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Even if you don't like rap, this is certifiably badass


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Does this mean hip hop is officially dead now as a music form? They have to re-create Tupac in 3D because there's nothing else worth listening to?

Really I'm not being a smart ass, I don't know much about hip hop so I'm just asking.

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Does this mean hip hop is officially dead now as a music form? They have to re-create Tupac in 3D because there's nothing else worth listening to?

Really I'm not being a smart ass, I don't know much about hip hop so I'm just asking.

I will accept your claim of being unaware and explain.


It doesn't mean that at all.

It's just an extremely impressive technological achievement to entertain a large music festival.

No matter how famous/popular/incredible an artist is, as long as they're still alive and performing, you could conceivably see them live.

Tupac was a massively popular rap performer, but he was killed in 1996.

So, until they did this, the possibility of "seeing" him perform again wasn't possible.

So no matter how popular a current artist may be, they would never measure up to seeing someone who was no longer around.

And it has nothing to do with rap being dead, any more than it would mean rock was dead if they did something similar with Jimi Hendrix or John Bonham performing and interacting on stage.

It's just cool as hell, that's all.

It doesn't mean people are suddenly fans of a hologram.

It's just remembering an awesome performer who's no longer around.

God, don't let this turn into a "personal opinions of rap" thread!

I guess my imagination isn't as good as I thought when i imagined you didn't particularly have to be a fan of rap to appreciate seeing a pretty amazing display of technology.

Personally, i couldn't imagine the excitement the people who were working on this must have felt, and how hard it must have been waiting for the actual performance to see everyone's reaction!

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I saw this today. I knew they were gonna do it but I didn't stay up to see it live. It is way cool, while sort of creepy at the same time. The technology still has a way to go, but hell...Snoop was probably so high he thought it was the real Tupac.

First thing I thought of was Bonzo...but the more I thought about it, the less I thought it would be a good idea.

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I saw this today. I knew they were gonna do it but I didn't stay up to see it live. It is way cool, while sort of creepy at the same time. The technology still has a way to go, but hell...Snoop was probably so high he thought it was the real Tupac.

First thing I thought of was Bonzo...but the more I thought about it, the less I thought it would be a good idea.

Maybe in a few decades all the old bands would be put out like this e.g a 73' Zeppelin, or 62 Beatles.

I think they'll hit all the most influential artists and tour with the machinery e.g Hendrix, Michael Jackson, Elvis.

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Maybe in a few decades all the old bands would be put out like this e.g a 73' Zeppelin, or 62 Beatles.

I think they'll hit all the most influential artists and tour with the machinery e.g Hendrix, Michael Jackson, Elvis.

I could see this.

A 21st century version of the laser rock show.

Instead of watching a laser show listening to Pink Floyd, they could conceivably create a "live" real-time hologram group.

The possibilities are interesting.

They should make one of Biggie also and start a dead rappers tour.

There has already been lots of comments talking about doing a Biggie and having them perform together.

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Maybe in a few decades all the old bands would be put out like this e.g a 73' Zeppelin, or 62 Beatles.

I think they'll hit all the most influential artists and tour with the machinery e.g Hendrix, Michael Jackson, Elvis.

Therein lies the ethical issues. Who's to say the dead artists consent to their likeness being used in this manner? True, the power of approval lies with those who own the rights of the image/music etc, but who knows. Didn't Tupac and Dre not like each other very much?

No doubt I'd go see virtual Zeppelin, Elvis, Hendrix, Sinatra, whomever. I wouldn't even think twice. There is huge potential for great things, also nasty greedy things.

The reason it looks cartoonish is the way it was rendered, the technology doesn't look like it is quite there yet. It is a hologram as far as I know. And I think it was 3D, but I wasn't there.

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Personally I'm not into the whole recreating dead musicians thing. There are a TON of shows like this that tour regularly. I think the most popular being the Elvis ones where they use video and audio of the King singing with a live band playing the music. I'm a big Elvis fan but that just doesn't sound like something I'd want to go see. I've never actually been to one so I might change my mind if I saw one in person. Not even a Led Zeppelin one sounds appealing though so I'll probably never go to one. But I admit it does sound like the best way to try and relive a musical act you may have missed out on so it is a good idea.

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Therein lies the ethical issues. Who's to say the dead artists consent to their likeness being used in this manner? True, the power of approval lies with those who own the rights of the image/music etc, but who knows. Didn't Tupac and Dre not like each other very much?

If it is indeed a hologram they are just replaying something. Just like a video. So I don't really see it as an ethical issue. If they are creating this from scratch and just looks like them then it is an ethical issue (and a cartoon just a really fancy one).

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^ If the latter is the case we can also look forward to alot of really screwed up porn shows unfortunately. This will prompt alot of lawsuits. This will lead to it being a campaign issue in the US presidential election. The Republicans will present it as being for protecting people's imagines and dignity. The Democrats will present their side as being for people's right to digital free speech. All either side will care about is the fact that if they keep it legal they can tax it so it will stay legal.

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Holographic 3D porn!?!? :ahhh: :ahhh:

From what I understand Tupac's "performance" was created from scratch. I guess it is a cartoon to a point, but eventually digital animation will get to a point where it will be indistinguishable from real life.

Yes, it will be used for questionable things, but that is a byproduct of the awesomeness that this could be. Maybe. It all depends on how it is used, how respectful it is, and who gets paid.

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As John Bonham would have said : "It's a load of Bollocks!"

Let's examine this a little closer:

"Bollocks" /ˈbɒləks/ is a word of Anglo-Saxon origin, meaning "testicles". The word is often used figuratively in British English and Hiberno-English, as a noun to mean "nonsense", an expletive following a minor accident or misfortune, or an adjective to mean "poor quality" or "useless". Similarly, the common phrases "Bollocks to this!" or "That's a load of old bollocks" generally indicate contempt for a certain task, subject or opinion. Conversely, the word also figures in idiomatic phrases such as "the dog's bollocks", "top bollock(s)", or more simply "the bollocks" (as opposed to just "bollocks"), which will refer to something which is admired, approved of or well-respected.

Yes, in conclusion after examination and consideration to art and music, this shit is still A LOAD OF BOLLOCKS!

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We shall not be content until all of real life has been replaced by technology. When the machines try to take over we won't able to put up a fight since our solution will be to have our machines build more machines to stop the machines because we are too lazy.

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^ I'll be dead by then so... :P

It is not replacing real life. Simply creating a projected likeness of dead musicians. When we start messing with artificial intelligence and allowing machines to think and feel...then I might be with you.

Edited by publicenemy3
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