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Dragonforce (Qi) a main secret of Zeppower ?

Tea for Tanja

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There is a lot of talk what makes Zep so special.

For me it is a combination of diffrent things but here

I like to bring up the main point of the dragonforce (Chinese Qi ).

Jimmy used this energy obviously.

His dragonpainted Telecaster gave us the best melodies

(D&C and Stairway solos...) till it was " cleaned".....

His dragonsuits he used during his most powerfull years and

after he changed his outfit : slack Knebworth and 1980 playing.

Don´t think I am an unfair critiziser -I was obsessed by Zep for ages:-

also I realised Jimmy´s engage onstage .but there was something lost. not only

with the ITTO.

The suits were not just a decoration I think, as his zodiac symbols

on his legs .The dragons seem to support the fluid of Qi in the meridians

to give him more power on stage.

I don´t know if Jim could still wear this clothes today (or forever).

I just guess that the majority of fans identify his dragonsuits with

his playing in general.

These are just some thoughts and I am pleased to hear yours about this subject.

Because the chinese call this year the year of the dragon, we might be getting

some of the old zeppower from them or others.....

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Jimmy's loss of Qi (power) can be traced to one thing:


Can not agree.First I don´t know if the heroin thing is correct.

Second even if that is right he made his best work (from my point of view)

under the influence of heroin.(Achilles in Munich,1977 gig Badgeholder).

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slack Knebworth

Funny you should mention that because I watched the first show last evening - first time for a few years. Apart from a few sound glitches on the opening numbers he performed really well considering. Black Dog, NFBM, SIBLY, Achilles and especially No Quarter he nailed them. I think he was far more slack on the US tour in 77 than at Knebworth. IMHO

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While I agree with you that Badgeholders is an amazing performance, perhaps one of his most creative live performances ever, it was the exception that year. Most shows were below average for him, that's just a fact.

It is common knowledge at this point that Jimmy did struggle with heroin from 1976-1983, Jimmy has admitted as much in interviews.

I am looking at his post 76 creative ouput. Presence was recorded late 75 before the H really grabbed hold, that leaves us with ITTOD, a John Paul Jones led effort and by most opinions, their weakest album.

The 1st Knebworth show was great. but the 2nd one was a disaster. Jimmy on most tunes is a mess.

During the 1980 tour, Jimmy was very hit or miss. Some great shows, like Frankfurt or Munich, and then there's shows like Berlin, ouch.

All I'm saying is Jimmy went seriously downhill because of substance abuse. Had he stayed relatively in control of his addictions, and really focused on the Magic, Zep's history might've been very different indeed, we'll never know.

Can not agree.First I don´t know if the heroin thing is correct.

Second even if that is right he made his best work (from my point of view)

under the influence of heroin.(Achilles in Munich,1977 gig Badgeholder).

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Can not agree.First I don´t know if the heroin thing is correct.

You're in self-denial then, luv...for he definitely was on the horse post '75. Added to the heroin problem was his drinking problem. Slugging bottles of Jack Daniels every night is not conducive to lucid playing.

The whole dragon suit theory goes out the wndow for me for the simple reason that for most of his performing peak years(1970-73), he wore jeans or plain white slacks. Those ferocious 1973 European shows, for instance? Not a dragon or cosmic symbol in sight.

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This topic was ment as an exchange of thoughts about the Qi and Zeppower.

Dragonsuits were his tragemark like the doubleneck!Therfore they designed the toy....

The mentioned gigs were discussed in other topics.

Everyone I talked to said the excuse like " they were nervous...it was not that bad..."

Not brilliant reactions of the hardliner fans about Knebworth,Cologne,Dortmund,Berlin

Knebworth was a thing even for the band--Organizer trouble ,Jimmy s Amp smashed.Fireproblems at the carground...

For myself it was a horror trip starting from being ripped of buying the tickets....but I was in extasy when they played Achilles.

I was hot as hell to see them live but even after years I could not get into this (bootlegs) mentioned performances.

All the P&P shows and 02 I have seen were much better IMHO-though Bonzo was such a giant drummer.

My only recording of the 77 tour was the badgeholder for years.So this might be a bit wrong to comment

the whole tour.But it was the last tour for long instrumentals apart from a strange No Quoter and bowsolo at Knebworth.

I adored Jimmy deeply and maybe the heroin is an explaination for his diffrent appearance.Maybe he became a little

to sweet visually with his fine standart clothes and hairstyle apart from a live jamming with Ron Wood where he

wore a rocker leather jacket.

But scince the tragic end of the 77 tour and the reasons for it,scince the end of his magicbookshop in this years

there was something lost.

Till today he did not release the promised guitar-armee or the " best of live performances".

But maybe the force of the dragon is not easy to be controlled and got it´s prize

and that is a reason for him holding back.

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Just because symbols or suits werent worn does not mean magickal things werent in play. I always thought the Zoso sigil was on his amps from 70,??? But i do know what your getting at Tea for Tanja.

Its like when a priest does a service, the robe goes on etc, it becomes ritual . The same goes for the gigs/concerts, it becomes ritual, Items, wether it be robes/suits/talismans become charged overtime with energy. But no matter how much you charge up an item with energy, Heroin will take that all away. End of.

His appearance alone was bad, his was playing wasnt up to his full potential. Yea of course there would of been some good shows but i think it all went down him once the heroin got its claws into him. Its only my opinion of course :) No matter what we all say, whats done is done. And at least he sorted his head out in the end and got off the shit! :) Surely that alone is a big thumbs up as it takes many a life.

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Just because symbols or suits werent worn does not mean magickal things werent in play. I always thought the Zoso sigil was on his amps from 70,??? But i do know what your getting at Tea for Tanja.

Its like when a priest does a service, the robe goes on etc, it becomes ritual . The same goes for the gigs/concerts, it becomes ritual, Items, wether it be robes/suits/talismans become charged overtime with energy. But no matter how much you charge up an item with energy, Heroin will take that all away. End of.

His appearance alone was bad, his was playing wasnt up to his full potential. Yea of course there would of been some good shows but i think it all went down him once the heroin got its claws into him. Its only my opinion of course :) No matter what we all say, whats done is done. And at least he sorted his head out in the end and got off the shit! :) Surely that alone is a big thumbs up as it takes many a life.

Right..i lost some peopleby heroin. i am not a fan of heroin and don´t wanne start a discussion about this but there are

other statemants -carl jung-

don´t think but don´t know Jimmy had his zoso amp in knebworth.but for sure not on the last tour of 1980.

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