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World War III on the brink?



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  1. 1. Do you think the world is on the brink of WWIII?

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What's the point?. Ther would be no-one left to claim victory.

I agree with this statement.

If there is going to be war there, it's not going to involve the United States. I'm sick of this country getting involved in their bullshit.

I agree, I'm sick of it as well. But, Americans are funding and supplying Syrian rebels, funding and supplying Israel, they've taken down Gaddafi in Libya... Done their bidding in Iraq, Afghanistand, Pakistan. America has already implicated itself in what could become a WWIII, so I disagree, without a doubt, the US would not come out unscathed.

No you cannot do anything about it. But if it happens to hit your neighborhood I doubt you and MM will have such a laid back take on it. I just cant believe that guy said people would be happy to see a nuclear war. What kind of a statement is that?

I take into consideration what the British/European people went through in WWII and post WWII in reference to what MajorMajor said. But certainly, IMO you're right.

My laid back view on it is this: why should I constantly worry about the threat of war or a nuclear attack? I accept the fact that I personally can't do anything about it short of joining the military, which I am admittedly opposed to. Me being anxious about it all the time isn't going to do any good. If the war happens to come here, I will sure as hell take action and defend my family.

You shouldn't worry, (I agree, why worry about something you cannot control?) you should just stay aware to foresee the future. How are you going to protect your family if you're not prepared? Ever tried to prepare yourself last minute for an enviromental disaster like a hurricane before? It doesn't work. Dog-Eat-Dog, Panic stricken, lawless society.

Those stories don't make the national news because one crazy with an unregistered firearm being shot is not national news.

You're right, but the national news has done documentaries about how easy it is to buy a firearm without identification, certification or proper background check. My cynical take, the government is putting the weapons back on the street..but that's another thread.

There is a beautiful Indian reservation in Oklahoma that goes on forever that would be a great place to hide from the apocalypse.

Sorry DAS, but the idea of running to the Native people to save us from our own deeds, is just disgusting on so many levels.

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Yeah, you can't live your life constantly afraid of everything all the time. That's not living.

A lyric that's resounded with me more than most any other in recent years (especially after September 11th, 2001) is "Living in fear is just another way of dying before your time". That may be easier said than done but it doesn't take any of the profundity away from the thought.

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Somebody ought to sue the constitution for making their lives so fearful that they have to keep something they would otherwise not have too. Guns are bad, they kill people. I'm glad we have Gun restrictions here in the UK, I don't need one, I have never needed one, I will never need one.

It was our revolution from Britain that secured Americans the right to bear arms. I am not a gun advocate, I don't like guns and don't plan to own any, but that's just my choice.

In the event that Americans must fight another revolution, there is a great fear here that the people of this nation, in which our constitution was written to protect, will be rendered defenseless against either it's own country or a foreign nation.

Edited by betteremily
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A lyric that's resounded with me more than most any other in recent years (especially after September 11th, 2001) is "Living in fear is just another way of dying before your time". That may be easier said than done but it doesn't take any of the profundity away from the thought.

Absolutely..........it is easier said than done, especially when we don't have control of a situation, such as what is Iran going to do, what is Syria going to do, what is Isreal going to do? Just like those lyrics that resounded with you, Jahfin, a few years ago I was inspired to do an abstract painting that included Matthew 6:25 - "therefore I tell you do not worry about your life....can any of you by worrying add a single moment to your lifespan". Worrying about what we cannot control is just robbing you of precious time. If you believe in a higher power, ultimately it's really all in God's hands.

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You shouldn't worry, (I agree, why worry about something you cannot control?) you should just stay aware to foresee the future. How are you going to protect your family if you're not prepared? Ever tried to prepare yourself last minute for an enviromental disaster like a hurricane before? It doesn't work. Dog-Eat-Dog, Panic stricken, lawless society.

Well, no. I have never had to prepare for some sort of environmental disaster. I'm still wondering what we'll do when "the big one" hits. Our house is going to split in two, we have no dry/canned food or water reserves. You could say that we are prepared for lawlessness though from a firearm perspective.

How much preparation is enough? There's a few people in this country stockpiling massive amounts of food, water, and ammunition in fully protected deep underground concrete/steel plated vaults. I guess having some is better than none.

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Absolutely..........it is easier said than done, especially when we don't have control of a situation, such as what is Iran going to do, what is Syria going to do, what is Isreal going to do? Just like those lyrics that resounded with you, Jahfin, a few years ago I was inspired to do an abstract painting that included Matthew 6:25 - "therefore I tell you do not worry about your life....can any of you by worrying add a single moment to your lifespan". Worrying about what we cannot control is just robbing you of precious time. If you believe in a higher power, ultimately it's really all in God's hands.

Someone I know expressed concern about going to the movies after what happened in Aurora, CO recently (there's also been at least one copycat crime since then). That's perfectly understandable but if we all stay behind closed doors and hunkered down in bunkers, then folks like the killer in Aurora win. The same sort of thing happened after September 11th, 2001 and understandably so. On Friday, September 14th I went out to the neighborhood bar to hang with my friends. Seeing such a good turnout that evening was very reassuring. It was much better than staying home that night worrying about what might happen.

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Well, no. I have never had to prepare for some sort of environmental disaster. I'm still wondering what we'll do when "the big one" hits. Our house is going to split in two, we have no dry/canned food or water reserves. You could say that we are prepared for lawlessness though from a firearm perspective.

