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Hurricane Irene


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True cause of Irene as phoned into WRAL-TV 5 in Raleigh, NC yesterday:

Don't people fact check anymore? I mean, you're in NC....how hard could it be to verify that who you're talking to is in fact, a real person.....and not some asshole looking to be a dick in the middle of a hurricane?

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Don't people fact check anymore? I mean, you're in NC....how hard could it be to verify that who you're talking to is in fact, a real person.....and not some asshole looking to be a dick in the middle of a hurricane?

I would imagine there's some sort of screening process that takes place before putting someone on the air but I'm not sure what it is. In any event (as noted above), it's not the first time this person has gotten through.

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Upstate New York right now is a complete mess. Rainfalls as much as 12 to 15 inches in some areas, many streams and rivers overflowing their banks and a couple small dams have already failed. It may have missed NYC but we're getting hammered up here region wide.

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I would imagine there's some sort of screening process that takes place before putting someone on the air but I'm not sure what it is. In any event (as noted above), it's not the first time this person has gotten through.

You know, I get that he has a 1st amendment right to be an asshole and all that, but he really ought to be tied to a post and kicked in the dick. You know, have people pony up a few bucks for charity and take one swift upward thrusting motion with their foot.

It would be one thing if he was doing this during non-serious events, but when there's a major hurricane coming on shore (not so much Irene, but more Charley), and newscasters are trying to get information from emergency services, that is not the time for your sophomoric sense of humor.

Or maybe I just have priorities.

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I still think he is hilarious! The fact that these news organizations don't check who they are speaking with so they can get the "scoop" first on the story makes me not feel sorry for them when he does his thing. To each his own.....

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I still think he is hilarious! The fact that these news organizations don't check who they are speaking with so they can get the "scoop" first on the story makes me not feel sorry for them when he does his thing. To each his own.....

Someone I know actually believed the person who called in was with "State Emergency Management". Because of this he removed the clip from his FB wall in fear of the person losing their job. Scary how many fucking idiots there are out there and not just the ones making these sort of prank calls.

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We were fine; no damage or power outage, thankfully. I am thinking of all of you who were in the path and hoping you got through it okay. :unsure:

Zepps_apprentice, I am sorry to hear about the damage at your home. :(

Thanks! But there was no damage to my particular home, thank goodness. 1 tree fell in the yard and huge limbs fell on our patio. That's it though. My neighbor had a big tree fall on his house. I hope that turns out okay. The Auto-Zone near my place is destroyed. Thanks for your concern though. :)

Hope the damage at your neck of the woods is minor though!

Edited by zepps_apprentice
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Yesterday's rainfall was a disaster. Upstate NY cities along the Mohawk River are flooding out. Amsterdam and Schenectady have both experienced severe flooding with residents having to be evacuated. Troy which is further down the river is also being evacuated in its' lower lying areas. Farmland along the Scoharie Creek has been devastated............much of the dairy farming that takes place in New York state happens here.

I realize most people and the media especially don't consider anything north of the city as New York, but there is. There's a lot of suffering up here righ now.

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Upstate New York right now is a complete mess. Rainfalls as much as 12 to 15 inches in some areas, many streams and rivers overflowing their banks and a couple small dams have already failed. It may have missed NYC but we're getting hammered up here region wide.

that is what amazed me about this storm...and vermont. i'm sorry, for the amount of media it could never be predicted. i am just glad everyone got the hell off the beach. thats what this storm will be remembered for....chris cristie saying, get the hell off the beach.

it was a a bit worse than the noreaster of 92, halloween, perfect storm book and movie,in regards to the high tide, but with that storm we got cycles of tides, high water and tide never really letting off past mid tide. but it wasnt a brutal storm at all here, the wind wasnt bad, no roof shingles coming off and soffets and siding being blown off. it just wasnt that bad,exvcept for it hitting at ahigh tide and i am on a canal, so i am used to that, but thankfully it wasnt a category 3 or 4. but what is interesting, is that is did hit a very high tide, which i been here for 20 yrs and i talked to folks who been here for 50yrs and its the highest since then....so with that i realize that this storm did have the potential to be a disaster, but it slowed down in north carolina, so it was what it was, and thats great....but we all just have to sit back and decipher media and reality and that is kind of strange.

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