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2012 the end of the Mayan calender


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i believe that early man mistook visitors from another world as " god ", and that the stories in the bible are accounts of actual happenings.

You read a lot of that in the old testament but hardly any reference to this in the new testament. It makes you wonder why exactly.

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Try not to let any of the media hype scare you into thinking the world is going to end on December 21, 2012. Historically, all of these end of the world predictions only have one true thing in common, and that is 100% of them have not come true. Northstar.

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Try not to let any of the media hype scare you into thinking the world is going to end on December 21, 2012. Historically, all of these end of the world predictions only have one true thing in common, and that is 100% of them have not come true. Northstar.

i actually haven't seen that many reports of people saying it's going to be the end, maybe later in the year, it might intensify.

i don't believe it will end.

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really? i don't think it's going to. i hope your problems can be resolved :)

The problems of the world (hunger, global warming, poverty) are so immense and impossible to resolve that it will take the end of the world to actually resolve them with a single stroke, by making all the suffering disappear.

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The problems of the world (hunger, global warming, poverty) are so immense and impossible to resolve that it will take the end of the world to actually resolve them with a single stroke, by making all the suffering disappear.

oh isee what you mean. i'm hoping that it will not be the end, but the beginning :)

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Science is an ever evolving thing. The guy who came up with the continental drift theory in 1960 was practically laughed out of existence, until he was proven correct. Now it's accepted fact that the landmasses of the Earth have moved and changed over the millenia.

This is why I don't dismiss the ancient alien theory out of hand. As scientific evidence gets compiled more and more it's too compelling to just ignore it.

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i don't think anyone is trying to destroy us. they haven't in the past. on the contrary, they helped us ( i believe ).

Clearly your working for them. Lure us into a false sense of security so you and your space buddies can carry out your devious plot. You don't fool me.

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I once heard it theorized that humans aren't natives of Earth, that we're aliens ourselves. Not saying I believe that but when it comes to stuff like this, it is food for thought.

It's called transpermiation. It's an interesting theory but usually used as a cop out. Evolutists like to use it against creationists to claim it looks like there is a god because there was an intelligence that helped created life on earth but it was aliens rather than god. Also, many people who don't believe in a god or evolution use this as a plausible explanation for life on earth without having to accept one of the two primary origin theories (Scientist Fredrick Hoyle for example). I think this theory will never be respected as long as there are so many UFO chaser and conspiracy nuts out there.

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Science is an ever evolving thing. The guy who came up with the continental drift theory in 1960 was practically laughed out of existence, until he was proven correct. Now it's accepted fact that the landmasses of the Earth have moved and changed over the millenia.

This is why I don't dismiss the ancient alien theory out of hand. As scientific evidence gets compiled more and more it's too compelling to just ignore it.


people often dismiss thee theories out of fear. as you say, more and more evidence is being uncovered all the time. i hope that something really solid is found soon.

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I once heard it theorized that humans aren't natives of Earth, that we're aliens ourselves. Not saying I believe that but when it comes to stuff like this, it is food for thought.

some people think that aliens introduced man , and some think they changed our dna way, way back.

some say more than one species of aliens had a hand in our evolution, which is why there are so many different races here on earth now.

you never know!

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I find it hard to swallow the whole evolution thing. There must have been alien intervention at some point, to split us off from the apes. I mean, look at them - x million years later, and they're still living in trees eating bananas. If they were so smart, they'd at least have evolved to the point of listening to Phil Collins by now, or driving Fords. No, someone came down, figured that the apes were the smartest land-based creatures, genetically engineered them, and voila! here we are.

As for 21/12/2012, I really don't know what to think. But I won't be buying any xmas presents until 22nd Dec this year.

Damn you filthy Englishman! You've made me choke on my bagel! By gum, I may not agree with all your posts, but at least you have a sense of humour. :lol:

Actually, it is the chimpanzees that are the smartest in the primate world, and the species we share 98% of our genes with. Apes are ranked lower down the scale...if I remember my science correctly, I think Orangutans are above the Apes as far as intelligence goes.

But even as an "evolutionist" I have certain doubts...I am a skeptical inquirer above all else...and this alien intervention theory is interesting, to say the least.

It would also explain dedanoe and Glenn Beck. :rolleyes:

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I find it hard to swallow the whole evolution thing. There must have been alien intervention at some point, to split us off from the apes. I mean, look at them - x million years later, and they're still living in trees eating bananas. If they were so smart, they'd at least have evolved to the point of listening to Phil Collins by now, or driving Fords. No, someone came down, figured that the apes were the smartest land-based creatures, genetically engineered them, and voila! here we are.

As for 21/12/2012, I really don't know what to think. But I won't be buying any xmas presents until 22nd Dec this year.

you have a great sense of humour, major major :)

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A massive solar storm is hitting the Earth today. So far it's not so bad but they claim it can get worse as time goes on. I was just happy I could turn on the coffee maker this morning :)


thanks for that link, dazedcat. solar storm activity could be devastating to us, as we are so reliant on technology. in the past, the storms haven't worried man, as we didn't use electricity and technology like we do now.

can you imagine waking up to no lights, power, phone, tv, internet, traffic lights ..... the list goes on ...... what about hospitals!

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can you imagine waking up to no lights, power, phone, tv, internet, traffic lights ..... the list goes on ...... what about hospitals!

San Francisco 1989,.... :)

Hospitals,do have their own power plants and many back up generators.


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