How much preparation is enough?

I believe everyone is somewhat susceptable to enviromental disasters anywhere one lives, but some locations are greater risks than others. My parents left California partly due to the "big one" that will inevitably destroy all in it's path, which has already been proven through history. But the question in this modern age would be, would California come out alive? Could they economically pull themselves up and out of such disaster and more importantly would they be able to fix the multi-billions if not trillions of dollars in infrastructural damage?

One might even ask, would the US be able to recover from a foreign ground invasion?

+ Adequate preparation would be keeping ones eyes and ears open with an open mind.

Edited by betteremily
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California is no where near ready. If the big one truly hits freeways and bridges will come crashing down, electrical, gas and water systems will go down also (they are already stretched to the max and way outdated), all of the homes/buildings damaged in the 1987 Whittier Narrows quake will finally come down as well. Our dilapidated levees will not be able to hold the flooding from the tidal wave and our infrastructure is much too old to handle a major earthquake, although most of the high rise buildings have been retrofitted to the new earthquake code.

I think California's economic survival depends on if the port of Los Angeles is destroyed. If it is, I think that we might be screwed, along with the other parts of the nation that depend on the massive amount of cargo that comes in through the port.

I don't know how well a ground invasion would work in the United States. The country is so massive it will be difficult for invading forces to competently control it, unless they bomb the shit out of it first. My eyes and ears are open, I'm not oblivious to the world or the threats to the U.S., I just choose not to worry about them day to day.

Edited by publicenemy3
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Bible Prophecy is being fulfilled before our eyes - we are the generation in the Book of Revelation.

...and just how long have people been saying that? I have a couple of friends that are religious zealots that firmly believe Barack Obama is the Anti-Christ and that we're living in "the end times". I remember when people used to say the same thing about Ronald Reagan and that the fact that he has six letters in each of his names (his middle name was Wilson) was a sure sign that he was the Anti-Christ.

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Whenever something is going on that a religious person doesn't like, that's chalked up to "Bible prophecy." I live in the sticks, there are several revivalist-type churches that always have similar messages displayed on signs outside. I saw one that said, "Obama is Satan." Really. The President of the United States is an imaginary being? He's got greater powers than we ever thought. On top of being a fascist dictator hell-bent on instituting Sharia Law in the United States while simultaneously being a do-nothing empty suit who delegates all his power to czars, he's apparently the corporeal manifestation of evil on Earth.

Busy, busy guy.

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.... I remember when people used to say the same thing about Ronald Reagan and that the fact that he has six letters in each of his names (his middle name was Wilson) was a sure sign that he was the Anti-Christ.

Ha,ha,ha! I remember that too! People will grasp at straws no matter what political leanings.

I think I'm going to throw a Christmas Party on Saturday Dec. 22 and tell everybody that's it's really a 'we're still here party'!

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On the brink of WWIII? How much has today changed from yesterday? Judge for yourself:

"Iran is in 'open war' with Israel"


"Iran's stance has always been clear on this ugly phenomenon (Israel). We have repeatedly said that this cancerous tumor of a state should be removed from the region," (Ayatola Ali) Khamenei told thousands of Muslim worshippers in Tehran.

December 15, 2000


"Israel alert for attacks abroad, eyeing Olympics"


Munich Massacre: While the 1972 Summer Olympics were in progress, eight members of the Palestinian terrorist group Black September broke into the Olympic Village in Munich, killed two members of Israel's Olympic team, and took nine others hostage. A rescue attempt the next day would end in disaster.

September 5, 1972 (wiki)

"Syria insists chemical weapons would only be used against outside forces"


"For Israeli and US intelligence agencies it was nothing new to hear that Syria was in possession of Scud missiles or working on chemical and biological weapons systems. But news of the Musalmiya incident was given a further alarming twist", The Sunday Herald, October 21, 2007

"Putin urges Syria talks, signals no shift"


"By 1990, Syria had accrued a $13,4 billion debt, largely due to these (arms) sales. In May 2005, Russian Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin signed an agreement with his Syrian counterpart, Mohammed al-Hussein, in Damascus that effectively "closed the file" on Syria's debt owed to Russia", Weltz, Richard. Global Security Watch - Russia: a reference handbook, 2010.

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Zemun, thanks for digging up and posting all those references.

The fact is, that region of the world has been in turmoil and bringing chaos to the rest of the world for decades if not centuries.

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On the brink of WWIII? How much has today changed from yesterday? Judge for yourself:

A global economic crisis, several wars causing extreme destabilization in the Middle East. Russia and China will protect Iran, as they get the majority of their oil from Iran and China alone does $30,000,000,000+ in trade with Iran annually. Putin said recently in a parliament meeting that the West ought to watch themselves because they have more "aces up the sleeve" than the West realizes. Also, China has vowed WWIII if the US/Israel try anything with Iran.

Much has changed, don't believe me? Watch Chinese or Russian news sometime. I try to avoid US news as they are great at twisting a story.

There is evidence out there that the '72 Olympics was a Mossad operation.

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Sorry DAS, but the idea of running to the Native people to save us from our own deeds, is just disgusting on so many levels.

I wasn't thinking asking them for help. If the apocalypse happens reservation territory won't matter. I'd just go there because it's beautiful and you could live off the land there very well for a long time.

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