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Remembering JFK, this week the 50th anniversary of a dark day


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My Niece gave birth to a baby boy this morning (Nov 22). She always intended on naming him Jack after her grandfather (my father) who passed away in June. But, his name is now rightfully in tribute to his great grandfather John James "Jack" Higgins and our late great President John Fitzgerald "Jack" Kennedy.

Pretty cool if you ask me...

Edited by the chase
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Way to twist his words around, SAJ. cryingbluerain is right. JFK was not talking about the government. He was saying stop waiting around for a handout and pull yourself up by your own bootstraps and help make this country great through your own initiative and determination.

When JFK took office, there was a youth movement progressing around the country...the foreward edge of the post-war Baby-Boomer generation was just getting ready to enter college and this was one of the running themes of Kennedy's campaign: calling forth the best and the brightest minds of this new generation.

Thanks Strider.. I agree 1000%

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My Niece gave birth to a baby boy this morning (Nov 22). She always intended on naming him Jack after her grandfather (my father) who passed away in June. But, his name is now rightfully in tribute to his great grandfather John James "Jack" Higgins and our late great President John Fitzgerald "Jack" Kennedy. Pretty cool if you ask me...

Congrats to your niece and what a lovely way to honor your dad and JFK on this of all days.

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My Niece gave birth to a baby boy this morning (Nov 22). She always intended on naming him Jack after her grandfather (my father) who passed away in June. But, his name is now rightfully in tribute to his great grandfather John James "Jack" Higgins and our late great President John Fitzgerald "Jack" Kennedy.

Pretty cool if you ask me...

Mazel tov! I think that's lovely.

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My Niece gave birth to a baby boy this morning (Nov 22). She always intended on naming him Jack after her grandfather (my father) who passed away in June. But, his name is now rightfully in tribute to his great grandfather John James "Jack" Higgins and our late great President John Fitzgerald "Jack" Kennedy.

Pretty cool if you ask me...

Very cool, indeed, chase. It'd be even cooler if JFK was still alive to feel honoured by your niece's choice of her baby's name.

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Linden Jonhson killed JFK cuz he was an obstable for war in vietnam, as soon as jfk is out of the picture they use the gulf of tonkin false flag to enter nam and create terror beyond imagination of anyone i know. The warren commissioner Gerald Ford became US President, the man in charge of JFK murder. I mean comon, America has been run under a guise of different sides left and right, they are all the same side behind the curtains.

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Almost 50 years to the minute I was in the living room watching the regional news programme for the north of England Granada's "Scene at 6.30". When just into the programme the presenter Mike Scott made the announcement that President Kennedy had been shot. Scott in fact had an exclusive he was the first Broadcaster in the UK to have this tragic news. I was six and a half years old, I went through to the kitchen to tell my mum she did not believe me only a little later when JFK was pronounced dead did she realise that I was not making it up.

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George Orwell foresaw current day government, authoritarian police state with liars in office spewing propaganda to enslave the masses while their real agenda and the real world issues go unnoticed while we all live in happy ignorance of the truth that we are all being manipulated by powerful world societies that control the globalist agenda. Soon the guns will be taken away so that there will be no uprising when the time comes to unleash a deadly disease to counter world overpopulation as they have done many times over. The only difference is, this time there be no fighting back, they have programs now to rat on your neighbors for conspiracy or anything against the party regime, this is call Infragard and they are not regulated by any government, they control who they watch and who they want to go after for being a "terrorist", and they are using the good ordinary citizens to create this paranoia that they themselves have instilled into our minds about terrorists being everywhere.You can't even fucking protest without your name and identity being in big brother database. Read this and think oh hes a nutcase conspiracy theorist and brush it off as your constitution and thus freedoms get stepped all over and destroyed by the people we trust for safety and security. There are new buildings called Fusion centers all over the US that is a merging of FBI, CIA, and Local Law Enforcement. These entities are no longer seperate people, all one in the same of authority for your supposed saftey.

"True counter Intelligence should be able to pinpoint potential trouble makers, and neutralize them"

Rage Against The Machine: Wake UP

Edited by Psychedelic
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oswald was a patsy Strider, why the hell would he go home then to the movies after shooting the president of the US! He felt guilty and gave up? He couldnt even make the shot that world renowned marksmen have failed to achieve multiple times over, were talking navy seal snipers of expert marksmen, best shooters in the world say its impossible, because it is impossible...I think Cia director George H Bush at the time may have more to do with his death than anyone else, its been proven that the operation 40 to Assassinate Fidel Castro was probably used to kill JFK, then they use a low level grunt like lee and the warren commision doesn't even acknowledge eye witnesses claims of key people who were right there by the car. 911 commision doesn't acknowledge firemen and civilian claims of bombs going off before flight 11 even hit the first tower. Where are the black boxs for those airplanes, official reports claims none were found all disintegrated with the fires, oh how convenient for them even tho ground zero workers have pictures of the blackbox found, then fbi quickly coming in and silencing it. Do people even realize how crazy these matters are, people are still being silenced and threatened in fear for speaking the truth. Victims familys of 911 have no closure for there loved ones because they dont believe the 911 commision tells their dead loved ones story.

