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American Idol 2012


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First off, while I love to watch movies, I just don't watch regular programs, particularly programs scheduled for a certain time each week.

Sometimes I'll watch The First 48 with my wife, but, in general, I rarely seek out TV shows.

I started watching the first season of American Idol pretty much by accident.

My wife was watching, I heard a couple contestants, and I was all, "hey, they're pretty good"

That turned into actually discussing the contestants and looking forward to the next show.

I was excited when each new season came on, I was a fan.

One of my very favorite moments was Bo Bice singing For The Love Of Money by the O'Jays.

OK, I could never bring myself to actually text in a vote, but other than that, I enjoyed watching.

Yeah, I know it became a bit of a cliché for a while, maybe it still is.

But I think the worst of it was when I lost interest, anyway.

I made it to the season Fantasia won.

The following season, I just couldn't bring myself to the point of being interested.

So the past number of seasons have come and gone with little notice.

But, for whatever reason, my wife was watching last week when it came on, and just like that, I'm back into it.

I mean, how can you not like Steven Tyler?

Anyway, I am back onboard (at least for now,lulz), and looking forward to the next audition show (often some of the most entertaining).

So how about it?

Anyone else willing to admit to enjoying Idol?

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My daughter and I watch it; the rest of the family dropped off the bandwagon though. I didn't realize it was on last night...

Yeah, it was scheduled for after the Giants-49ers game, which ended up being 11:00 p.m. ET.

But I watched the whole hour.

It was from San Diego and the show was staged on an aircraft carrier - pretty awesome.

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A long time ago ,after hearing all the hoopla about it I decided to watch an entire season (the one that Ruben won, I think it might have been the 3rd?). It was ok, although I really don't like Top 40 Pop Music I liked seeing how the contestants grew throughout the competition. But after that I really didn't want to commit to watching another entire season, so I stopped watching.

But after I heard that Steven Tyler was going to be a judge last year, I decided to give it another try- even talked my husband into watching it (although I think at first he really just wanted to watch J Lo) We loved it & are continuing again this year.

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  • 1 month later...

So what do you think about Idol adding a 13th to the Top 12 Guys? 3 of the 4 nominated were ones that just got eliminated in the "Sing For Your Life" round, but I was very surprised to see that Johnny (who was eliminated in the 2nd group round) is one of the contenders. I had been rooting for him since his audition & was disappointed that he was let go after the 2nd group round, so this is a pleasant surprise ( for me anyway).

Of course in fairness- they should also have a 13th added to the Top 12 Girls as well.

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What can I say, I love music, I love singing, I watch it! Every season so far. I have bought music by Idol contestants, both US and Canadian. As mentioned already, love to watch them grow. Looking to see who's music I will buy next.

There are parts that I don't care for but that is why I PVR every episode, I do my own editing, makes it so much more tolerable.

I am 2 weeks behind right now though, top "13" boys eh?

Just can't forget Haley Reinhart.

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OMG, I know, right?

I literally said the same thing to my wife (that she looked like a porn star).


I'm sure Vivid would give her an audition. :^)

I haven't been watching too much of late. It seemed like there was too much drama with people falling off the stage or passing out.

Now that it's all kinda sorted out I will watch more.

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What can I say, I love music, I love singing, I watch it! Every season so far. I have bought music by Idol contestants, both US and Canadian. As mentioned already, love to watch them grow. Looking to see who's music I will buy next.

There are parts that I don't care for but that is why I PVR every episode, I do my own editing, makes it so much more tolerable.

I am 2 weeks behind right now though, top "13" boys eh?

Just can't forget Haley Reinhart.

So sorry Mini Zoso for spoiling it for you, I purposely waited a couple of days before posting this so people could get caught up... I also DVR Idol ( toooo many commercials) & thought that everyone would have heard by now.

Haley was one of the best from last year I thought- has she recorded anything yet?

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So sorry Mini Zoso for spoiling it for you, I purposely waited a couple of days before posting this so people could get caught up... I also DVR Idol ( toooo many commercials) & thought that everyone would have heard by now.

Haley was one of the best from last year I thought- has she recorded anything yet?

Hey, no worries! I knew there might be something in there that could be new. I'm all caught up!

Haven't done a search for Haley recently, last time I did...nothing.

Any love for Deandre? The guy with the long fuzzy hair. Fantastic range, talented, good looking kid...can't stand him! :wacko:

Well, actually it's his type of singing that I don't like, but he is good at it.

Happy with the choice of girls, not so much with the guys...but then again I'm a guy, so I guess all is good!

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I like Phillip; he reminds me a lot of Dave Matthews :) He looks like he's be fun to watch in concert. Colton has kind of a Coldplay/Muse thing going on, although that's not really my thing, but he seems like a professional artist.

I like Erika too; she has a great voice. Jessica did a phenomenal job tonight; and Holly was also really good.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry y'all but I've seen the show once or twice before and it's for sadists. These young kids get all excited and then they make fools of themselves. The judges crap all over their dreams. They cry or get upset and they put them on TV so the whole world can laugh at them. That's terrible. :(

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