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What is the worst concert you attended

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After all he is only a second rate drummer hanging off the coat tails of his former band mates.....and we all (should) know who they were.

I give Pete Best credit for holding it together so well for so long...... Imagine getting booted from a band ..... which can pretty painful in itself.. and then watch that band become the biggest and most important rock band of all time.... next to led zeppelin of course..

It's a wonder he didn't jump off a bridge.

Total side note.. CRAZY LITTLE THING CALLED LOVE is on in the background on the TV on a Lays Potato Chip commercial....

It's Freddie's song... Safe to say he's not making anything from this.

No shame in Brian May and Roger Taylor at all anymore...

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Just curious, the worst one I went to was Todd Rundgren in Liverpool in about 1974 I'm not sure exactly, it was awful all he was doing was standing on the top of a pyramid shaped frame and jumping down using a safety harness whilst still playing the guitar, it was so bad my mate and I walked out at the interval and went to the pub.

That would have been the Utopia "RA" tour in 1975. Shame as it is a great album and a few friends went to see this tour and said it was fantastic. Weird that Todd spent all the time on top of the pyramid. I have been told that Utopia used to close the show with Singring and the Glass Guitar which is where Todd would climb the pyramid. Maybe he had an interval but my mate says not. Maybe your memory confuses you Joe?

My worst gigs;

* The Stranglers 1980. My idea of a gig is not 30 mins with no encore for £3.00. A girlfriend took me and i was the only long hair hippy type and I felt very uncomfortable. Coupled with the fact they were shite made this my number one worst ever.

* Hawklords (Hawkwind) 1978. Due to legal bollocks Dave Brock re named the band. I had seen Hawkwind a few times before and really enjoyed them. This time though it was pure dullness. No light show, no crunching guitars, no Lemmy, dancers dressed up on stage in Jumpsuits with large torches, all ensued an early exit to the pub for Guiness. Pub was packed.

* Journey 1980. What were the promoters thinking of? The opening act was Pat Travers, who I'd seen before. Needless to say PT was superb. We stopped for a number of Journey's set out of curiosity. After questioning the gender of the singer we, like everyone else it seemed, headed back to the boozer for more Guiness

* The Rolling Stones. Roundhay Park Leeds 1982. I lovely summers day couldn't rouse the boredom. We were so far from the stage that people were clapping the end of the song as we were still hearing it. The malaise was only lightened by the couple getting it on in front of us. We had a few joints and decided to head back home to miss the traffic

* The Waterboys Room To Roam Tour. 1990. Front row tickets was the only highlight on a very dull, uninspired performance. The Fishermans Blues tour a couple of years before was great but a line up change saw Mike Scotts boys put in a performance of such shite that I never clapped once.

* Genesis. Wind & Wuthering 1978. Side circle seat meant I could only really see half the stage. I spent most of the set picking out fit women in the stalls. In retrospect it makes this a really bad one cos I went to get Skynyrd tickets and got Genesis tickets instead.

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Yes major you are correct. Utopia played their first UK show in 75 (according to wiki). RA came out in 77. I have the tour programme and ticket from the Salford Uni show but it only states the date not the year. January 26th so i assume 77. Utopia therefore wouldn't have had the pyramid thing until then. I remember seeing them on TV around that time on a Beasville records programme. Utopia did Singring and it was unforgettable. Apart from the Knebworth show I have seen Todd as a solo artist @ 82/83. Just him and a piano and acoustic guitar, and then a few years ago but i can't recall who was with him. I love Todd's stuff. For all round singability Back to the Bars is a big fav and he is an incredible producer/arranger. From Bat out of Hell to Steve Hillage's backing band on "L" Todd & Utopia remain in my top 5. (Pity wifey doesn't agree)

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Yes I have seen the you tube stuff - but never has the bearsville records vid ever surfaced. I had it for years on VHS with channel 4's Ever Popular Tortured Artist Effect as well ( a DVD is available but no Europe Region version for some weird reason). I know a US horder has the vid because I nearly traded my Knebworth recording for a trade but he declined. It is not what's on you tube that's for sure. If anyone on this forum has access to that performance on the Bearsville records programme then myself and Major would like a copy?

By the way the in concert show from the BBC is very good. Does in start with Communion with the sun?

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* Genesis. Wind & Wuthering 1978. Side circle seat meant I could only really see half the stage. I spent most of the set picking out fit women in the stalls. In retrospect it makes this a really bad one cos I went to get Skynyrd tickets and got Genesis tickets instead.

Perhaps this was '77 as Skynyrd's plane crash was in October of that year.

