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Jimmy VS Jimi?

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Saying Jimmy Page is better than Jimi Hendrix, is like comparing Beethoven and Mozart. They were obviously both musical geniuses, and I don't think they can be compared in that way. The same is true of Jimmy and Jimi. They both rank very high. There are only personal preferences.

Of course, my personal preference would be Jimmy Page. :D

I agree, 95%!

They can't really be compared. I personally prefer Jimi Hendrix, but I would never argue with someone saying Page is better... Hendrix is just more my type of music.

Though, My personal favorite from that time was Syd/Keith Barret, from Floyd. Though true, not as great of a guitarist, I personally think he is a better musician, and an amazing inspiration for bands to come. I wouldn't argue with someone saying they liked Jimi or Jimmy better. They're all legends. To think that the average person is capable of judging which is actually 'better' then the other is an insult to them all. Nothing wrong with having favorites though. biggrin.gif

Edited by Art Murder
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Eventhough, I just hate playing favourites, to me, James Marshall Hendrix will always be the greatest guitartist to walk the planet! B) I realised that the moment I lent my ears to the album "Are You Experienced?" :D

Just my opinion folks! :peace:

My mom considers Jimmy Hendrix's playing to be reckless, sloppy and noisy! I prefer the words daring and dynamic! B)


Edited by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87
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Eventhough, I just hate playing favourites, to me, James Marshall Hendrix will always be the greatest guitartist to walk the planet! B) I realised that the moment I lent my ears to the album "Are You Experienced?" :D

Just my opinion folks! :peace:

My mom considers Jimmy Hendrix's playing to be reckless, sloppy and noisy! I prefer the words daring and dynamic! B)


That song just backs my point up, he in that one song has made his guitar sound like an orchestra and done it in good taste, and musically it can beat what any other guitarist has been able to accomplish, even the great Page.

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Page and Hendrix are both a bit sloopy, they both used approaches you could call gimmicks(playing with teeth, burning guitars, double neck, violin bow) and they both used drugs!!

Page is my favourite for his fantastically phrased solos, riffs, building up guitars like an orchestra and his acoustic work and incredible live improvisation and exploration and fusion of so many genres!!

But Hendrix is a total legend who really showed to the world the sonic possibilities of an electric guitar, he could make the guitar sing exactly the way he wanted, he introduced effects, he wrote really good songs, he funked nicely and his solos are articulated enough, that you can call them inovative aswell, even if there are more important in terms of sound exploration!

So Hendrix is a total and undeniable legend, but Page is the best for me, as I prefer his incrediblly phrased solos, whre he is better for me then Hendrix, his riffs are also better then those of Hendrix for me, because many times Hendrix doesn't even have riffs and Jimmy builds the guitar army a lot better then Hendrix to me and he has also got lots of acoustic stuff and I think he has explored more genres then Hendrix!

Edited by Matjaz1
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Page and Hendrix are both a bit sloopy, they both used approaches you could call gimmicks(playing with teeth, burning guitars, double neck, violin bow) and they both used drugs!!

Page is my favourite for his fantastically phrased solos, riffs, building up guitars like an orchestra and his acoustic work and incredible live improvisation and exploration and fusion of so many genres!!

But Hendrix is a total legend who really showed to the world the sonic possibilities of an electric guitar, he could make the guitar sing exactly the way he wanted, he introduced effects, he wrote really good songs, he funked nicely and his solos are articulated enough, that you can call them inovative aswell, even if there are more important in terms of sound exploration!

So Hendrix is a total and undeniable legend, but Page is the best for me, as I prefer his incrediblly phrased solos, whre he is better for me then Hendrix, his riffs are also better then those of Hendrix for me, because many times Hendrix doesn't even have riffs and Jimmy builds the guitar army a lot better then Hendrix to me and he has also got lots of acoustic stuff and I think he has explored more genres then Hendrix!

