizenship of a country you were not born in or are akin too, that way a Footballer from the Gambia could never play for Poland, which has happened, it makes People from the Emigrant Country very angry and it encourages Racism not prevents it.

I just love the way People from Immigrant countries who have no cultural, spiritual or ethnic connections to that country get so indignant, can you imaging this? a Hungarian Family Emigrates to the USA, and a couple of generations down the line those peoples offspring have the nerve to call themselves "Americans" when they have absolutely no cultural, spiritual or ethnic connections to the original inhabitants, the REDSKINS, THE INDIANS, they are the TRUE AMERICANS, THEY are the only PEOPLE who deserve an AMERICAN PASSPORT, all the rest are Illegal Immigrants because AMERICA was UNLAWFULLY taken off of the ORIGINAL INHABITANTS just a few hundred years ago, you might not like what I say but tis the TRUTH and a FACT, so all you ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS begone back to the land of your forefathers and stop God Bothering and leave the NATIVES, the TRUE AMERICANS, THE REDSKINS, alone and let THEM live at peace in THEIR OWN LAND, with no one to bother them but themselves, you DESTROYERS of HUMANITY.

Your reply to Mangani is quite correct, Nationalism is Very Dangerous to any that are not of that Countries Nationality, so I say that it would be better for all Nationalities to live separately in their own Country if you do not wish to live in what will become a war zone at some time, because ALL the WORLDS People are in one way or another BIGGOTED or RACISTS, that ain't just my opinion its a matter of FACT.

Kind Regards, Danny

PS, Please don't take this as an attack on anyone, either as an individual or as a People, I love the cultural diversity of my Country but I HATE the way some immigrants come here for nothing more than financial reasons or to escape tyranny only to disrespect OUR way of living and make OUR streets unsafe buy their or their children's lawlessness, any Immigrant or their close family members who breaks the Law should automatically be returned to their own country without further redress in OUR courts of law to ever return, then perhaps we will get Peaceful Immigrants that will enhance rather than degenerate OUR COUNTRY and SOCIETY. Sponsorship of Immigrants would also be a good idea, if they break the law then the sponsors should return to their countries as well, than might in fact change the world for the better.

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The point I was making is that you can have dual nationality, and lots of people I know do!

Why would anyone SANE and knowing where he or she is at would actually WANT 'dual nationality? What kind of a schizophrenic would want to be a citizen of more than one country?

If your policy was implemented, why not put a big red stamp on everyone's passport saying, 'IF YOUR LEAVE THIS COUNTRY PERMANENTLY YOU RELINQUISH YOUR RIGHT TO BE A CITIZEN AND CAN NEVER RETURN'

Yep. I would do that. Cowards and wimps. Bye. Fuck off and don't let the door hit your arse on the way out. Don't come back.

These people aren't leaving because bombs are going off and the country is about to be invaded by the Third Reich. These people are leaving because they have an "ickle bit of discomfort" and can't get the hordes of cash or permananent sunshine that they want. Awwwwwwwwwww diddums. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! :rolleyes:

That sounds a bit totalitarian to me! Tell me Lyndon, have you ever read George Orwell's 1984?

Please call me by the name Mangani, if you please. That's my username. :)

And no I don't care for Orwell. Booooooooooooooooring.

It's got nothing to do with being totalitarian at all. It's got everything to do with being narked at weeds, weaklings and crybabies who run away when the going gets an "ickle" bit discomforting. I'm glad they do bugger off. This country can do without crybabies and little weeds who run away at the first sign of a bit of discomfort (and I use that term very loosely). It's best to weed out the wimps, the whingers and the crybabies.

As I said in another post, thanks cripes this country didn't have such cowards, weaklings and crybaby whingebags in WW2. Where the fuck would we have been THEN? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?

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Bull-fucking-shit, brother.

I'm not your brother so please refrain from calling me 'brother'.

I was born in this country, I'm a citizen by birth.

Good for you.

That can't be stripped from me, just because I choose to marry someone from another country and thus live there with them for however long we're married.