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I've been to Dallas...I've been to the Texas Book Depository building. It wasn't that impossible a shot. Contrary to your statement, people have been successful recreating Oswald's shots. Hell, when I was in the military, whenever we would go out to the shooting range, some of us would try to recreate shooting the three shots in the allotted time at a moving target and at least half of us were successful.

Life is random and often brutal. That can be scary for some people. Conspiracy theories are a way for some people to make sense of the senseless and bring order to chaos. It is the same reason so many people believe in religion or whatever.

I mentioned Gerald Posner's "Case Closed" as a great book to read regarding all the conspiracies surrounding JFK's assasination. Another is Vincent Bugliosi's book "Reclaiming History: The Assasination of President John F. Kennedy". Bugliosi is the man who prosecuted Charles Manson.

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oswald was a patsy Strider, why the hell would he go home then to the movies after shooting the president of the US! He felt guilty and gave up? He couldnt even make the shot that world renowned marksmen have failed to achieve multiple times over, were talking navy seal snipers of expert marksmen, best shooters in the world say its impossible, because it is impossible...I think Cia director George H Bush at the time may have more to do with his death than anyone else, its been proven that the operation 40 to Assassinate Fidel Castro was probably used to kill JFK, then they use a low level grunt like lee and the warren commision doesn't even acknowledge eye witnesses claims of key people who were right there by the car. 911 commision doesn't acknowledge firemen and civilian claims of bombs going off before flight 11 even hit the first tower. Where are the black boxs for those airplanes, official reports claims none were found all disintegrated with the fires, oh how convenient for them even tho ground zero workers have pictures of the blackbox found, then fbi quickly coming in and silencing it. Do people even realize how crazy these matters are, people are still being silenced and threatened in fear for speaking the truth. Victims familys of 911 have no closure for there loved ones because they dont believe the 911 commision tells their dead loved ones story.


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While CBS was the first TV network to broadcast bulletins to the nation on Kennedy's shooting, ABC and NBC were slower to appear with their coverage...apparently they weren't even on the air yet in the Central Time Zone.

Here is how they eventually did break in with their JFK coverage.


NBC TV...yes, that is SNL's Don Pardo's voice you hear in the beginning:

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Spew that BS all you want, you or anyone else in that situation can't make that shot with that piece of shit rifle he used, you can't plain and simple. Its actually physically impossible to get 3 accurate shots in 6 seconds which is what lee accomplished, the bolt action is far too resistive to accomplish such feat. The Navy seal snipers were unable to, so how can u or your colleagues hmmm

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I've been to Dallas...I've been to the Texas Book Depository building. It wasn't that impossible a shot. Contrary to your statement, people have been successful recreating Oswald's shots. Hell, when I was in the military, whenever we would go out to the shooting range, some of us would try to recreate shooting the three shots in the allotted time at a moving target and at least half of us were successful.

Life is random and often brutal. That can be scary for some people. Conspiracy theories are a way for some people to make sense of the senseless and bring order to chaos. It is the same reason so many people believe in religion or whatever.

I mentioned Gerald Posner's "Case Closed" as a great book to read regarding all the conspiracies surrounding JFK's assasination. Another is Vincent Bugliosi's book "Reclaiming History: The Assasination of President John F. Kennedy". Bugliosi is the man who prosecuted Charles Manson.

Life is not random, things happen for a reason and finding out those reasons are important. Its stuff like this that makes me wonder what your intentions are or anyone else who protects the warren commission's official investigation are. Spreading lies is wrong especially for this matter if it to cover up your personal political stance or better yet, your inner psych and its balance for peace. There is no need of such.

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What I don't get is this ... The President of The United States was murdered right in front of his place of employment.. What would any normal human being do less than an hour after this horrible event? Why go to the movies of course...

He was hiding.... because he was involved.

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Arguing with you people is pointless. You wouldn't believe it was Oswald even if he came to you as a ghost and confessed. Tell you what...why don't you conspiracy wackos go find the real killer: Bigfoot! :rolleyes:


There's an entire thread for conspiracy theories kids...

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