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Looking for a picture of Robert and Maureen


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I have found this picture of Robert and I'm positive that I've seen it somewhere else and there was Maureen (I think) with him. Anyone has it?

Interesting outfit, btw wink.gif


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I'm going from memory but isn't that from the official UK launch of Swan Song Records (attended by entire group) at Chislehurst Caves on October 31 1974? I don't recall Maureen being in that photograph but it was such a debauched occasion I wonder if she was there at all.

Their label mate Maggie Bell, however, certainly was.

I'm not sure because I've seen it a long time ago. But as you can see from the picture there was someone at his left... And it's probably really Maggie Bell...

But you know some fangirls enjoy cropping out the ladies... laugh.gif

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I believe that 's Lisa Robinson on that pic? But Maureen was there and is on other pics with him.

I think so too, now that you mention it. Lisa was avidly reporting on Led Zeppelin as a writer for the US-based Hit Parader magazine. For some reason I was thinking Alison Steele...and then Alison Plant.

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The girl in the picture above doesn't look very Indian to me, but Caucasian.

Also Maureen had longer, raven black hair.

Not sure what you mean Maureen is on the right of the pic - def her - and there are other pics too will try to dig around in next few days if others don't post them first xx

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