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2013-14 NBA Season


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^^ Yep, I still remember that loss to the Nets earlier this year. But all will be forgotten once we get to the postseason which is still a long way away....

All teams take nights off. Unless you are Jerry West's mighty Lakers that won 33 in a row. One of the toughest records to ever beat in sports. Personally, I do not think it will ever fall

I need Golden St to win tonight to cash a nice parlay with the Dallas Stars who are smoking the Flyers. But I just read Golden St has lost 11 st to Memphis. Ouch. They only good news is its a pick game and it just moved a pt, in Vegas they now have GS by 1, which means they think they have a big shot. And Memphis got smoked at home by the Clippers the other night, by 20. I believe Golden St is the more talented team.

Edited by LedZeppfan77
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  • 2 weeks later...

Can you believe that fucking Golden st? Worst fucking coach on Earth. Popovich sits Parker, Duncan and Ginobli and they STILL FUCKING WIN. I needed Golden st to win to cash a parlay worth over a hundred. When I learned those guys were out I thought it was a lock. I had St Louis and Tampa minus a goal in hockey parlayed with Golden St. I still made some money but it sucks. I would have made a killing. How do those assoles lose when they not only had to play in Phoenix the night before and they sit their starters? HOW? Because their coach is a jack ass that is how. Useless fuck.

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Just cashed a parlay. Had OKC with the Lakers plus 9. Also have a four teamer going. OKC -10 (winner), :Lakers +9 (winner), Houston +7 (and they have come out smoking), and lastly the Clippers + 2/12. Yes PLUS. GS not playing that well and the Clippers are the better team. If I survive the Houston game, and that is no easy task, I have a chance for a nice score on the Clippers

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The Toronto /Knicks game was off the board when I put in tonight's poison. I love Toronto to bury them with or without Carmello. The Knicks stink. Toronto is getting better. When they picked up Gay from memphis they really started to improve. I won last night and that included going against my Clippers who got fucked the night before when Blake got pulled on a bullshit technical. The announcers agreed it was a crime to throw him out. And my fucking $98 with him. Yes, I would have cashed out on a four team parlay. I like the T Wolves tonight and will give the Wizards their 6 pts.

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Talk about some disgraceful performances. Last night the Lakers were down two touchdowns, 14-0!!!! In baskets yes!!!! Before they finally scored. they lost. the Clippers stunk out the joint at home also. Losing to Phoenix big. Tonight, do not be surprised if Charlotte goes in there and pulls a huge upset as 11 point dogs.

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I have the Charlotte Bobcats to hit two nice parlays. Will pick up over 200 if they can hold on. Up 13 at the half in Sacramento. Why did I take them? They have played very good basketball and have lost heartbreakers at the end except vs the Clippers who outclassed them. They were out for blood and are showing it.

Chris Paul's injury is a bitch. At least he will be back in a month. Until then other guys must step up and prove themselves. But they are not as good a team without him as it showed tonight. They went in there tired to begin with so I did not expect to beat the Spurs anyway. But with Chris, they are good

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So far so good. Toronto putting up a fight, tied 46-46 at last check with the Heat. The Raptors have been good lately and may catch the Heat overconfident? I hope. How about the Knicks all of a sudden? I cannot believe the last two games they played. The win in San Anton. Incredible enough and the next night almost beat Houston on the road, losing by two to a rested Rockets team that has been lethargic at times.

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Anyone notice how well the Knicks, Bobcats and Raptors are playing right now? The Knicks have done a 360. Winning in tough places like San Anton. Unreal. Golden St is on fire as one of the hottest contenders. Sad to see Chris Paul go down for a month. It will cost the Clippers a bunch of games. But at least he will be back and then they will be in the mix.

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I'm looking at the East standings now & aside from the Pacers and Heat, only one other team is over .500 and Atlanta is barely over .500 at that. The Eastern conference is just swimming in mediocrity. I can only imagine how ugly the East portion of the playoffs will be, especially that 1st round, which is why I've always been in favor of cutting the number of teams who get into the playoffs in half & doing away with the opening round altogether.

Maybe it's just me.

Edited by paul carruthers
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Andrew Bynum should be arrested for stealing money. What a joke this punk is and has been. No desire, no work ethic, no brains. Incredible to think he has two NBA titles while great competitors like Barkley and Stockton got zilch.

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Andrew Bynum should be arrested for stealing money. What a joke this punk is and has been. No desire, no work ethic, no brains. Incredible to think he has two NBA titles while great competitors like Barkley and Stockton got zilch.

He just got traded to Chicago right? Good for them. Phoenix should rip them tonight. Unreal how the Knicks are all of a sudden playing so well. Also Charlotte, and Toronto. Minny is playing well. But Kevin Love really gets me mad. He scores 48 the other night but down two with the game on the line with 1 second left, he gets awarded 3 free throws. He misses the first two and gets a lane violation on the third, no doubt trying to whip one off the glass to gain possession. He blew two games by missing clutch shots. He has to be better at the end. That team has potential. The 76ers are the toughest team to figure out. They go to Portland and win. Then come home and get waxed by twenty by the T wolves. Not that the T Wolves are bad, but how do you figure that team? Golden St I have always liked. They look good right now.

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