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2013-14 NHL SEASON


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You lose. As always, you underestimate the Kings. Sent those Blues back to St. Louis feeling blue. Kings are holding up pretty well without Quick...we haven't lost any ground in the standings.

After the Thanksgiving Weekend full slate of NFL and College Rivalry games, last night I reached sport-fatigue levels switching back and forth between MNF and the King-Blues game. After tonight's Kings-Ducks game, I'm not watching any more sports until Sunday...need a break.

It is still weird to me when I look at the NHL standings and don't see Detroit in the Western Conference...weird and relieved. That's one less beast to have to deal with in the playoffs.

Shoot you mouth off as usual. St Louis has a great record and to me they and the Blackhawks are the two best teams in hockey right now. That west coast swing does not always treat teams well. I still say the Blues are a better team than the Kings. i have always liked the Kings too. But I think if anyone can beat the Hawks, its the Blues. They have been scoring a ton of goals. They fell behind early and almost came back.

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Shoot you mouth off as usual. St Louis has a great record and to me they and the Blackhawks are the two best teams in hockey right now. That west coast swing does not always treat teams well. I still say the Blues are a better team than the Kings. i have always liked the Kings too. But I think if anyone can beat the Hawks, its the Blues. They have been scoring a ton of goals. They fell behind early and almost came back.

Pot. Kettle. Black. :rolleyes:

Nobody shoots off his mouth as much as you, Rick, and even you know that. You didn't just predict the Blues would beat the Kings, you proclaimed St. Louis would waltz into the King's building and wipe 'em out 6-2. I hope you didn't put money on that bet.

The Blackhawks and Blues are doing great, but there's also the sneaky Avalanche to contend with in that division. I'm curious to see if Patrick Roy can keep this surprising start going with the Avalanche. Even though Roy kept the Kings from winning the Cup in 1993, he was still one of my favourite goalies to watch during his career and I'm happy to see him do well as coach of Colorado so far.

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Pot. Kettle. Black. :rolleyes:

Nobody shoots off his mouth as much as you, Rick, and even you know that. You didn't just predict the Blues would beat the Kings, you proclaimed St. Louis would waltz into the King's building and wipe 'em out 6-2. I hope you didn't put money on that bet.

The Blackhawks and Blues are doing great, but there's also the sneaky Avalanche to contend with in that division. I'm curious to see if Patrick Roy can keep this surprising start going with the Avalanche. Even though Roy kept the Kings from winning the Cup in 1993, he was still one of my favourite goalies to watch during his career and I'm happy to see him do well as coach of Colorado so far.

Ducks will win tonight.

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:yay: YES! That's what I'm talkin' about! Another gut-check win for the Kings...and this time it was with Martin Jones making his NHL debut in the net for L.A., with the 23-year old rookie stoning the Ducks in OT and the Shootout for the victory!

As much as I disagreed with trading Bernier to Toronto, ex-Maple Leaf Scrivens has already proven his worth to the Kings in Quick's absence, and if last night's performance in goal against the high-scoring Ducks by Jones was a sign of things to come, then the Kings will once again have a surplus of talented goalies when Quick returns from his injury. It's a nice problem to have in a long season...even if it means losing one in the off-season. No team can afford to pay three quality goalies significant contracts.

Rick, if Buffalo loses Miller, I have a feeling the Sabres will come shopping in L.A.

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Miller would be a great fit down here. ......I scored tickets to Saturday's game vs the Flyers. Hopefully Tyler Sagen is back.

Miller would be a great fit anywhere. I wouldn't say that Dallas doesn't have a chance of landing him but his kin folk said... "Californy is the place you otta be" so he loaded up his truck and moved to.... Beverleee :guitar_mood::tomato:

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Rick, tomorrow night.....Rangers vs Sabers !

I would expect a good fight. Miller may not be gone as everyone thinks. If he lands the USA job in the upcoming Olympics, he will be ok with staying here until they sort things out. LaFontaine has to name a GM soon. Then they can get to work on using these 17 number one and two picks. I say they land one of the big three prospects in this years draft, and likely make a huge trade involving some of the picks. Moulson could be involved? Maybe Myers even? Big big changes coming but first the GM must be hired. As for your Canucks Ally, I cannot figure them out. They look like a contender on alot of nights and some nights resemble New Jersey West. Not the same team they were when they were an offensive monster three years back. Maybe it will work? But to me St Louis, Chicago and San Jose are the best three teams right now. I would put the Kings fourth or fifth. Pittsburgh is the favorite in the East. I like the Sharks to beat them tonight.

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I would expect a good fight. Miller may not be gone as everyone thinks. If he lands the USA job in the upcoming Olympics, he will be ok with staying here until they sort things out. LaFontaine has to name a GM soon. Then they can get to work on using these 17 number one and two picks. I say they land one of the big three prospects in this years draft, and likely make a huge trade involving some of the picks. Moulson could be involved? Maybe Myers even? Big big changes coming but first the GM must be hired. As for your Canucks Ally, I cannot figure them out. They look like a contender on alot of nights and some nights resemble New Jersey West. Not the same team they were when they were an offensive monster three years back. Maybe it will work? But to me St Louis, Chicago and San Jose are the best three teams right now. I would put the Kings fourth or fifth. Pittsburgh is the favorite in the East. I like the Sharks to beat them tonight.

