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2012/2013 NFL Playoffs


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Absolutely Ally! What a choke job by Denver. Just simple scheme and play-calling mistakes that snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.

If I was a Bronco fan I would be apoplectic this morning, confounded at how Denver could blow that game yesterday. Fox could be on his way to being the new Andy Reid/Norv Turner...coaches with great regular season records who wilt in the playoffs.

Oh well, what's done is done...fuck Denver.

Now on to this morning's game: Seattle @ Atlanta.

Someone posted earlier a stat about no West Coast team winning on the East Coast two weeks in a row. Well, making it even more difficult for Seattle is this 1pm start, which is 10am PST. Seattle's body clock will be thinking it's morning. As someone who has been watching football a long time, historically it takes about a half for the West Coast team to shake off the slumber when playing a 12 or 1pm EST game on the East Coast.

Seattle cannot let Atlanta get too much of a jump on them from the beginning, before Seattle wakes up. If Atlanta shoots out to a quick 14-20 point lead, it will be a long day for Seattle. But if the Seahawks can hang within 7-10 points in the first half, they've got a shot.

With Baltimore's upset of Denver, I'm sure that gives Houston fans hopes for a similar upset of New England. Except for one thing...Bill Belichick is not John Fox. He won't commit the blunders Fox did in mismanaging that game.

That someone is me that posted about the west team not winning consecutive games in the eastern time zone. Its a fact. It does not mean Seattle is without a shot. I know where your heart is. I am just going to watch a great game. I am not really cheering for either in this one. I simply need New England to cover to kick some ass. The Atlanta game is a tough one. But I think Gonzalez wins his first playoff game and the Falcons get it done with the rest. It is a successfull season for the Seahawks no matter the outcome. A rookie QB that they now have developed and gotten a playoff win. I just think Atlanta is a step ahead of them in the pecking order

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Dont you think Baltimore qualifies as an upset? What do you want? Cinderella slippers for Xmas? Damn dude you want my parlays to go up in smoke? Ha. I have been mulling this and I really think a Harbaugh bowl is possible. Baltimore vs San fran. Very very possible, two brothers going at it. Kapernick or however you spell his name, will never get away with those long runs vs Baltimore's vaunted defense.

It was an upset but not the one I picked :lol: If Chump Bailey played even a half assed game, Denver wins. I wasn't expecting that !

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Growing pains for Seattle. Ryan usually tosses an interception and then gets better. Here is your under game. If Atlanta can make them pay here, they may be tough to overcome. If not, we may have a defensive classic fight to the finish

Ex Bill fumbles. Thatta boy

Another horse got collered

Edited by LedZeppfan77
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