The way you carry on here with your anger management issues, if you acted like that in 'real life' I doubt if anyone outside your neck of the woods would ever touch you with a bargepole, nevermind invite you to live in their country...........madam. :angry:

You are almost permananetly pissed off.

Maybe you could move to Pissedoffstantinople in Pissedoffistan? I guess.

Citizenship doesn't work that way, Mr. Orwell.

The names Mangani. James Mangani. You shouldn't copy the post before you. That's a bit pathetic.

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I NEVER read the Daily Mail, please don't insult my intelligence!

So you are insulting all those who read the Daily Mail by questioning their intelligence?

I have an academic job at a very good university,

Yeah and I bet you aren't struggling in life and are on the breadline. You can even afford to be on the internet.

but I know lots of people with PhDs who unable to get such jobs, hence they have to move abroad to find them.


I have no problem with people who>

1) Want to travel.

2) Want to get a temp position overseas for a limited about of time and then eventually come back.

I'm talking about the usual crybabies and wimps who complain "this country is going to the dogs"..."the crime rate is scaring me away"......"this country is in a mess".............."I can't get a job"...........and then want to fuck off and NEVER come back.

In the department I work in, we have staff from Canada, Australia, America and Eastern Europe.

Yeah so it can't be that bad then.

You'll find most university departments around the world are like this, they have international staff. Do they all have to relinquish their right to return to their native countries because they are spending their working lives doing research and teaching, rather than settling for a job working in a bar or some other demeaning job in their native country?

Depends on if they are doing it as part of their career as a temporary move but with the intention of eventually going back to the country of their birth or if they are doing it because they are complaining and whinging about their country, slagging it off in the process and are doing it becuase they want to leave and never go back.

I'll say it for the THIRD time. It all depends on the context.

Why do I fucking bother? Nobody is understanding what I am saying, even though I have spelled it out clearly enough.


What part of that don't you people understand????????????????

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Mangani has confused patriotism with nationalism.

I haven't confused anything with anything.

Nationalism is a VERY dangerous ideology to believe in. It leads to political situations like this:


Thank you for basically calling me a Nazi.

I guess you got that from reading I have a German girlfriend.

I don't know about your passport but I can certainly revoke your 'friendship' on this site.



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Your reply yo Mangani is quite correct, Nationalism is Very Dangerous to any that are not of that Countries Nationality, so I say that it would be better for all Nationalities to live separately in their own Country if you do not wish to live in what will become a war zone at some time, because ALL the WORLDS People are in one way or another BIGGOTED or RACISTS, that ain't just my opinion its a matter of FACT.

Kind Regards, Danny

PS, Please don't take this as an attack on anyone, either as an individual or as a People, I love the cultural diversity of my Country but I HATE the way some immigrants come here for nothing more than financial reasons or to escape tyranny only to disrespect OUR way of living and make OUR streets unsafe buy their or their children's lawlessness, any Immigrant or their close family members who breaks the Law should automatically be returned to their own country without further redress in OUR courts of law to ever return, then perhaps we will get Peaceful Immigrants that will enhance rather than degenerate OUR COUNTRY and SOCIETY. Sponsorship of Immigrants would also be a good idea, if they break the law then the sponsors should return to their countries as well, than might in fact change the world for the better.

The problem with your statement above is that Germany adopted your idea in relation to the Jews in the 1930s, and looked how well that worked out. I agree with you that multi-culturalism doesn't always work, but that doesn't mean we should close our borders. There are lots of professionals coming to Britain, Drs, academics, scientists and so forth that have a lot to contribute to the British economy. We should be thankful for that.

The point I was making to the member called Mangani is that in the sector I work in, higher education, a lot of academics have to emigrate to other countries to find employment in their chosen fields. I myself have even thought about moving to New Zealand or Canada. Does that mean that I should automatically have my passport revoked? I don't think so. Half of my colleagues have dual citizenship passports, and why shouldn't they?

