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Behind the Song "No Quarter"


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Hej there!

I'm a student of audio engineering from leipzig/germany. At the moment I start to write my major project and I urgently need some informations about the song "No Quarter" of Led Zeppelin. Especially about everything concerning the engineering...the technolgy, the gear, some statments of the producers etc. It would be awesome if some of you diehard Led Zep fans could help me!:) Thank you so much!!

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off the top of my head, and may have been stated

-final mix tape speed was slowed down

-Jimmy seems to be "direct" into the board and getting a grainy crunchy distortion instead of a mic'd amp (which it was confirmed he did a direct in for Black Dog, which is where he probably got the idea for NQ)

-Jones was using two, phase?, or flange?, (rotary speaker type) effects, one was on fast and one on slow simultaneously

-No Quarter = No Mercy (asking for no mercy if captured by enemies)

-check the wikipedia article about the scales and noise at the end of the solo

-check youtube.com and elsewhere for rehearsals and outtakes

-I honestly think some of the tracks (vocals maybe) were run through a Leslie again and recorded for the final product during mastering

this and ten years gone are my favorite Zep tracks

edit: I think there was use of stereophonic phasing.....................

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Any cooks out there that want to make my dinner tonight?

Uncalled for. This is where we discuss many, MANY different things concerning Led Zep. Why not some specifics about a specific song? I am pretty SURE that many people here know WAY MORE then one can search over the internet... so why not ask them?

His question here is totally valid. Your answer is totally uncalled for...

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Uncalled for. This is where we discuss many, MANY different things concerning Led Zep. Why not some specifics about a specific song? I am pretty SURE that many people here know WAY MORE then one can search over the internet... so why not ask them?

His question here is totally valid. Your answer is totally uncalled for...

I think people here get tired of the "Do my homework for me" posts. I know I do, especially when they are made by a single post newbie. I never bother to get involved unless they first at least take the time and effort to explain or demonstrate what they have come up with on their own so far. Someone merely posting "tell me everything you know about (fill in the blank)"?...

How about no?

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Uncalled for. This is where we discuss many, MANY different things concerning Led Zep. Why not some specifics about a specific song? I am pretty SURE that many people here know WAY MORE then one can search over the internet... so why not ask them?

His question here is totally valid. Your answer is totally uncalled for...

He (or she) will get over it, if they ever come back to the site (still currently on 1 post) it wouldn't be so bad if they actually brought something to the party, as it were. Like "hey this is what I've found out so far, can anyone add anything to this?" would be fair enough. Which I guess is exactly what SteveAJones is saying, but hey, it's correct.

I think people here get tired of the "Do my homework for me" posts. I know I do, especially when they are made by a single post newbie. I never bother to get involved unless they first at least take the time and effort to explain or demonstrate what they have come up with on their own so far. Someone merely posting "tell me everything you know about (fill in the blank)"?...

How about no?

People just can't seem to be able to use Google these days (or even their own brain would be a start) Example of this: Youtube video I saw recently where a commenter is "desperate for help" to find out what a certain song is over a trailer for The Walking Dead, and has been "trying for months to find out" the song in question was The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine Anymore, all they had to do was type in ANY of the lyrics heard in the trailer into Google, and they would of had their answer in 10 seconds. It takes them longer to write a comment than it does to find out by themselves. Baffling.

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But what if that person wasn't able to find anything about this particular song? And I have to agree with Stormbringer that many people on here can provide a lot more details than any search on Google.

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Yeah, but I also kinda agree with SteveAJones and Pagesbow on what they just said. He could at least introduce himself and tell us something he already found out before just simply asking. Maybe. But anyhow, even for me it was already a good topic, since wilsoncb420s answer gave me some new information about Led Zep, and that is cool :).

EDIT: Re-read the first post. he was polite, kinda intorduced himself too... I find Pagesbows answer just too unpolite and rude. Too much sarcasm that was definitely uncalled for. I just at least now understand his reasons :).

Nevermind, the OP guy prolly didnt even come back, so... :).

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EDIT: Re-read the first post. he was polite, kinda intorduced himself too... I find Pagesbows answer just too unpolite and rude. Too much sarcasm that was definitely uncalled for. I just at least now understand his reasons :).

Nevermind, the OP guy prolly didnt even come back, so... :).

Forgive me, I'm English, so sarcasm is all I have. I don't set out to be rude or impolite and I don't feel that I am. It was just an off the cuff one line remark, hardly a scathing personal attack (on someone I doubt we'll see on these boards very often, if again)

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i actually enjoyed informing him, even though half of that could be found on wiki or R.O. I figure if I (try to) contribute knowledge and advice/opinions (such as my favorite version of ALS live, in case someone has never heard said version) to THIS board as much as possible, maybe others will contribute more too.

i definitely see your points, but its no big deal to me just cuz I am very much into audio engineering, recording, live sound, mastering, etc. and a multi-instrumentalist and a violinist.

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Hey guys!

Thanx for your answers. Don't worry...I'm ok with sarcasm and I can really understand those opinions about my post. Maybe I would have write bit more detailed. Really searched for some informations about this single song and I didn't find that much except the wiki informations and some other little sources. Hard to find something concerning the recording details or some producer statements. Nevertheless I'll go on with my research and of course I'll inform you about my results. Again, thank you so far!! Some posts really help me out!!

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I think people here get tired of the "Do my homework for me" posts. I know I do, especially when they are made by a single post newbie. I never bother to get involved unless they first at least take the time and effort to explain or demonstrate what they have come up with on their own so far. Someone merely posting "tell me everything you know about (fill in the blank)"?...

How about no?

Fair enough but the snark was unnecessary, imo. People can't read minds and nothing in the site's guidelines states that posters (new or otherwise) shouldn't start their Led Zeppelin research here. I think there are more polite ways of getting that point across. Something along the line of: "Why don't you tell us what information you already have?" Many years of working first in higher ed, then as an independent researcher have taught me that people usually do not phrase their information requests well.

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