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Although the concert itself was great, I saw one of the biggest blunders I've ever seen on stage. I went to the Texxas Jamm in 1985 - huge outdoor festival show at the Cotton Bowl. First up was Victory - a German metal band led by Charlie Huhn (ex-Ted Nugent) and known more for their controversial album cover than the music on the album. They were ok - a good warm-up act. Next was Grim Reaper. Incredibly talented guitarist Nick Bowcott not just his lead and rhythm but all the fills in-between. Outstanding six stringer. The vocalist for the band had an incredible range as well. The stage was set up for the next act and by this time it 120 degrees along the barricade - people passing out left and right. Well, the stage music ends and a swell of crowd noise rises to greet the next act....except the stage stays empty. After the crowd noise dies down, from stage right walks Ted Nugent. No shirt, just white leather fringed pants a head band and sunglasses. He walks to the middle of the stage and just stands there looking at the crowd with his hands on his hips. The crowd went NUTS! Then a bikini clad girl (Pele?) walks onto the stage carrying Ted's Byrdland guitar. Ted takes it from her, gives her a pat on the rear as she leaves and hits a chord that brought an even greater response from the crowd. He blistered us with a "Greatest Hits" set list and the hard rocking crowd of 80,000+ ate it up! I've never seen an act command a crowd like that other than Freddie at the Philly Live Aid show! Ted did a couple encores and even though the crowd screamed for more, he finally left the stage.

Cue stage music while the roadies set up for the next act. Stage music dies, crowd starts to roar and out steps....Night Ranger. To everyone's shock, the band opens with "SISTER CHRISTIAN"!!! The crowd starts booing and then begin pelting the stage with everything you could think of - shoes, wadded up T-shirts, can and glass bottles. The band cowered toward the back of the stage while continuing to play the song. I can't even remember if they finished the song beore leaving the stage! A roar of approval from the crowd and the cueing of the stage PA music ended what was the most embarrassing thing I've seen on stage! The concert finished up with sets by Bon Jovi (who started their set with a rocking number - smart move!), the Scorpions and Deep Purple (which had Ian Gillan and Ritchie Blackmore doding a snippet from "Jesus Christ Superstar"....brilliant!)

Years later I saw an interview with Jack Blades (vocalist and bassist for Night Ranger) after joining Ted Nugent to form Damn Yankees. During the interview, the Texas show was brought up by Jack. He said the band actually feared for their lives and he said it was the biggest mistake he had ever made. He said to play a power ballad to a Texas crowd of head bangers after a blisterig Ted Nugent set was beyond stupid - even if the song was their biggest hit!

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I am ignoring countless local bar bands that I have seen that sucked, and sticking to actual concert events.

Van Halen For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge Tour

Carolina Coliseum - Columbia, South Carolina

February 29, 1992 (thanks Wikipedia!)

Might have been a great show for all I know, but I had the absolute worst seats I've ever had for a show.

I could actually see the back of the speakers on stage.

Not to mention the backs of the band.

From that angle the acoustics were so bad you could barely tell what song was being played.

But I was with a cute girl.

Metallica / Guns N Roses Tour

Williams-Brice Stadium - Columbia, South Carolina

September 7, 1992 (thanks again, Wikipedia!)

The Metallica portion was actually pretty awesome.

It was after Hetfield got burned in Montreal, so they used an extra guitarist.

But it was a fucking Monday night (had to be at work the next morning), and even though Metallica finished around 10:00-10:30 p.m., it was almost 1:00 a.m. before fucking Guns N Roses came on.

Axl was being his usual punkass-bitch self, and we ended up leaving after about 3 songs.

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I am ignoring countless local bar bands that I have seen that sucked, and sticking to actual concert events.

Van Halen For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge Tour

Carolina Coliseum - Columbia, South Carolina

February 29, 1992 (thanks Wikipedia!)

Might have been a great show for all I know, but I had the absolute worst seats I've ever had for a show.

I could actually see the back of the speakers on stage.

Not to mention the backs of the band.

From that angle the acoustics were so bad you could barely tell what song was being played.

But I was with a cute girl.

Metallica / Guns N Roses Tour

Williams-Brice Stadium - Columbia, South Carolina

September 7, 1992 (thanks again, Wikipedia!)

The Metallica portion was actually pretty awesome.

It was after Hetfield got burned in Montreal, so they used an extra guitarist.

But it was a fucking Monday night (had to be at work the next morning), and even though Metallica finished around 10:00-10:30 p.m., it was almost 1:00 a.m. before fucking Guns N Roses came on.

Axl was being his usual punkass-bitch self, and we ended up leaving after about 3 songs.

Ditto for me on both! Except for VH, I could see them and Sammy ran around acting drunk and cursing constantly between songs. His ego was too much to take!

As for GnR/Metallica, we saw them at the Citrus Bowl right after the Montreal accident too. Extra guitarist as well - they did kick ass that's for sure! GnR came on at 1:00, rocked the first 4 songs then went on a run of ballads that put everyone to sleep. Needless to say it was the final time I spent money on them.....

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Buddy (I loathe this fucking) Guy.

It didn't start off very well. The venue I went to was charging 5.50 for beer you could buy for tops 2.00 at most venues. The guy who opened for him played one single snare drum and went on for what seemed like ages about a chicken? Went outside to the Smoker's Banishment (i really hate that shit)and smoked about a dozen cigarettes to avoid the annoying opening act. He came on an hour late. Played half of a song and says "You want to hear the rest of it? Buy the Album" This continued on for some time until he decides to lay his guitar on his amp and slapped the strings with his towel for a good couple of minutes. I had enough. I was about 5 feet from him and screamed "HEY WHY DON'T YOU PLAY THE FUCKING GUITAR!?" HAH! The look he gave me was priceless. So his second guitarist, who was awesome, played for some time until Guy decides to play his guitar walking around the venue, riding the elevator. I said, fuck this, and walked.

