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Office Xmas Parties

Old Shep

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what's the worst thing happened to you at any of your xmas parties? They are really just an excuse for very bad behaviour and you end up doing (and worse, SAYING) things you would never dream of doing normally with people you are expected to pretend to repsect for the rest of the year.

My worst time was having to apolgosie to about 20 people (mostly women) the next day with a nuclear hangover, [edit, in fact no, i was still drunk] I'd ended up on B52's and slammers and thought it would be just cool to start flicking curry and tappas at everyone with my spoon, and I had to pay £50 quid to replace some girls' silk shirt I ruined. The worst thing of all was, I was their manager, haha.

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Rolling a fat one in a very posh country golf hotel. It always goes WRONG. I am not fan of getting really pissed. The firm i used to work paid for a nights stop and dinner at this place. All was going well until a guy asked if I had any herbal remedies, which of course I had. We had a private dining suite so all eyes were on me as I rolled a large fatty to the amusement of the other guests. It sort of went round with my boss and his wife, the accounts lady and a few others having a toke. Oh it was fun. NOT. I had already downed at least a bottle of red and and some white and champagne. Bang it hit me like Motorheads Overkill. I stopped talking English and knocked over some drinks as I staggered to the bog. But worse was to come. I tried to "come down" by drinking more wine and then some others in the room goaded me in to do another. As I protested the words "lightweight" and " can't take it" were banded around. Eventually a sloppy thing appeared and that was the last thing I remember. I was found asleep in the reception area on a couch and led to my room where the bed was waiting. But I had the key to our room and Mrs CP couldn't get in and she was bursting for a slash. Poor Mrs CP. She had to get another key and by that time it was too late. :o

Shit did I feel bad in the morning. She didn't speak to me all the way home and I had to endure the office on Monday. Remember kids - only dopes use dope ;)

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I know I Know. Have done a few lines before at parties. Once I had to walk home after an all day/night event in the freezing cold from a pub over the hill from me. I had done a couple of lines of Charles and a crafty sniff of sulphate to keep the chin up. But after many guinesses and biftas and the fact you can't get a taxi after 10 round here, I did the crab walk home. Half way down a country lane i had to lie down. Amazingly a car went by and saw my feet sticking out from a bush and it stopped. 2 guys got out and asked if i ws OK. Thankfully I was aware and i stashed my wallet because inside was a chemists shop of narcs. Yes they were the cops. I stumbled to my feet and staggered off. They didn't hassle me as it was the party season but they did want to take me home. I refused and stumbled off. Took me ages to find my wallet again but at least I didn't get nicked.

The morning was a blur and a felt like Jack Nicholson after his therapy in "One Flew Over The Cockoos Nest". Remember kids - only dopes use dope

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Back in the day when the trucks went out, while I worked for the local Countyand the old timers knew which restaurants would give you a shot of whiskey with your breakfast. Then by 11 am we had our checks and returned to base and the card games would begin. Taps were opened on the half barrels. Wives would call and say I want my husband sent home before he is drunk and broke from gambling. They played 5 card stud. I was pretty good in the day and one Xmas Eve i made about $500 in a half an hour and had the sense to leave. Wild Xmas parties in those days.

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Most office type Christmas parties I can recollect have been pretty sedate affairs. No debauchery or any shenanigans like you might read about in the Penthouse Forum.

Someone would need to start a thread about New Years Eve parties.

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I have not personally done anything stupid at a company party. A few years ago someone was terminated after setting his hotel room on fire (not a Royal Orleans situation) and further charged with illegal drugs in his possession.

Other than hearing about the usual "hooking up" between people who shouldn't and seeing dance floor drunkenness, that's all I have.

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My party days are well behind me Walter but just sometimes I am tempted for a major blowout. I still of course enjoy the art of Origami as you well know and I have some great memories of getting wasted - I didn't need a party for that :D

My "works do" is tomorrow night and I have promised Mrs CP I will not take anything that could be debilitating to the proceedings. She knows me too well ;)

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I got kind of loaded at my office Xmas part this past weekend. I don't think I did anything super embarrassing(from what I remember I just danced a lot, and had a good time). But I'm still a little nervous about going to work tomorrow, in case there could be something I'm not remembering. :bagoverhead:

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I'm glad I don't work in cubicle-hell, so I don't have to worry about office parties.

I work for myself and do consultancy work for a friends company.He asks me and Mrs CP every year. I don't have to go and I often don't. This year we did and it ws a good evening. But a 2am finish after free wine all night is well beyond me these days

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