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Why Led Zeppelin Kicks The Everloving Shit Out Of Every Other Rock Band, Ever


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:hysterical: Very nice. Thanks for sharing. Except Jim Morrison exposing himself to the audience is a lie invented by the government to prevent citizens from rebelling and black mail The Doors for monetary gain. That's a topic for another thread though. Nice post. :thumbsup:
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Jahfin...thanks for sharing! That made my day - I think it is possibly the funniest piece I have ever read on the internet.

"Wrote songs that allow carnival organ players to believe that they too have a shot someday (they don’t)."

LMAO :hysterical:

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Is the article anti-Doors? The post above makes me think so. No, I shan't read it, it will only upset me.

I don't think it's "anti" anything though I do suggest reading it with your tongue planted firmly in cheek (which is exactly how it was written). If it offends you it only means you lack a sense of humor.

Edited by Jahfin
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Is the article anti-Doors? The post above makes me think so. No, I shan't read it, it will only upset me.

It's not really anti-Doors. The Doors are one of my favorite bands and I enjoyed it. He does rip on non-Zeppelin bands a little in a humorous way including The Doors which as a huge Doors fan I strangely found to be the funniest part of the article. Do read it though.

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It was a great read. Thanks for posting. My favorite has to be Rush - Canadian and U2- – Contemporary band best known for having 1,000 songs that go “chinga-chinga-chinga-chinga-chinga-chinga-chinga-chinga”, and employing the Pope on vocals.


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Nice find Jahfin...funny stuff. In fact, it's so good you should have posted it in the Master Forum section where more people would read it.

On what authority do you have it that more people read that section of the forum than this one (or vice versa)? It seemed appropriate for the News section so that's where I posted it. If Admin feels otherwise they're more than welcome to move it to whatever forum they feel is more appropriate.

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Jeez, chill out...it was just a harmless suggestion.

But since you asked, I do notice that the threads on the Master Forum tend to get more activity and views for the most part. Also, I tend to associate the "News" section as a place for news via members of the band themselves or actual news articles from magazines or news sites.

A funny blog is more opinion than news, in my opinion. But anywhere you want it is fine with me, I'm just glad you posted it period. I just didn't think you'd get so offended by my innocent suggestion.

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I just didn't think you'd get so offended by my innocent suggestion.

I'm not offended in the least. I was just curious as to how one determines which section of the board gets the most views. Looks like plenty of people have found the article just fine. Personally, I read the board in "New Content" mode so I don't really pay that much attention to which section is getting the most hits. In fact, I don't pay any attention to that at all.

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OMG "Rush - Canadian" hahahahaha!!!! Great review, exept i dislike the thing they said about the beatles.

To me the beatles are just as good as zeppelin.

I also like the Beatles but I don't take the article seriously at all nor do I believe it was intended to be perceived as such. It reminds me of the reception the Grantland article I posted here by Chuck Klosterman some time back where some people took offense to it. Those are the same folks that get offended by The Onion. As a famous singer once sang, those are folks' who's humor is in need of repair.

Edited by Jahfin
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I also like the Beatles but I don't take the article seriously at all nor do I believe it was intended to be perceived as such. It reminds me of the reception the Grantland article I posted here by Chuck Klosterman some time back where some people took offense to it. Those are the same folks that get offended by The Onion. As a famous singer once sang, those are folks' who's humor is in need of repair.

I did not take that personally anyway, I was just curious, because I was actually talking to a friend of mine today who said The Beatles are overated. That was what made me upset at most. I respect other people's opinion, but some things are just not right to say. My friend saying that The Beatles are the most overated band in history

was like people who agreed when Rolling Stone made Kurt Cobain the 11th best guitar player of all time: Realy upseting and a stupid thing to say because it's completly incorrect.

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I did not take that personally anyway, I was just curious, because I was actually talking to a friend of mine today who said The Beatles are overated. That was what made me upset at most. I respect other people's opinion, but some things are just not right to say. My friend saying that The Beatles are the most overated band in history

was like people who agreed when Rolling Stone made Kurt Cobain the 11th best guitar player of all time: Realy upseting and a stupid thing to say because it's completly incorrect.

I wouldn't say it's "incorrect" when it's only a matter of opinion. There is no correct answer. I was referring to people that can't see the forest for the trees when it comes to their favorite artists especially when articles like this are clearly meant to be humorous.

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I wouldn't say it's "incorrect" when it's only a matter of opinion. There is no correct answer. I was referring to people that can't see the forest for the trees when it comes to their favorite artists especially when articles like this are clearly meant to be humorous.

Yes, you can notice in the comment section of that page that he says he's canadian so he's obviously joking!

But I'm actually really "mean" to people who have what we can call bad musical taste. I despise most of the things that have come out since 1980 (Guns N Roses being an exeption, even thou I don't even listen to them anymore) What actually makes me lose my hair when talking about music is people referencing bands like Green Day, Offspring and things of those kinds. That really really pisses me off. Untalented bullcrap shouldn't even be mencioned in a forum of the best rock n roll band ever.

I can't change, it's just who I am. But I do agree with the famous singer, some people realy need to get their humour fixed.

Edited by magerogue
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Personally, I love lots of music that's been released since 1980. Same for lots of today's music, even though you're unlikely to hear it on commercial radio. That doesn't mean it's bad, it just goes to show how much the climate of the music industry itself has changed since the advent of the internet, personal listening devices and how music is distributed in this day and age. With services such as Spotify there's even more ways to get turned onto new music these days but some folks prefer to live in the past and long for the days when bands like Zeppelin walked the earth. I'm not one of them.

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