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2012/2013 NFL Playoffs


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Put another shrimp on the bawbie!!!


Not a bad idea!

The 49ers should be a mile in front with all the possession they've had.

Better defence next game or they might struggle to make anymore playoffs let alone the Super bowl this year.

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Kiss 'em goodbye! Well I think the 49ers can definitely go to Atlanta next week & kick the Falcons around in their dome or stay home and beat the Seahawks. Either way, I think San Fran is New Orleans bound.

I must disagree. You cannot count out the winner of Atlanta and Sesttle just yet. Seattle a couple weeks ago put an ass whippiing on SF. I believe the winner of Atlanta and Seattle will win a classic and get to the Super Bowl. Too soon for me to go beyond that. Lets see those two tomorrow before we jump to conclusions. Atlanta has a defense that can stop anyone. Look what they did to a desperate Giants team. Tomorrow's game is going to be great. The fist one. The second game I am counting on a blow out to take home the bacon

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Why do I get the feeling Atlanta is going to lay a big egg tomorrow. The way my picks have been going I wouldn't be surprised.

Well I have Atlanta picked. What I did was go both ways in that game on a three teamer with Baltimore and New England. I took Baltimore straight up on the money line. That way I knew it would be worth splitting the Atlanta game both ways. So as long as New England takes care of business like Batlimore and San Fran did for me, I will make a killing

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Well I have Atlanta picked. What I did was go both ways in that game on a three teamer with Baltimore and New England. I took Baltimore straight up on the money line. That way I knew it would be worth splitting the Atlanta game both ways. So as long as New England takes care of business like Batlimore and San Fran did for me, I will make a killing

You're a very complicated man........

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Denver's secondary should be fired on the spot! They should be ashamed of themselves. :bagoverhead:

So should coach Fox. Horrible play calling at the end of the first half that directly led to a Ravens TD and horrible play calling on 3rd and 7 with 2 min left to go in regulation that..ironically...led to the Ravens tying the game. Personally, even though I picked the Broncos, I'm happy the Ravens won. I'm just glad that I didn't lay any money down on the game :huh:

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So should coach Fox. Horrible play calling at the end of the first half that directly led to a Ravens TD and horrible play calling on 3rd and 7 with 2 min left to go in regulation that..ironically...led to the Ravens tying the game. Personally, even though I picked the Broncos, I'm happy the Ravens won. I'm just glad that I didn't lay any money down on the game :huh:

I am glad I did lay money down. As long as New England finishes the deal for me

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I think the big upset is done. I do not see New England failing. The other game is basically a pick. Atlanta is a slight favorite. Good price on Atlanta if you like them. It should be a great game to watch. I am hoping New England rolls Houston and I just cant see any other outcome. Brady did not come this far to be upset and Houston does not have what it takes lately to pull it off. I think New England covers easily. The first game, its a tough one but I did pck Atlanta.

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I am glad I did lay money down. As long as New England finishes the deal for me

I always pick an upset during the playoffs and picked the Texans to provide it. Looks like it'll be a fast track in New England so I'm sticking by my guns...sorry KB :P:lol:

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I always pick an upset during the playoffs and picked the Texans to provide it. Looks like it'll be a fast track in New England so I'm sticking by my guns...sorry KB :P:lol:

Dont you think Baltimore qualifies as an upset? What do you want? Cinderella slippers for Xmas? Damn dude you want my parlays to go up in smoke? Ha. I have been mulling this and I really think a Harbaugh bowl is possible. Baltimore vs San fran. Very very possible, two brothers going at it. Kapernick or however you spell his name, will never get away with those long runs vs Baltimore's vaunted defense.

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So should coach Fox. Horrible play calling at the end of the first half that directly led to a Ravens TD and horrible play calling on 3rd and 7 with 2 min left to go in regulation that..ironically...led to the Ravens tying the game. Personally, even though I picked the Broncos, I'm happy the Ravens won. I'm just glad that I didn't lay any money down on the game :huh:

Absolutely Ally! What a choke job by Denver. Just simple scheme and play-calling mistakes that snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.

If I was a Bronco fan I would be apoplectic this morning, confounded at how Denver could blow that game yesterday. Fox could be on his way to being the new Andy Reid/Norv Turner...coaches with great regular season records who wilt in the playoffs.

Oh well, what's done is done...fuck Denver.

Now on to this morning's game: Seattle @ Atlanta.

Someone posted earlier a stat about no West Coast team winning on the East Coast two weeks in a row. Well, making it even more difficult for Seattle is this 1pm start, which is 10am PST. Seattle's body clock will be thinking it's morning. As someone who has been watching football a long time, historically it takes about a half for the West Coast team to shake off the slumber when playing a 12 or 1pm EST game on the East Coast.

Seattle cannot let Atlanta get too much of a jump on them from the beginning, before Seattle wakes up. If Atlanta shoots out to a quick 14-20 point lead, it will be a long day for Seattle. But if the Seahawks can hang within 7-10 points in the first half, they've got a shot.

With Baltimore's upset of Denver, I'm sure that gives Houston fans hopes for a similar upset of New England. Except for one thing...Bill Belichick is not John Fox. He won't commit the blunders Fox did in mismanaging that game.

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