Fuck you Buddy Guy.

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Shit, I almost forgot the King Crimson set after JPJ opened for them. JPJ was incredible, brilliant!!! Than that tosser Robert Fripp walks on stage and plants his arrogant ass on a fucking stool!!! His band than played for a good four songs all the while little bitch Fripp was simply watching while holding his guitar, seated on a fucking stool...looking at the band like they were a bunch of nancy boys who could not play for shit. I love progressive rock but this was just too much. The songs were meandering and soulless and Fripp looked like he did not give a shit. Yeah, fuck you Robert Fripp and fuck Buddy Guy too, he sounds like a god damn ass hole!!!

I ain't your buddy, guy...I ain't your guy, buddy!!! Goddamn primadonna douchebags!!!

Edited by Sagittarius Rising
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Shit, I almost forgot the King Crimson set after JPJ opened for them. JPJ was incredible, brilliant!!! Than that tosser Robert Fripp walks on stage and plants his arrogant ass on a fucking stool!!! His band than played for a good four songs all the while little bitch Fripp was simply watching while holding his guitar, seated on a fucking stool...looking at the band like they were a bunch of nancy boys who could not play for shit. I love progressive rock but this was just too much. The songs were meandering and soulless and Fripp looked like he did not give a shit. Yeah, fuck you Robert Fripp and fuck Buddy Guy too, he sounds like a god damn ass hole!!! I ain't your buddy, guy...I ain't your guy, buddy!!! Goddamn primadonna douchebags!!!

I pretty much agree. I caught that same tour in Boston.. JPJ was amazing..

I saw him on Zooma tour and he was amazing on that too..

I've seen Crimson 3 times and this was a very odd set from them. I liked it but, they were much better the other 2 times I saw them.

Robert Fripp can sometimes be annoying, I once saw him stare a crowd into complete silence... wouldn't play a note till you could hear a pin drop... he's played sitting down since 1969.

As far as Buddy Guy. I've seen him twice and he very good..

It sounds like you caught him on a real bad night betteremily..

A friend of mine was a huge fan of his. He let this kid, who was no more than 15 years old, get up on stage and jam with his band.

It was very cool of him. This was at the Hampton Beach Club Casino, which seats around 1500 people.

The kid was ok, not great and not really ready. Buddy politely called out the father onstage saying don't push him so much (like he was obviously doing).. let him enjoy it.

Don't get me wrong, If i saw the show you did, I would have been pissed.. But what I saw impressed me. .

Edited by the chase
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As far as Buddy Guy. I've seen him twice and he very good..

It sounds like you caught him on a real bad night betteremily..

A friend of mine was a huge fan of his. He let this kid, who was no more than 15 years old, get up on stage and jam with his band.

It was very cool of him. This was at the Hampton Beach Club Casino, which seats around 1500 people.

The kid was ok, not great and not really ready. Buddy politely called out the father onstage saying don't push him so much (like he was obviously doing).. let him enjoy it.

Don't get me wrong, If i saw the show you did, I would have been pissed.. But what I saw impressed me. .

Yes, I've seen him playing on YouTube with some young guitarist. Andrew Sullivan I think it was?

Guy showed me who he really is that night. We're through. :)

You know, it didn't appear that anybody minded being totally ripped off. Sheep? I don't know...there needs to be a thread here about being in the Audience, being the consumer. Because, surely, a lot has changed over time for the worse.

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  • 4 weeks later...

1) Lou Reed....not a fan but took this girl who was.....I was even less of a fan after seeing him. I know some people love him and good for them.1)

2) REM-Love them dearly but I think it was their "Monster Tour" and they had 2 additional guitar players with Peter Buck and it was a wall of mush...too bad. I had really high hopes but even my buddy who was with me looked at me after the 3rd song and without me prodding him he said, "this stinks".....I still love em.

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2) REM-Love them dearly but I think it was their "Monster Tour" and they had 2 additional guitar players with Peter Buck and it was a wall of mush...too bad. I had really high hopes but even my buddy who was with me looked at me after the 3rd song and without me prodding him he said, "this stinks".....I still love em.

I wouldn't put the show I saw on the Monster tour in my top 10 least favorite concerts but it wasn't exactly the most memorable performance I ever saw by R.E.M. It wasn't bad or anything, it's just that they seemed to play everything at 11, even the quiet numbers. Playing at full blast worked on the tunes that are suited for that sort of treatment but not their more introspective material. At least not to my ears.

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The Shaken N Stirred tour by Robert Plant in 1985. I just could not get my head round exactly what he was doing. Personally i do not like that album at all. It was at a big Arena in Birmingham and had the atmosphere of the moon. The only highlight for me was the opening music by Cocteau Twins "Song To The Siren" and one of my fav drummers Richie Hayward on the skins.

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