I totally agree with you on the riffs base, Jimmy has them for sure, WLL, BIOH, Heartbreaker, Kashmir etc.etc.

Jimmy had a mindset of how he wanted to guitar sound and what he wanted to do with it and how far stretched he wanted to show his skill for every song, compare his skill in Stairway to Communication Breakdown for example. Also i agree with he did vary in a way with Guitar for example Acoustic (Babe Im gonna Leave You), 12 String (Stairway), Mandolin (Battle of Evermore) and normal Electric of course. Which is a good way of showing how great and how much of a pioneer Pagey is.

On the other hand we have the man who single handely and undoubtley brough Guitar playing much much further into the future, playing with his teeth may seem gimmicky but it's a way of showing the guitar is an instrument that you can experiment with, Hendrix expermiented with the guitar like no other, he playing the guitar like he did brought it a whole new perspective and sound, and that is why I think Hendrix is better.

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I totally agree with you on the riffs base, Jimmy has them for sure, WLL, BIOH, Heartbreaker, Kashmir etc.etc.

Jimmy had a mindset of how he wanted to guitar sound and what he wanted to do with it and how far stretched he wanted to show his skill for every song, compare his skill in Stairway to Communication Breakdown for example. Also i agree with he did vary in a way with Guitar for example Acoustic (Babe Im gonna Leave You), 12 String (Stairway), Mandolin (Battle of Evermore) and normal Electric of course. Which is a good way of showing how great and how much of a pioneer Pagey is.

On the other hand we have the man who single handely and undoubtley brough Guitar playing much much further into the future, playing with his teeth may seem gimmicky but it's a way of showing the guitar is an instrument that you can experiment with, Hendrix expermiented with the guitar like no other, he playing the guitar like he did brought it a whole new perspective and sound, and that is why I think Hendrix is better.

Page didn't just use different guitars, he also builded and composed almost every song in a new way! And he also basicaly invented the wall of sound, where he plays a large amount of notes at great speed, which in my opinon is basicaly taking flamenco and putting it into rock solos!

But most things were invented by Hendrix, but I still prefer Page!

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To be perfectly honest, and no slight against Page's talent is intended, but the real question should be Jimi vs. Duane. Duane Allman made nearly everyone look like amateurs. If there is any performer I wish I had been alive a lot earlier than I was to see do their thing, he would be one of them.

Edited by Electrophile
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So Hendrix is a total and undeniable legend, but Page is the best for me, as I prefer his incrediblly phrased solos, whre he is better for me then Hendrix, his riffs are also better then those of Hendrix for me, because many times Hendrix doesn't even have riffs and Jimmy builds the guitar army a lot better then Hendrix to me and he has also got lots of acoustic stuff and I think he has explored more genres then Hendrix!

In all fairness, Jimi died young so obviously Page has had more time to explore different genres. That said, look no further than Hendrix' career prior forming the Experience when he was mainly a player on the chitlin circuit backing up the likes of Little Richard. Thankfully, this era of his career has finally been documented thanks to the recently released West Coast Seattle Boy box set. Towards the end of his career Hendrix was headed in a more jazz oriented direction. All told, I think they've both covered lots of musical ground. Page moreso into world music and Hendrix more into experimental jazz but again, Hendrix died young so it's a given that Page has had a chance to explore more.

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In all fairness, Jimi died young so obviously Page has had more time to explore different genres. That said, look no further than Hendrix' career prior forming the Experience when he was mainly a player on the chitlin circuit backing up the likes of Little Richard. Thankfully, this era of his career has finally been documented thanks to the recently released West Coast Seattle Boy box set. Towards the end of his career Hendrix was headed in a more jazz oriented direction. All told, I think they've both covered lots of musical ground. Page moreso into world music and Hendrix more into experimental jazz but again, Hendrix died young so it's a given that Page has had a chance to explore more.

it's been a topic of discussion more than a few times of what Hendrix would've done, or what direction he might have taken had he lived. I know it's impossible to accurately predict anything making the discussion futile, but would he have continued to make the same impact, or would he have started to fade away into semi-obscurity? I'm thinking beyond the 70's or 80's when he would have been still young. I guess the same could be said for many other artists who died young and are maybe more famous because of it. I would like to think that Hendrix, Lennon and Morrison would still be on that high plateau and not just a distant memory.