Danny I don't take your comments as an attack on me at all. You haven't said anything that's personal or insulted my intelligence and I respect that. ;)

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The point I was making to the member called Mangani is that in the sector I work in, higher education, a lot of academics have to emigrate to other countries to find employment in their chosen fields. I myself have even thought about moving to New Zealand or Canada. Does that mean that I should automatically have my passport revoked?


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So you are insulting all those who read the Daily Mail by questioning their intelligence?

Yeah and I bet you aren't struggling in life and are on the breadline. You can even afford to be on the internet.


I have no problem with people who>

1) Want to travel.

2) Want to get a temp position overseas for a limited about of time and then eventually come back.

I'm talking about the usual crybabies and wimps who complain "this country is going to the dogs"..."the crime rate is scaring me away"......"this country is in a mess".............."I can't get a job"...........and then want to fuck off and NEVER come back.

Yeah so it can't be that bad then.

Depends on if they are doing it as part of their career as a temporary move but with the intention of eventually going back to the country of their birth or if they are doing it because they are complaining and whinging about their country, slagging it off in the process and are doing it becuase they want to leave and never go back.

I'll say it for the THIRD time. It all depends on the context.

Why do I fucking bother? Nobody is understanding what I am saying, even though I have spelled it out clearly enough.


What part of that don't you people understand????????????????

I don't even know where to start!! I haven't resorted to personal attacks like you have in regard to Electrophile's comments.

By calling me a 'Daily Mail reader' you were attempting to belittle me and don't pretend that you weren't.

Half of my colleagues have a dual citizenship passport, I don't know why you have such a problem with that.

I have spent 7 years at university longer than most Drs, and yet I earn a third of their wage. Academics in Britain get treated like crap, and it's going to get worse. With current government cuts to higher education 1 in 4 universities face closure. That figure doesn't come from the Daily Mail, but from a study published by the Economic and Social Research Council. Do you think that's good for the British economy? Maybe you can understand why a lot of academics consider moving abroad?

I'm not calling you a Nazi at all. I didn't give your German girlfriend a second thought. I said that your ideas resembled those of nationalism which the Nazis were rather fond of. You think that you're being patriotic by defending Britain the way you are, but in fact you're being a nationalist. Ideas are the most dangerous thing in the world, and never forget that.

You don't like Shakespeare and you find Orwell boring!! Maybe you should try reading some more books, and less time browsing RubMyBoob.com, than you may be able to come up with more informed and intelligible opinions in the future.

For the record, the only country that would be willing to adopt your ridiculous emigration policy is North Korea.

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The problem with your statement above is that Germany adopted your idea in relation to the Jews in the 1930s, and looked how well that worked out. I agree with you that multi-culturalism doesn't always work, but that doesn't mean we should close our borders. There are lots of professionals coming to Britain, Drs, academics, scientists and so forth that have a lot to contribute to the British economy. We should be thankful for that.

The point I was making to the member called Mangani is that in the sector I work in, higher education, a lot of academics have to emigrate to other countries to find employment in their chosen fields. I myself have even thought about moving to New Zealand or Canada. Does that mean that I should automatically have my passport revoked? I don't think so. Half of my colleagues have dual citizenship passports, and why shouldn't they?

Danny I don't take your comments as an attack on me at all. You haven't said anything that's personal or insulted my intelligence and I respect that. ;)

Hi Magic,

I only offer choices not solutions, I base all my statements on personal observations and facts, sometimes I might seem very uncareing but thats not my intention, my intention is to get people to look at things in a different way, a way that provokes us or makes us feel uneasy, its also a trip in to the real world as it is rather than how we would like or think it is, if I have shattered someones illusions then I'm very sorry but fact is still much better that fiction, except with Lord of the Rings, and even they had to deal with bigotry and racism, and I too have a loathing for the Orcs although I have never meet one and am only going on what I have read.

Kind Regards, Danny

PS, I have no worries about people coming here for work or to better their way of life, but I do have a worry when a Foreigner is allowed to call himself an Englishman when he neither has the DNA or the Lineage for this to be true, and yes I am Snob about this.