Personally Rick, I think the Canucks be in a dog fight all season just to make the playoffs and it wouldn't surprise me in the least if we didn't make it.. The West is very strong but imo, our division is even stronger .

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Personally Rick, I think the Canucks be in a dog fight all season just to make the playoffs and it wouldn't surprise me in the least if we didn't make it.. The West is very strong but imo, our division is even stronger .

Lindy has Dallas playing very well of late. They beat Chicago the other night and are smoking the Flyers right now. Still think St Louis, Chicago are the two best right now. San Jose has goalie problems. Anaheim is good but streaky. LA is great on defense. But can they score enough to beat a team like chicago?

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Kings, Blackhawks and Blues are sure far better than the rest of the pack IMO. The Kings look like the best defensive team I have seen in ages. The Hawks are an offensive monster. The Blues are just plain balanced. 3 horse race to me. Scrivens has really played great for the Kings? Is he still in? Wow. He is going to have some value on the market, though I believe its their defense more than the goaltending. Loved the number they did on Montreal and I had them tonight with the Hawks.

How about Miller beating Ottawa all by his damn self? Case made to be the USA goalie

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The Leafs just handed it to the Blackhawks 7 - 3 !

We know this is fluke. Your Rangers are stinking out the joint. I mean, considering the payroll and expectations? I think Dallas is better. But they sit in a tough west where the Hawks and Kings seem to be at the top with St louis. Those three are the best right now. Vancouver is the only team I can see possibly upsetting one of them

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We know this is fluke. Your Rangers are stinking out the joint. I mean, considering the payroll and expectations? I think Dallas is better. But they sit in a tough west where the Hawks and Kings seem to be at the top with St louis. Those three are the best right now. Vancouver is the only team I can see possibly upsetting one of them

My Rangers suck this season, so far Lunqvist has let some soft goals in. Last night was a good effort, salvaged a point from the pens....I hate the pens.

I'm watching your Sabers giving the Bruins a run for their money tonight. They just tied it up at 2.

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I am so impressed with your Kings Strider, I am taking them tonight over the Hawks. The Kings may have the best defense I have seen in more than a decade

Thanks dude. You think you're impressed, I'm completely thunderstruck. Even though they lost to Chicago on the road the other night, it's LA's only loss in December.

I can't believe this kid Jones...7 consecutive wins to begin his NHL career, three of them shutouts! He made a save last night that was ridiculous! :o

I have to tell you Rick, while I figured the Kings overall talent and Quick in the net would keep the team competitive this year, I had concerns over losing Scuderi (to Pittsburgh), Penner (Anaheim), and Bernier (Toronto) in the offseason. I thought our defense might suffer and what would happen to our goaltending if Quick had a slump or an injury?

Well, not only has ex-Toronto goalie Ben Scrivens been a revelation in relief of the injured Quick, but now our call-up from the AHL, Martin Jones, looks like a real keeper. Which brings me to the point I made here a week or two ago...with a surplus of quality goalies, who will be the odd man out when Quick returns? There isn't enough playing time available to keep all three goalies happy...or salary cap space. Someone will be traded I expect...maybe to Buffalo if the Sabres feel they're losing Miller after the season?

Of course, this is like the chicken and the egg...are the Kings goalies really that good or does the Kings rugged defense make their goalies look better than they are?

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Thanks dude. You think you're impressed, I'm completely thunderstruck. Even though they lost to Chicago on the road the other night, it's LA's only loss in December.

I can't believe this kid Jones...7 consecutive wins to begin his NHL career, three of them shutouts! He made a save last night that was ridiculous! :o

I have to tell you Rick, while I figured the Kings overall talent and Quick in the net would keep the team competitive this year, I had concerns over losing Scuderi (to Pittsburgh), Penner (Anaheim), and Bernier (Toronto) in the offseason. I thought our defense might suffer and what would happen to our goaltending if Quick had a slump or an injury?

Well, not only has ex-Toronto goalie Ben Scrivens been a revelation in relief of the injured Quick, but now our call-up from the AHL, Martin Jones, looks like a real keeper. Which brings me to the point I made here a week or two ago...with a surplus of quality goalies, who will be the odd man out when Quick returns? There isn't enough playing time available to keep all three goalies happy...or salary cap space. Someone will be traded I expect...maybe to Buffalo if the Sabres feel they're losing Miller after the season?

Of course, this is like the chicken and the egg...are the Kings goalies really that good or does the Kings rugged defense make their goalies look better than they are?

Its the defense. Not the goalies. Miller is playing lights out. Beat Boston last night and there is no argument against starting him for the USA in the Olympics. He has to be the choice. Quick would have been his only real competition. I think the injury seals it. I am not so sure Miller is going any where. Nolan has said he wants to build around him. I agree

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Hank let's in another soft goal, this one off his glove, letting a crappy Islanders team tie it up at 3. I bet these routine saves won't be a problem when he's in net for team Sweden.

I agree, build team USA around Miller.....fast offensive minded defensemen, and more young speed up on the lines.

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