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it's been a topic of discussion more than a few times of what Hendrix would've done, or what direction he might have taken had he lived. I know it's impossible to accurately predict anything making the discussion futile, but would he have continued to make the same impact, or would he have started to fade away into semi-obscurity? I'm thinking beyond the 70's or 80's when he would have been still young. I guess the same could be said for many other artists who died young and are maybe more famous because of it. I would like to think that Hendrix, Lennon and Morrison would still be on that high plateau and not just a distant memory.

I think a similar case could be made for Stevie Ray Vaughan. Prior to his death he was beginning to branch out into jazz territory. No telling where he and Hendrix would have taken music had they lived to do so.

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Yeah it's a terrible tragedy to loose someone like Hendrix so young! He could have done so much more in terms of genre exploration and all sorts of things on the guitar and he could write so many more songs!

And it's probably easier to explore world music then jazz, especially if you consider really good jazz with a deep personal touch! There are quite many who know all the scales and have the techique, but originality is rare and both Jimi and Jimmy were great at that, but it must have been a bit more complex for Jimi because he went into jazz a bit!

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Saying Jimmy Page is better than Jimi Hendrix, is like comparing Beethoven and Mozart. They were obviously both musical geniuses, and I don't think they can be compared in that way. The same is true of Jimmy and Jimi. They both rank very high. There are only personal preferences.

Of course, my personal preference would be Jimmy Page. :D


Exactly how I feel on the situation. I don't feel the need to make a comparison. I just enjoy the two and the genius they brought to the music world.

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Saying Jimmy Page is better than Jimi Hendrix, is like comparing Beethoven and Mozart. They were obviously both musical geniuses, and I don't think they can be compared in that way. The same is true of Jimmy and Jimi. They both rank very high. There are only personal preferences.

Of course, my personal preference would be Jimmy Page. :D

Very Very well said.

Richie Blackmore right under both of them also.

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That song just backs my point up, he in that one song has made his guitar sound like an orchestra and done it in good taste, and musically it can beat what any other guitarist has been able to accomplish, even the great Page.

I agree 100%! I always have the habit of using that song to point out that no guitarist (to my knowledge) has even attempted to utilise the electric guitar as an instrument to depict how spaceships and aliens land on planet earth. To me, Hendrix was pretty much a one man show! But, having said that, I do agree that Jimmy Page is the more versatile guitarist in comparison to Hendrix but, the sad aspect of it all, is that Hendrix died way too young and perhaps, if he had lived for another 20 years or so (atleast), I am in awe to think what that man could have gone on to achieve! Whatever anyone on this forum might say, Hendrix was far, far, far ahead of his time and the fact that many well known and well respected guitarists cite Hendrix as an influence, definitely tells us something! B)

Edited by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87
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it's been a topic of discussion more than a few times of what Hendrix would've done, or what direction he might have taken had he lived. I know it's impossible to accurately predict anything making the discussion futile, but would he have continued to make the same impact, or would he have started to fade away into semi-obscurity? I'm thinking beyond the 70's or 80's when he would have been still young. I guess the same could be said for many other artists who died young and are maybe more famous because of it. I would like to think that Hendrix, Lennon and Morrison would still be on that high plateau and not just a distant memory.

I read and heard somewhere that Hendrix was going to jam with Emerson, Lake, and Palmer after the Isle of Wright Festival in 1970. When the guys were supposed to jam, ELP found out he died. Imagine that; If Hendrix did play with Emerson, Lake, and Palmer. Imagine how different the wrold of music would be. They probably would have been called H.E.L.P.

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