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How do you define 'never coming back'? I may choose not to come back, and then my mother may get cancer, and I may have to consider coming back to care for her? Should I get the door slammed in my face? Not everything is so black or white.

Don't worry I won't ever call you by your 'real' name ever again. Being civil obviously isn't part of your vocubulary.

Go ahead 'revoke' my friendship. This site is the only place you have the authority to 'revoke' anything thank goodness.

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Hi Magic,

I only offer choices not solutions, I base all my statements on personal observations and facts, sometimes I might seem very uncareing but thats not my intention, my intention is to get people to look at things in a different way, a way that provokes us or makes us feel uneasy, its also a trip in to the real world as it is rather than how we would like or think it is, if I have shattered someones illusions then I'm very sorry but fact is still much better that fiction, except with Lord of the Rings, and even they had to deal with bigotry and racism, and I too have a loathing for the Orcs although I have never meet one and am only going on what I have read.

Kind Regards, Danny

PS, I have no worries about people coming here for work or to better their way of life, but I do have a worry when a Foreigner is allowed to call himself an Englishman when he neither has the DNA or the Lineage for this to be true, and yes I am Snob about this.

Hi Danny

No worries. We should all question the world around us, that's the only way for civilisation to progress.

You don't come across to me as uncaring. Like most people, you care about the people and things that matter to YOU. ;)

All the best


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You're absolutley correct Electrophile, that right should never be stripped from anyone. I have an American work colleague who has lived in the UK for over 15 years, married a British woman, and become a British citizen. However, he is also still an American, that is his birth right which should never be taken away from anyone.

Mangani has confused patriotism with nationalism. Nationalism is a VERY dangerous ideology to believe in. It leads to political situations like this:


What the hell is Adolf's thumb doing in the picture ??? looks like he is trying to point out to someone "its him" or "shoot him" Goering or whoever <_<

Been away a long while as things were getting abusive on here , come back and still there are people on here being abusive....ahh...lighten up everyone. wWhen someone is backed into a corner and questioned they come out fighting.

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How do you define 'never coming back'? I may choose not to come back, and then my mother may get cancer, and I may have to consider coming back to care for her? Should I get the door slammed in my face? Not everything is so black or white.

Very excellent point, Magic. Situations in life may change. You could marry someone from Japan, move there with them, and have every intention of staying there the rest of your life......but then you could get divorced. You could be widowed. A family member back home may be ill and you're the only living family left who could care for them. What then? Do you get told to "fuck off" and stay where you're at?

Life ISN'Tblack and white, much to Mangani's chagrin. You don't "abandon" your country because you've married someone else who lives in another country. There's a difference between that and say, expatriating for political reasons. Now THAT would be "abandoning" your country. If you hate your country so much that simple political disagreement is enough to cause you to move somewhere else for whatever length of time, you still shouldn't have your citizenship revoked, but that's a clear case of "abandoning" it for someplace else. That's not the same as moving to another country because you've married abroad or for work or whatever. You can love your country and love where you're from and still live somewhere else. I love my hometown of Chicago even though I haven't lived there in nearly 10 years. That's not going to change no matter where I put down stakes.

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The so called minimum wage, it is an age related pay scale,

Adult....21 & over £5.93

Youth Development Rate.....18-20 £4.92 ph

The Minimum wage for 16-17 £3.64 ph

And to top that.........

Apprentice pay wait for it......£2.50 ph that is for your first year even if you are over 19.

How the Government think these are fair rates for anyone, they are not living on this planet. :mad:

Hi Fool

Remember the situation was even worse before Blair's Labour government when there was no minimum wage, which the Conservatives were opposed to. I remember my mum was earning £2.00 an hour in the early '90s.

But I agree that is it VERY unfair that people on the minimum wage and young people in particular get paid so little. I don't know how they manage. No one in the Tory government has ever lived in the real world.

We should keep in mind that a lot of complaints from people posting on this thread are about the governments in their countries. If we want to change things we need to change the government. It's just a shame there's so much voter apathy in the UK, that is something that annoys me and worries me. :unsure:


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